Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

10 Enormous Things That'll Make You Feel Tiny
Where is the biggest building? Who was the tallest person? What does the biggest pizza look like? Don’t let anybody fool you — size certainly matters! Human beings tend to associate size with authority and power, which is probably why we use phrases like “the bigger, the better” and put so much emphasis on “making it big.” When it comes to these things in this video, it’s been confirmed time and time again that bigger is better.
13 min
8 Most Mysterious Islands You've Never Heard About
Some of these islands are so mystifying that most people don’t even know they exist. Some have such a gruesome history that many don’t want to talk about them. Did you know there’s an island that seems to have disappeared from the face of Earth? And another that is said to be home to thousands of wandering ghosts? Get ready because these 8 islands are bound to give you goosebumps.
10 min
10 Creatures That Prove Superpowers Actually Exist
Superpowers like living forever, surviving without oxygen and imitating any sound. Bright Side found some creatures with abilities that are even more surprising, funny, weird, and sometimes disgusting than any superhero. Make sure to watch this video till the end – you don’t want to miss the proof zombie apocalypse could be something very real, do you?
11 min
7 Recent Scientific Discoveries Nobody's Talkin...
Everyone is always talking about technological advancements and science constantly speeding up with each year. But why don’t we know how dinosaurs went extinct or if there was ever life on Mars? And what about space travel, hoverboards, and flying cars?! Ok, we’re not there yet, but here are some other recent discoveries that bring us closer to a bright future!
8 min
7 Mysterious Discoveries Scientists Can't Explain
There are amazing discoveries that made the smartest scientists scratch their heads for years. These experts spend their whole lives searching for answers to some of the world’s biggest mysteries. Yet some of their findings defy logic and are still waiting to be solved.
12 min
It Really Jumps! ||Origami Octopus Step by Step
Are you ready for a new easy DIY project? This video will teach you how to make cute & jumpy little paper octopuses in under 10 minutes. All you'll need is two squared sheets of paper, a marker, and some patience. The octopus will come in two pieces. So let's get down to it right now!
13 min
Everyday Items with Hidden Uses That Are Incred...
Do you still believe the blue side of the eraser can erase the pen? False - its purpose is to erase a pencil, but in case you're writing something on heavier paper. The blue side can remove the smudges you see after using the pink eraser, too. It's just one of many examples of everyday things hiding unexpected secrets. From red mesh bags to ridges in toothpick tops - they all have a tale to tell!
8 min
Situations When It's OK to Tell a White Lie
We all know it's not okay to lie, but in some situations, it can be a lifesaver. If someone in the hotel lobby asks you if you're traveling alone, always tell them: "No, I'm with my friends." The same rule works for planes, trains, and any other transportation. If you ever need directions, and someone offers to walk you to the place, politely reject that offer: "I know how to get there." If you notice a flat tire after a visit to your favorite store or restaurant, go back in and ask someone to help you.
8 min
11 Proofs India Is Not Like Any Other Country
Ah, India... It's a country of great wisdom, incredible history, ruins of ancient cities, eastern spices, delicious tea, and beautiful nature. India gave the world a great civilization. You will never want to leave it. However, when you have to do that, don't forget to exchange your rupees. No one is allowed to take them out of the country!
8 min
11 Things Your Cat Doesn't Like About You
Why is your cat sad or mad at you? If your cat isn’t happy, no one in the house is allowed to be either. Sometimes we cat owners, with all our affection and loyalty, actually do more harm than good. At least that’s what we recently learned, and we’re here to spread the message! Did you know, for example, that most cats just hate strangers? They see any other creatures of their kind as competition for food, toys, and love. Or have you ever noticed they don’t like belly rubs? A cat’s stomach is its most vulnerable area, and protecting it is a basic instinct. So be gentle and respectful!
8 min
Put Tape Over the Peephole to Protect Your House
How to protect your house when you're away? Suppose you're heading out of town. Whether it’s a well-deserved vacation or a business trip, you should secure your home from burglars. First and foremost, cover your peephole! This is an easy way to beef up your security. But there're some other home safety tips you’ll definitely wanna remember.
11 min
4 Unsolved Mysteries of History
How can a human being carry 50,000 lb? What happened to Amelia Earhart? These are some of the questions that remain unanswered to this day. We are fascinated by mysteries. Check out these 4 unsolved mysteries that have been baffling people for years.
10 min
4 Mystery Doors That Should Never Be Opened
There are countless doors all over the world that haven't been opened for decades and even centuries. The question is why? The truth is that some doors were sealed for a grave reason. And so far, nobody has found out what treasures and mysteries they hide. Here are 4 doors that keep their secrets all too well.
10 min
What If We Had Four Arms Instead of Two
Why do mammals have four limbs? Imagine this. You're speaking on the phone holding it in your left hand, looking at the watch on your right one, sipping from a cup of coffee in your third hand, and opening your laptop to turn on a new Bright Side video with your fourth hand. How’s that for convenience? You see, fish began to crawl out onto land about 500 million years ago. It had four fins that started to turn into limbs during evolution. This way, amphibians could move through the mud. The further these amphibians went, the more their fins looked like legs. But what if evolution had changed its course a little?
8 min
What If a Train Engine is Replaced with a Jet E...
What are the most unusual modes of transportation? Maglevs, space shuttles, funiculars —seems like we’ve seen it all. But few people know there were — and still are! — types of transport that you could only imagine in your wildest dreams. How about jet-powered trains? Or bicycles with sewing machines installed in them? Ever heard of dog sleds? In 1939, a certain Z. Wiggs, 80-year-old dog trainer, thought it was time for the dog sled to evolve and created his muttmobile. It looked like a love child of a car and a hamster wheel: the driver controlled the car, while a dog sitting in a huge wheel behind him walked or ran, generating energy. Cool idea, isn't it?
10 min
What Future Passenger Planes Will Look Like
Future passenger planes... What will they look like? What is the future of air travel? What new technologies can we expect to see? Well, the future of flying is gonna be amazing! Aircraft designers are currently working on creating much more comfortable conditions for all kinds of travelers and especially long-distance ones. A long flight may take over 10 or even 15 hours, and all this time all you do is try to position your legs so they don’t become as stiff as tree trunks. And anticipating a jet lag while trying not to go insane from boredom. About time someone should do something about it! Good news: airlines are on it right now!
8 min
New Photos of Mars, And They Found a Door
NASA's Curiosity rover recently sent an image to Earth with a door clearly seen on Mars! Could it mean that we have found another civilization? Is it possible that there was or still is life on the Red Planet? Unfortunately, astronomers were fast to disappoint us: they claimed it was just a natural part of the Martian landscape. But still, there are a lot of interesting unknown facts about Mars.
8 min
Why Shopping Carts Have Holes + 15 Things You N...
The video explains the reason behind shopping carts having holes in them, which is to prevent overspill and allow air circulation. It also discusses 15 other fascinating facts about shopping carts, such as the purpose of the black dots on car windows and the small second hole on gas cans.
8 min
Stay Away from Water If You See Birds Flying Over
8 min
9 Psychological Tricks to Be the Most Charming ...
Have you ever noticed that some people could easily gain the trust of everyone and create a positive image of themselves? Jeff Haden, one of the most influential and popular people on LinkedIn and the author of almost 30 business and communication books, explained how they do it. It turns out they know some simple secrets, and today you have a chance to discover them all. Have you ever thought, for example, how powerful tool a touch is? It helps people understand their emotions better. Expressing your feelings depends on the situation – you could either shake hands or pat someone on the back. This will help you show how sincere your words are, express the right feelings, and gain the trust of others. Interested? Here're really important characteristics that make any person look more confident and charming.
7 min
Why Planes Don't Fly Over Antarctica
Have you ever wondered if there are things an airplane simply can’t or won’t do? It turns out that airplanes have strict rules regarding their pathways in the sky – for safety reasons, and for the sake of staying friendly with continental neighbors. Some of the places they’re not allowed to fly over might surprise you! For example, planes won’t fly directly over the Earth’s poles and over the Pacific Ocean. You can't see planes over Tibet and over the City of Mecca. The airspace over Walt Disney World and Disneyland is also a no-fly zone. The same applies to Area 51 but we don't know why. Other videos you might like:
10 min
13 Animals With the Strongest Bite
What is the toothiest critter that ever lived on our planet? For example, the strength of human jaws is about 160 pounds per square inch. It’s good to break some tough cookie or a pistachio shell, which is enough for survival in our harsh modern world. But what about more serious contenders? A mastiff is among the mightiest friends humans have, and it can easily snap a thick branch in two. A lion can show 650 psi — it’s four times stronger than the human’s bite! But did you know that the hyena’s jaw force is higher than that of both lion’s and tiger’s? Well, if hyenas were not cowardly, they would probably be among the most feared animals of the savannah!
8 min
What a Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Cat
Cats’ Sleeping Positions can reveal a lot about their personality, health and how they are feeling. This guide breaks down the most common cat sleeping positions and explains the science behind why cats sleep in certain ways.
6 min
Unlocking Hidden Gems 20+ Travel Secrets Only F...
Unveil the captivating world of travel secrets with us as we delve into the unknown. Discover the enchanting stories behind 20+ hidden treasures, from why we shouldn’t board first to insider knowledge that will transform your adventures. Get ready to step off the well-trodden path and embrace a whole new level of exploration!
17 min
This Is How You Can Use ChatGPT to the Fullest
ChatGPT is here to help, so ask it anything and everything. From curious questions to silly jokes, this AI loves a good conversation. You can use ChatGPT as your writing partner, brainstorming buddy, or even as a character in your own story. ChatGPT is here to entertain and assist you, so have fun experimenting with different prompts, playing with language, and exploring the limits of this incredible AI. But remember, ChatGPT is not perfect. It can sometimes get things wrong or give unusual answers. So, be sure to use your critical thinking skills and fact-check when needed. It's all part of the fun!
8 min