Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

6 Japanese Monsters You'd Never Want to Meet
7 min
You Better Not Fly a Drone Near the Statue of L...
You're traveling to New York City and, of course, you want to see one of its main symbols - the Statue of Liberty. You take out your drone and prepare to fly it over the statue to get the best possible footage. Stop right there - there's a Federal Aviation Administration ban on it. National and state parks, sports arenas, and airports are some other places where you shouldn't take your drone for a spin. In other countries, there are drone-free cities, like Paris, for example. But where can you legally fly a drone?
8 min
They Found Evidence of Water on Mars
The mysterious Red Planet has a lot of secrets. Mars is home to the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons. There’s convincing evidence that Mars once had liquid water on and beneath its surface. The sunrise and sunset on Mars are bluish-gray. At some point in the future, Mars might get rings like Saturn.
8 min
The Eiffel Tower Could Be Repainted Its Origina...
Our world is full of unusual places and it's great to explore it! This video will take you on an exciting journey to unveil the secrets of famous sights and monuments. I'll show you a library out there shaped like a bookshelf. We'll learn why is there’s a building in Ohio shaped like a basket. And there’s a Pink City out there, and it’s not where Barbie lives. Are you ready to explore these 10 secrets of famous sights?
9 min
21 Daily Objects With Hidden Functions I Wish I...
If you enjoy cooking, you're going to love some simple but very helpful tips on how to make the process faster and easier. If you find it hard to spread out cold butter over your toast, here's an idea: use a cheese grater. If you ever end up burning your cookies, you can save them with your trusty grater, too! Just grate off the blackened parts after carefully taking the cookies from the baking tray. Ever noticed that most juice boxes come with two flaps, one on each side? Those are actually handles!
8 min
Moon Is Moving Every Night And 10 New Space Facts
Have you ever noticed how when you’re stargazing two nights in a row at the same time, let’s say 9 p.m., the stars stay in the same place, but the Moon doesn’t? I've learned the reason for this phenomenon and I'm ready to share it with you! I'll also tell you what exactly happens to the light after it disappears inside of a black hole. Here're 10+ cool space facts you probably haven't thought about!
9 min
Ocean secrets and facts you might not want to k...
You know what I’ve been thinking lately? Here we are again! Tell me what’s on your mind? I feel like going to REALLY cold places. You? I give you only 3 days and you’d eventually end up going to Hawaii. This time I mean it because I’m very inspired by those beautiful birds in tuxedos. By what? I mean.. by penguins. Ahh, aren’t they so cute?! They look like gentlemen wearing suits shambling around. Hah. Where does this penguin love come from? You know it’s not like adopting a dog. Yeah. That’s why I’m like “I should get to them.” And? I’ve been checking my possibilities for Antarctica! Uhmm. Okay things are getting a bit crazy right now. You know there are countries like Peru, Chile where you could see them. Does going to Antarctica sound more possible to you than going to South America? Yes. Because I’ve actually found a job vacancy in Antarctica. Uk Antarctic Heritage Trust announced that they’re looking for somebody who will be counting Gentoo Penguins in Antarctica and working in the souvenir shop at the same time! Hahah. Man, I’m sorry but I can’t imagine you doing that. Well okay at some point there are difficulties like having no time zone and cleaning penguin poop and- What? Cleaning penguin poops? Hahah. Wow, that is the dream job! And some personal hygiene issues... Don’t tell me you won’t have water to wash your hands. No no. I just remember reading something like “You’re lucky if a cruise ship docks nearby because that’ll be the only way for you to take a.. proper shower.” Wow what a relief.. Hahah. Yeah, also I won't have to pay my bills or any rent. There are like 2 ATMs though. I think I can survive for 6 months. What would you need the atms for? Are you gonna be going to the clubs with your penguins? It doesn’t sound so bad! I would come to Antarctica only to witness this! You know there’s a lot more to witness rather than my catchy dance moves with my penguins in Antarctica. Let me enlighten you a little bit more about it. Maybe you’ll change your mind eventually. I’m cleaning my dog’s poop and that’s quite enough for me already. But let’s hear what you’ll say. We can say that this coldest place ever can have temperatures as low as -128 ºF. So humankind didn’t really have a lot of attempts to discover it fully. It’s amazing how living beings survive in this eternal cold. And there’s a part we can’t even witness. The ice covering the continent hides a lot of things. Even today, scientists keep different creatures that don’t resemble any other living being. According to some legend, below this ice there might be a hidden city. The lost city of Atlantis. Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify: Apple Podcast: For more videos visit BRIGHT SIDE: Music by Epidemic Sound
14 min
How to Stop Annoying Spam Calls, Emails, and Texts
How to stop receiving spam messages. Are you looking for a super discounted luxury watch or bag that you can only buy today at one particular store? But then again, it’s not like you really need any special deals now that you’ve won the lottery and are one step away from a new life! If any of this sounds familiar to you, you must be one of millions of people worldwide that receive spam. There are apps for everything these days, and filtering spam is no exception. Most services basically set up a smarter filtering system for your email after you give them the address. These filters will adjust to your own preferences. Some apps also let you report these no-good spammers to internet providers in order to stop their activity. If you want to find out more, watch our new video!
11 min
Mysterious vintage photographs that will send c...
12 min
Wings Of Wonder Mind-Blowing Stories That'll Ta...
23 min
Why We Are Not Allowed to Visit Antarctica
8 min
Why Some Trucks Have Stuffed Animals on Their F...
20 min
What's Really Going on At the Bottom of the Ber...
17 min
What If You Could Go Planet Hopping For Fun
24 min
What Makes The Moon Look Colorful?
9 min
6 Easy Ways to Grow Taller In a Week
How to Grow Taller. Not all of us are naturally tall, and that can be frustrating. If you think there’s nothing you can do about it, you’re fortunately wrong. There are a number of things you can do to up your chances to grow up so that you can reach high shelves, and never have to worry about anyone blocking your view at the movies or concerts. This is especially true for teens and even young adults, since their bodies are still growing. Plus, want to-be-tall people have a few simple tricks up their sleeves to maximize their height.
12 min
7 Tips to Get a Better Sleep According to Psych...
How to get rid of sleep problems? When was the last time you had a really great night’s sleep? Yesterday? Last year? When you were a child? Anything from body pain to your sleeping position to your emotions can disrupt your sleep cycle, causing you to wake up fatigued. So what’s the answer? Choose a set time to get up every morning and a time to head to bed. Try to follow this routine even during the weekends so that you don’t confuse your inner clock. This is a great way of fighting insomnia since your body will biologically begin to shut down come bedtime. It follows that, psychologically, your mind will also begin to calm down so that you fall asleep as soon as you’ve wrapped yourself in the blankets. Do you want to learn the other important tips that will make perfect sleep a reality? Then watch the video!
10 min
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to th...
Most people don't even think about the possibility of being kidnapped. But there's a slim chance that it may happen to you. This experience is likely to be very traumatic. But if you know how to behave, the chances are high that you will come out of it unharmed. Let's imagine that criminals managed to get to you. Remind yourself that most victims of kidnappers survive their ordeal. Staying positive will help you not to lose heart. And this is the first and main step toward freedom. Remain calm, and don't threaten your captors. Be cooperative, and don't show any signs of aggression. So, do you want to find out how to deal with a kidnapping situation? Then watch our new video!
8 min
Unveiling the Hidden Secrets Tiny Details with ...
18 min
This Thing Reveals the Inner World of Pyramids
9 min
Tiny Heroes Unveiling the Secret Lives of Bees ...
20 min
The Story of Phoenix Jones – A Real Superhero o...
8 min
The Love Hormone What Makes You Fall in Love
8 min
30 Objects That Will Amaze You With Their True ...
Some things seem huge or tiny to us, but we can never know their true size until we see them in comparison to something else. The blue whale has the largest heart compared to any living animal. Its heart is so big that a human could swim through its veins like tunnels. The tiniest animal heart belongs to fairyflies, and you'd need a microscope to see it. Using macro photography, we will see an object that looks like a deserted location from a fantasy novel, but in fact, it's just human cheeks.
9 min
Luxury Skyscraper Is Sinking But People Live There
The leaning tower of Pisa is one of the most famous Instagram-able spots in the world. There are pictures of people leaning on it or pretending to support it so that it doesn't fall. But did you know there’re more leaning towers out there? I’m gonna tell you all about it. Also, you’ll find out why Venice is always flooded and why London’s Big Ben is tilting.
9 min