Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Cool Everyday Secrets You Won't Go Without in t...
The summer heat is here. You've been waiting for it all year, but it makes certain things uncomfortable. Don't worry: we've got all the pro tips and life hacks you need to become the ultimate summer superstar. From keeping your bed cool even when it's scorching hot outside to choosing the best food to take on picnics. And don't forget about tips for surviving and enjoying in the wild.
19 min
Chasing The Edge Of Rain Why It's Difficult
Are you one in a million? Join us as we delve into the captivating world of rain's elusive boundary and uncover the reasons why it proves to be such a challenging pursuit. Discover the secrets, mysteries, and the thrill of attempting to capture the ever-shifting edge of rain. Get ready for an adventure that will leave you wondering why finding the edge of rain is no easy task. Don't miss out on this captivating exploration - hit that subscribe button and let's chase the edge of rain together! Animation is created by Bright Side.
12 min
Why Some Planes Can Fly Upside Down
For airplanes, the sky is literally the limit. Planes can lift off vertically or from a ship, they can fly upside down, and spin in barrel rolls. But how are some planes able to fly upside down? Isn't it the shape of the wings that make them fly? And what limits do they really have? Whether you're an aviation enthusiast or a nervous flyer, there are some cool flying facts that might just surprise you. How does water landing work? Will we fly on electric airplanes soon? Why are pilots more worried about hot days than stormy ones? Why should you never use laser pointers around pilots and airplanes? By the way, it's totally illegal and heavily punishable in some countries. And it’s really stupid. So never do that.
10 min
Why White Chocolate Is Not Real Chocolate +37 F...
Did you know that a double-stuffed Oreo cookie isn't actually double-stuffed? Or that chipotle peppers aren’t some special type of pepper, but jalapeños? Peaches and nectarines seem different, but in fact they’re pretty much the same fruit. Water can freeze and boil at the same time, and there are places in the world where it rains fish! These random facts about the world will help you become the most interesting person in the room.
10 min
This Desert Is Twice the Size of the Sahara + 2...
8 min
Strange Hole Spans a Billion Light-Years + 30 H...
9 min
11 Quick Ways to Grow Long Eyelashes in 30 Days
Who doesn't dream about long, fluttering eyelashes? To achieve this result, you can buy pricey cosmetic products, expensive mascara, or false lashes. You can even resort to eyelash extensions. But before wasting tons of money, why don't you try these cheap and effective ways to make your eyelashes thick and beautiful in just one month?
8 min
Scientists Surprised How People Survived in Med...
Many of us have somehow romanticized life in castles with all the feasts, beautiful outfits, lords, and ladies. But medieval life was as far from the glamorous picture in your head as possible! Narrow passageways, smoky fires, gloomy and dark rooms - that's what would have greeted you upon setting foot in a castle in medieval times. And that’s just the good part... Castles were ice cold inside. They were huge stone boxes with freezing cold dark rooms inside. Although castles looked inaccessible from the outside, they were literally one large and mostly open space inside. There was no privacy in castles! And you couldn't find solitude even in the toilets. At any time, you could have a neighbor or two engaged in the same delicate business.
7 min
19 Things You've Been Doing Wrong All Your Life
This video is about things that we do all the time. Apparently, our entire life we’ve been doing them the wrong way, while a much easier solution was right there under our nose. Most of these tricks are so simple, but most of us never knew they existed. Be prepared to re-evaluate things you have been doing for years.
7 min
If You See These Lights, Leave the Area ASAP
10 min
Why Planes Have Horns and 52 Little-Known Facts
If you think that our world has already been studied backwards and upside down and there’s nothing left that can surprise you, we’d like to make an attempt to change your mind. Did you know, for example, that people went to the Moon before wheels were added on suitcases? And you’ll be even more surprised to learn that the Big Bang can still be heard! Yeah, the reality is full of incredible stuff that's why we’ve compiled another bunch of cool random facts for you. Ready to stuff your head full of amazing and little-known facts that actually might be useful to you someday? You never know! So let's learn some new things about ourselves and the world surrounding us right now!
11 min
10-Minute Easy Workout for Sharp Eyes
Your eyes help you see the world in all its beauty. Although an eyeball is pretty small — the size of a ping-pong ball — it hosts more than 2 million working parts. Human eyes appeared long before modern gadgets and lifestyle habits were invented, so you're giving your eyes a pretty hard time now with all the technology. That's why you need to take good care of them - and give them regular workouts. Try these 8 simple but effective exercises to keep your vision sharp, and your eyes - healthy.
8 min
Why Bikers Show Two Fingers to Each Other
Why do bikers wave to each other? What do motorcyclist hand signals mean? Whether you’ve seen touring, adventure, or race motorcyclists in the street; it’s almost impossible not to turn your head when they pass you. There’s a mystery behind a biker’s appearance and the secret language they use that makes us all curious. Picture this: You’re driving in the carpool lane and suddenly a motorcycle passes you. You see them flashing the two-finger signal. You can’t help but think they’re playing carpool cops, but, that signal has a deeper meaning. Well, yes, for starters, it’s their way of greeting the other rider. They acknowledge their presence and communicate their love for riding, but not just that.
9 min
Megalodons VS Whales: Clues to Demise of World’...
The Megalodon was the biggest shark to ever live and the largest predator in Earth's history. It could swallow a small car without it even touching its teeth - if cars had been around then. Scientists believe the Megalodon didn't look like a white shark: the ancestors of today's Great White existed at the same time as the Meg. Only around 80% of the ocean has been explored, so who knows what's lurking at the bottom? The Kraken, a colossal squid with powerful tentacles, could be hiding there along with the Meg.
9 min
Who Lives in the Loneliest Place on Earth
What's the most isolated spot on Earth? Have you ever heard about Point Nemo? It's the most remote place on our planet. The name says it all — “Nemo” means “no one” in Latin. This loneliest of lonely spots is more than 1,600 miles from any coast. Below: tens of thousands of feet of oceanic depths. Above: endless skies. A place that occupies 10% of the world’s oceans. A place that’s called a “desert” because of the almost complete absence of life. So if you're tired of your problems and want to run away from all the nervous hassle, Point Nemo is exactly what you need! But don’t expect too much solitude because somebody’s already living there...
8 min
Which Animal Has the Most Babies at Once
What animal has the most babies at one time? When it comes to biology, any species’ primary goal is to perpetuate itself. Our own species usually makes just 1 successor at a time, while a queen ant can make thousands a day. That’s far from the maximum, but let’s start small on roughly how many offspring this planet’s animals can have… For example, elephants, giraffes, camels, zebras, and humans typically have a single youngling at a time. African wild dog has a litter of two to 20 pups. Salamanders lay up about 300 eggs at a time. Piranha lays about 5,000 eggs in the nest. But there are creatures that lay up millions of eggs at once!
11 min
What Is the Oldest Language Still Spoken Today
Let's take a fascinating linguistic journey back in time to discover the oldest languages known to humankind! Deep within the annals of history, we find languages like Sumerian, dating back to around 4,000 BCE, spoken in ancient Mesopotamia. Then there's Egyptian, with its mysterious hieroglyphs, originating around 3,200 BCE, captivating us with tales of pharaohs and pyramids. Traveling eastward, we encounter Tamil, a Dravidian language spoken in South India, boasting a rich history dating back over 2,200 years.
8 min
The Fast Way to Get Out of a Wildfire
Picture in your mind, you’re camping with your buddies for the weekend in a nearby forest. Your tents are all set-up, you ate your dinner, and you went to sleep. Suddenly, the smell of smoke wakes you up. You go outside to see what’s going on, and there it is: you’re in the middle of a wildfire. This scenario might seem unreal for most people, but it’s more common than you’d expect. Wildfires are very fast; they can overtake the average person in just a few minutes. Their flames travel approximately 14 miles per hour, and they burn everything in their path if they find enough fuel to feed on. Knowing what’s going on and how to act in these situations is a true life-saver.
8 min
10 Ancient Wonders of the World: THEN VS NOW
Would you like to spend an entire week digging in the ground, scanning for ruins, and taking photographs of the world's most surreal archeological sites? The Roman Emperor Nero ordered to build the magnificent Domus Aurea back in 64 BCE. In its glory days, it occupied an area three times the size of the Vatican City. After flying halfway across the world, you're deep in the Cambodian jungle admiring the beauty of the city of Angkor. If you like terracotta landscapes, you should visit the city of Petra, which was a commercial hub back in the 4th Century BCE.
9 min
10 Love Laws You Cannot Avoid
You fall in love, you start dating, you move in together … and then it seems to start going in the wrong direction. Again. Before you label your significant other as “not the one”, remember that some changes are normal and just inevitable. Don't compare your life with all those romantic movies cause not everything you see on a large screen is true...
8 min
What If a Ship's Engine Fails in the Ocean
7 min
Do Ears Really Never Stop Growing?
Did you know that the music you're listening to at the moment affects your heartbeat? It's not the same with everyone, but toenails grow slower than fingernails on average, at about half the pace of fingernails. Speaking of nails, as you age, they significantly change. And in case you've been wondering, ears do get bigger with age. Well, not precisely bigger, but both your nose and ears sag as you get older because your skin loses elasticity.
8 min
What Happens Underwater During a Hurricane
What happens underwater during a hurricane? How do hurricanes affect sea life? Where do fish go? People normally snap to attention and take shelter as a storm approaches land, but the storms spend most of their time out at sea. So when a hurricane hits, what happens to sharks, dolphins, and other sea creatures? Well, some animals, such as sharks and other fast swimmers, are generally in the clear. Sharks even have organs that allow them to detect the changes in barometric pressure accompanying severe storms. Dolphins are another large aquatic species able to sense approaching storms. But what is it that has the kings of the ocean swimming scared?
8 min
This Lake Is Amazingly Beautiful But Don't Swim...
Some lakes in the world seem peaceful and beautiful, but in fact, they're hiding some dangerous secrets. Lake Monoun in West Province, Cameroon, seems calm but is one of the few erupting lakes on the whole planet – similar to a volcano. Natron Lake in Tanzania may be beautiful to watch because of its unique reddish coloring, but it's definitely not a place you'd want to take a swim in. It has pH levels so high that they become corrosive, so if you dampen a piece of dyed material in this lake, it will soon be stripped of its color. Let's explore some other mysterious lakes on our planet that aren't what they really seem.
8 min
What If Evolution Went Back?
Scientists think it took 3.5 billion years for us to evolve from single-celled organisms into our present state. If true, this means we are still mutating and evolving today. And we could, potentially, evolve in any direction. Maybe we’ll develop flight? Or transparency! But what if some of our older genes re-emerged? Could we devolve into something closer to the ape-like form of every primate’s common ancestor?
10 min