Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

What If You Stopped Going Outside for a Year?
What would happen if you stopped going outside? Human beings aren’t biologically designed to be cooped up. People need to see the sun, be with nature, and stretch their legs. So if you’re stuck at home for a year or you’re a homebody and wish you never had to leave, you can bet you would undergo a dramatic transformation! First of all, your mental health will take a toll. Someone who stays indoors for a year would lose interest in the things they once cared about and feel sluggish and depressed almost every day!
9 min
Beyond Titanic's Impact Iceberg's Untold Story!
27 min
Beneath the Sphinx Lost Treasures and Untold St...
20 min
Arabian Desert Just Astonished Scientists with ...
7 min
ALERT! Simple Mistake That Lures Burglars to Yo...
15 min
17 Tricks To Amp Up Product Appeal In Ads + Oth...
17 min
What Happened to a Man Who Fell in Love with Hi...
Do you love yourself more than anyone else? Are you sure that you're prettier, smarter, and more charming than others? Well, you might hive narcissism. The word that describes this unusual mental condition appeared in ancient times. According to Greek mythology, the name Narcissus belonged to some fascinating character. His story can teach you that too much self-love can cause too many problems.
9 min
What If You Left Our World for the Metaverse fo...
You’re going through a wormhole of some kind and can’t stop. Suddenly, it’s all black. You wake up after a few seconds in a pixilated world. You’re in some kinda forest surrounded by giant trees and rocks. You look at your hands and see that you’re wearing gauntlets. You enrolled in an experimental program to be in this virtual world for 365 days. Do you think you can survive there?
8 min
What Would Happen If You Found a Dragon
What would you do if one day you found an egg that would turn out to be a dragon's? What would you name your new pet? Would you be able to train it? Where would you live with it? All dragon fans must have answers to these questions, but if you don't have them yet, here's your chance to see how this what-if scenario can go. And yes, dragons could be real if you believe it.
8 min
11 Myths You So Strongly Keep Believing
Does shaving your hair make it grow back darker and thicker? Since childhood, we’ve been reading and hearing a lot of "facts," the truthfulness of which we never doubted. However, many of them are artifice. There are so many false myths we spread from day to day that it’s about time the world of science created an entirely separate department dedicated to myth debunking! Otherwise, people will continue believing that the sun is yellow, beer makes you gain weight, and that it’s not harmful to rinse your mouth out with water after brushing your teeth. Bright Side recalled and destroyed 11 common misconceptions. Watch this video to learn about how some of the most acceptable “facts” are completely untrue.
8 min
18 Statue of Liberty Secrets They Don't Tell To...
Here's a video that'll reveal secrets of the main US landmark. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. In 1886, the monument wasn't just symbolic. For 16 years, the statue functioned as a fully operational lighthouse! Why doesn't it serve as one now? And one of the secrets I'mm gonna reveal contains a theory suggesting that Lady Liberty might not even be a lady at all...
8 min
What If You Stopped Washing Your Face?
What happens if you stop washing your face? You wake up in the morning, head to the bathroom, and give your face an energizing and refreshing wash. But what if you skipped that part of your daily routine for a whole month? Would your face get greasy and red with pimples? Or would it be quite the opposite? Do you know that there are cultures and places around the world where women don’t wash their faces at all because there is no running water? Still, they have beautiful and clean skin with no traces of acne or breakouts. Can you do that too? Let's find out!
8 min
I Was Today Years Old When I Learned These 17 F...
Have you noticed aviator sunglasses mostly have green lenses? Remember those attachments your vacuum cleaner came with? Did you know regular paper clips have a secret use? Just like those holes in the side of your converse sneakers. Let's find out about the hidden purposes of things you use every day!
8 min
Why You Shouldn't Come Close to a Whale
8 min
When They Found It, They Didn't Believe Their Eyes
10 min
The Sahara Is Growing and Eating Green Lands Sl...
Did you know that the world's largest desert isn't the Sahara? The biggest deserted landscapes are actually the cold ones: located in Antarctica and the Arctic. About 20,000 years ago, the Sahara was actually one big oasis. Now its boundaries are expanding: since the 1920s, the Sahara is considered to have grown by over 10%. Let's find out how this process can affect the world.
8 min
What If the Moon Disappeared One Day
11 min
What If the Earth Was Flat
12 min
What If Megalodon Still Existed
10 min
Why Oreo Cream Remains on One Side After Twisting
Are you a fan of Oreos? Then you might wanna major in Oreology: it's a whole field of science that studies Oreos. Researchers are doing everything in their power to answer this question, "Why does all the cream remain only on one side of the Oreo?" They found that if you twist an Oreo slowly and steadily, this will reduce the stress and most likely let the cream stay on both sides of the cookie. You can try it yourself while discovering some other cool facts about everyday items I've prepared for you.
8 min
Сheck If You Use 14 Simple Objects What They're...
Some items you use every day are hiding some secrets, and once you know them, you can take the most out of them. For most refrigerators, you can change the way you open their doors if you reverse the handles. Next time you want to have some fresh lemon juice, just use a pair of kitchen thongs. Place the lemon between the thongs and use the force of the tool to squeeze all the juice out in no time. You may have noticed some weird bumps on the concrete sidewalk – especially in crowded or high-traffic areas, but do you know what they're for?
8 min
What Happened to the Titanic's Sister Ships
The trio of ships saw journeys of triumph and tragedy. Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, but not many people know that the Titanic had 2 sister ships. Bad luck seemed to follow the trio of ships, but each one of them had glorious moments that live in the minds of those who sailed in them. White Star Line, the company who built the Titanic, had high hopes for what the “unsinkable ship” and its sister ships, the Britannic and the Olympic, would accomplish.
9 min
A Plane Lost Its Roof in Mid-Air But Landed Safely
On April 28, 1988, a 19-year-old Boeing 737 headed for Honolulu. After a normal take-off and ascent, the plane got to the usual cruising altitude, when a huge section of the airplane's roof tore off completely. The plane started to roll from side to side, and it was becoming increasingly harder to control. The pilots decided to make an emergency landing, but as they were approaching the runway, the left engine failed. This unusual flight story might seem unreal, but it's 100% based on true events.
9 min
True Pyramids Purpose Has Been Finally Discovered
Many researchers thought that the Egyptian tombs were constructed to highlight the majesty pharaohs. And that's what we studied at school. Yeah, past tense! Brace yourselves, folks, because it looks as if scientists have finally discovered the true purpose of the pyramids! It seems these unique structures might have had a function that was a far cry from burying the dead...
12 min
12 Strange Tips to Become More Beautiful
8 min