Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

11+ Refreshing Facts About Everything
Here's a portion of refreshing random facts about everything! Something that never gets boring is knowing random facts, as long as they are interesting! If you’ve been looking for some nice ice-breakers or just fun conversation starters, this video is here for you! For example, did you know that it's enough to use a small amount of toothpaste to brush your teeth, the size of a pea? But the ads show that you have to cover the entire toothbrush with paste as a marketing ploy. Let's find out why they do this...
8 min
Titanic Iceberg Kept Traveling 1 Year After Col...
The Titanic is one of the most famous shipwrecks in history. But many details of what exactly happened still remain a mystery. One of them: what happened to the iceberg that sank the Titanic? It turns out, the iceberg was floating for one more year after the shipwreck. Let's unveil one of the secrets surrounding the Titanic.
3 min
The Mystery Behind The Lost City of Petra
Who built the ancient city of Petra it? What was it used for? And how is it that an entire city became “lost”? Some of the answers remain elusive even to the most avid historians. Petra is an ancient city carved into red desert cliffs. The city is located in Jordan, 150 miles from Amman (Jordan’s capital). It has been deserted for hundreds of years, but thousands of years ago, the city was thriving. Petra was a powerful trading center with a top-notch location for silk and spice trade routes. It was also the capital of the Nabataean Empire. The Nabateans were experts in water technology. They constructed tunnels, dams, cisterns, and water chambers, and Petra was a type of oasis to weary travelers in search of water. This brilliant water engineering allowed the Petrans to stay in the city even in periods of drought and to survive flash floods.
9 min
Little-Known Car Features and 17 Small Details ...
Some cars have a curry hook near the center console, next to the driver's seat. Some specific car models have a designated place in the driver door panel that perfectly fits an umbrella. If you own an iPhone, text an airline code and flight number to yourself. When clicking on it later, you'll be able to pull up flight data, like the gate the flight leaves from or if the flight is on schedule. Here's a list of secret car features and small but useful details in everyday things you didn't know about.
7 min
If Earth Became the Second Sun, Pluto Would Wip...
The star at the center of our Solar System is scorching hot and huge. But what would happen to us and our planet if it became as big as the Sun? Crossing our planet is like driving back and forth across the USA 3 times. But how about repeating this journey 305 more times? Just imagine the gas expenses. This would be the journey across the Earth is it was the size of the Sun. And not just that would change…
10 min
1-3-5 Rule That'll Increase Your Productivity B...
How to increase your productivity? Everybody has probably had moments in their life when their pile of tasks didn't want to decrease. But there is one method that can help you solve this problem once and for all! It's called “1-3-5.” The main idea of this method is that during the day, you can do one big and important thing, 3 medium and less crucial things, and 5 small and much less important things. Thousands of people all over the world have already tried the “1-3-5" rule, claiming that this method has had a great impact on their productivity. Let's have a look at this intriguing approach!
7 min
The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Explained
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious spots on our planet. It's a region of the North Atlantic Ocean which does not appear on any world maps. But is it just its reputation or the Bermuda Triangle really has a high incidence of disappearances? I've decided to figure out what makes the Bermuda Triangle so mysterious and unique... and I'm ready to share this knowledge with you. Here're the most thrilling facts about the Bermuda Triangle!
9 min
The Flying Dutchman Truth Has Been Revealed
For centuries, a mysterious ship has been sailing the oceans bringing bad luck to any poor soul that sets eyes on it. This ship is the Flying Dutchman, the most notorious and legendary vessel of all time. Few people know that behind the story of the Flying Dutchman, there was a real ship. According to most sources, it was the vessel of Captain Hendrick van der Decken (who was often called the Dutchman). This ship sank in 1641, but many sailors claimed to have seen it afterward. And each time, the encounter served as a bad omen… Not so long ago, scientists announced that they’d solved the enigma of the Flying Dutchman. Only... did they really?
10 min
The Basano Vase Paradox That No One Can Explain
This vase looked like nothing special. If you saw it somewhere in an antique store, you’d hardly give it a second glance. The vase itself is a paradox. Even though numerous websites list it as one of the most haunted objects in history, people know almost nothing about the vase itself or its whereabouts. However, there IS something that is known. The first mention of the vase goes back to the 15th century. Legend has it that this piece of art was crafted in a small Italian town. It was supposed to be a wedding gift for a beautiful young bride delivered to her anonymously the night before the wedding. The woman believed it was a sign of good luck, but the vase turned out to be quite the opposite...
10 min
The 8th Continent Has Been Finally Discovered
Would you have ever thought that there could be such a huge one as a hidden continent? For decades, people thought they knew all about the tectonic structure of our planet. I mean, we’ve been taught since kindergarten that there are exactly 7 continents, right? The oceans might be mostly unexplored, but we’re confident that we’ve seen everything the Earth has to offer in terms of landmass. However, geologists have recently rocked this world with an astonishing discovery: they claim that they found the 8th continent.
8 min
Scientists Removed Water from an Old British Br...
There are places swarming with dark secrets, forbidden passages, and hidden rooms. Few people are aware of the existence of these places, but occasionally, someone will accidentally fall across a sealed door or locked room, and the mystery is unraveled. Approximately 60 miles away from London, there is a beautiful old palace. Future British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was born within its walls. In 1768, the insides of the abandoned bridge got flooded. Lately, two of the lakes, the Queen Pool and the Great Lake, have been steadily drying out. Not so long ago, the decision was made to restore the Grand Bridge. The engineers constructed a labyrinth of dams, siphons, and groundwater wells, and as soon as the water level dropped by 6.5 ft, a shocking truth was revealed.
9 min
Scientists Have Probably Cracked the Mystery of...
Do aliens exist? In the first days of January, a new revolutionary telescope in Canada detected 13 new signals coming toward Earth from deep space! Does it mean we are not alone in this Universe? Let's figure it out! The most shocking aspect of this finding is that one of these 13 radio bursts is a highly unusual repeating signal. It comes from a source located approximately 1.5 billion light years away. Experts keep debating on the origin of this signal. But there already exist several theories which shed some light on the mysterious flashes...
9 min
90% of People Don’t Know What These Actually Do
Have you ever noticed that little white string inside the eggs? It's not part of a baby chick or anything yucky. The strings keep the egg yolk from splatting against the shell. There are many other everyday things that are hiding their secrets. Let's unveil some myths about them and find out what your zipper really says, what's in the middle of an Oreo cookie, and answer many other questions you've always had about the most common things.
8 min
The Moon's Two Sides Look Like Different Worlds...
8 min
What If We Sent All the Waste Off to Burn Up in...
Globally, people produce about 1.3 billion tons of waste every year! This garbage is accumulating on Earth and bringing harm to both people and the environment. So, why don't we just send all this waste off to burn up in the Sun?
9 min
8 Secrets You Wanted to Ask Hotels About But We...
Do you love staying at a nice hotel when you're on a trip? White bedsheets, tasty breakfasts, nice view from your room. But what if I tell you hotels hide some unpleasant secrets behind their walls? Built-in hidden cameras, dirty TV remotes, germy bedspreads and so much more... Here're hotel secrets you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
9 min
Why People Ask Us Awkward Questions
There are several main reasons why people confront you about inappropriate things. Sometimes they don't realize that it's unsuitable. Yup, some people genuinely think that there's nothing wrong with asking you about your weight or when will you finally get married. Some people are brutally honest by nature. They're not used to keeping their mouth shut. There are people who are just angry! And this type of personality really does want to hurt you. So, let's imagine you're hanging out with your friends, laughing, and having a great time, when someone suddenly asks you the rudest question ever. What should you do? Don't worry, we know exactly how you can become the king or queen of witty comebacks!
9 min
What If the Earth Became a Rogue Planet
9 min
The Sun Is Actually a Rainbow, Here's How
Have you ever wondered what color is the Moon? Yellow is the most popular answer, but in fact, our Sun contains absolutely all the waves of the light spectrum. It’s simultaneously red, blue, green, yellow – you name it. But what would happen if the Sun had a different color? If it was red, the whole world would look like it does during sunsets. And what if the Sun was green?
8 min
Space Is Getting Hotter, Here's What It Means f...
We're used to the fact that space is cold, but our Universe is actually getting hotter. Scientists found that the temperature of a gas in space has gone up more than 10 times in the last 10 billion years. There are many mechanisms that help to heat up the matter in the Universe, and they could go crazy if space warms up. Active stars, colliding galaxies, stellar cataclysms, black holes, neutron stars - the Universe has so many sources of energy. So, will this change in temperature lead to a catastrophe?
8 min
New Species Related to Us Discovered in the Phi...
If you head to Luzon Island in the Philippines, you’ll find Callao Cave hidden in the jungle. "What's so special about an old cave?" you may ask. Well, this is exactly where archeologists discovered a previously unknown ancient species related to us humans! This human-like species was dubbed Homo luzonensis in honor of the island it was discovered on. Adults were probably quite short, about 4 feet (1.2 m) tall. The scientists assumed that this species led a mixed lifestyle, what with their ability to both climb trees and walk on two legs. However, the finding seems to raise more questions than it answers...
10 min
NASA Has Just Discovered a New Planet!
If you've always been interested in outer space, here's news for you: astronomers have recently found a potentially habitable planet! It's called Barnard’s Star B. It has slightly more than 24 hours in a day, and it’s always sunny there no matter what. Actually, it's really cold there, but simple lifeforms can develop and survive in these conditions!
9 min
Mystery of the Disappeared Bodies of the Titanic
The titan of the sea, the great unsinkable ship that sank – over a century later, the mystery of the Titanic is still being studied to this day. Only a third of the ship’s passengers survived, while over 1,500 lost their lives. But out of all those casualties, only 340 bodies were recovered. So, the question remains: what happened to the remaining 1,160?
8 min
If You See One of These Insects, Call for Help
Wasps, bees, hornets - all of them make buzzing noises and you don't want neither of them around your house. Most people are wary of bees but hornets are a different story. Thanks to their sheer size and ability to sting you more than once, these insects can seriously ruin your day. Imagine thousands of them covering your backyard... Sounds like a real nightmare! These large insect colonies won't let you sleep at night.
10 min
A Train Lost in a Tunnel in Italy, No One Can F...
In 1911 the rail company “Zanetti” offered well-off Italians a free trial ride on their new train. The passengers were enjoying their ride making small talk and enjoying their refreshments. One of the sites they were looking forward to was a new tunnel that went through a mountain. It was one of the longest ever built at the time. If only they knew they would never come back... Imagine traveling on a train that is actually a time machine. The 106 passengers and crew of the Zanetti train probably would’ve thought twice before they embarked on their adventure, had they known that. Just like the passengers of the “Titanic,” which set off for its first and last cruise almost a year later, they never reached their destination. The difference, though, is that no one knows what happened to the train…
9 min