Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

What Can't Do During a Storm (Please, Never!)
Thunderstorms, tornadoes, and other kinds of severe weather may seem beautiful and mesmerizing, but you should never forget that they can also be an extremely dangerous phenomenon. Surely, you shouldn't hole up every time you hear thunder, but it only makes sense to go inside when the storm starts brewing. Did you know, for example, that the electrical currents created by lightning can travel through the water pipes in your house? Or that touching an electrified faucet can lead to very dramatic consequences? And if you're one of those people who believe that opening windows during a storm equalizes the pressure and prevents them from shattering, it might be time to revise your beliefs. So, yes, even indoors, there are things you must never do during severe weather if you want to stay safe. Here they are!
8 min
12 Saving Secrets All Millionaires Follow
It might seem like the rich do nothing but splurge their money on life’s luxuries, and a lot of them do! But truly wealthy people know that a penny saved is a penny earned. So, why not follow their lead instead? Believe it or not, these 12 practical money-saving tricks rich people do can change the way your savings account looks.
8 min
A Man Survived a Fall from Outer Space
The 20th century was full of awesome breakthroughs and historical events. But some of them stood out even from that incredible crowd. And one such event was the mission of Soyuz 5, which made huge headlines not only for its importance but for its amazing style — and its incredible landing. Soyuz 5 was a Soviet spacecraft launched on January 15, 1969. Just like the U.S. space program, Soyuz had numbers for each of their spacecrafts, but Soyuz 5 had one peculiarity. It was sent to the orbit just a day after another craft, Soyuz 4, went there. They had one mission between the two of them: it was manned docking and transfer of the crew. If the mission had become a success, it would’ve been the first such feat performed in the history of humankind...
10 min
This 500-Year-Old Village Looks Frozen in Time
If you like to travel and are looking for inspiration for new adventures, here's a list of the most interesting and beautiful villages in the world. Huacachina, in Peru, lies in one of the driest climates in the world with a lagoon, which is said to have special healing properties. For over 500 years, a small group of people has been living on a cliffside of a peak called "the Green Mountain." It's one of the most remote places in Oman – and in the whole world! A town with no roads? Pack your bags for Giethoorn in the Netherlands – if you don't mind traveling by boat.
9 min
Lost in the Bermuda Triangle Tales of the Unknown
Hey there, fellow adventurers and curious minds! It's time to dive into the deep, wild waters of the famous Bermuda Triangle. We'll uncover the secrets of vanished ships, aircraft that seemingly vanish into thin air, and the mind-bending mysteries that have puzzled experts for decades. Don't miss out on this epic adventure - hit that play button and let the Bermuda Triangle's secrets unfold before your very eyes. See you on the other side, my fellow truth seekers!
22 min
Life Made Easy 40+ Game-Changing Hacks to Simpl...
Welcome to our channel where we unlock the secrets to making your life easier and more efficient! In this video, we present over 40 game-changing hacks that will revolutionize your daily routine. From time-saving tips to organization tricks and productivity hacks, we've got you covered. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a simplified life as we guide you through practical strategies and clever shortcuts. Join us on this journey of simplification and discover how to streamline your tasks, boost productivity, and create more time for the things that truly matter. Don't miss out on these life-altering hacks—subscribe now and start living the easy life today!
15 min
Pluto Is Hiding Life in Its Oceans, Scientists ...
Scientists found out that, despite it being so far from the Sun, Pluto's interior is still warm. It has been that way ever since Pluto formed. Under the haze-layered atmosphere of Pluto, there’s a frigid surface full of craters and impure water-ice. There’s also a large impact basin, flooded by frozen nitrogen. And below that icy crust could be an internal ocean.
8 min
Keep Windshield Wipers Up to Extend the Life of...
8 min
22 Things I Wish I Knew Earlier (and Want You t...
There are some things you do automatically because of how routine they are. But did you know there are 2 different ways to drink juice from a juice box? The second is to flip the straw over so that its shorter side sits at the bottom of the box. People use kitchen knives to cut cakes into 2 parts, but you can use dental floss instead! There are more useful easy tips like this, so stay tuned!
7 min
If That Car Shows Up at Your House, Call for Help
How to know if your house is being watched? Every year, around 111,000 homes get broken into in the US alone. In order not to be a part of this statistic, many people try to protect their homes — some choose alarms, while others rely on strong doors with complex locks. But even the most observant people don’t always notice that robbers have already started to watch their home and are waiting for just the right moment to make a move. We hope that you’ll never have to encounter a theft but even so, it’s better to be on guard. Pay attention to details that can be connected with theft even if they seem insignificant at first sight. For example, you might notice a strange vehicle parked in different spots along your street. Or someone intending to break into your home may put random flyers or stickers on different houses in your street. So, here are the tell-tale signs to look out for in this situation.
6 min
Dubai's Underwater Train and 13 Unreal Engineer...
What are the greatest engineering projects in the world? From the Great Pyramid to the Great Wall, there's been no limit to humanity's architectural aspirations. Engineers of today are no different. Underwater trains, giant skyscrapers that are reaching for new record heights, colossal bridges, and other engineering marvels are being made to make life easier for humankind. For example, engineers in the UAE have proposed a high-speed rail connecting the city of Dubai to Mumbai, India, crossing 1,200 miles underwater in only 2 hours. That’s about the distance from New York to Kansas City – almost half the continental US – and the flight takes 2½ hours! Interested? Then let’s go around the world to see their most ambitious (and bizarre) projects!
8 min
Why Trains Blow Their Horns So Much
Have you ever thought why trains blow their horns so often and so loudly? The truth is that they have to. And the main reason for that is safety. Locomotive engineers are required to honk every now and then, which is written down in the regulations called the "Final Rule on the Use of Locomotive Horns." So, as you can see from the name, all this honking business is pretty strict and obliges trains to make four blasts approximately 20 seconds before they reach a crossing. But that's not all! Trains whistles and horns are an effective method of communication! There is a whole system of locomotive horn signals, where different sound combinations mean totally different things!
7 min
How to Make Pancakes from Scratch Fast
Hey, guys! Today we'll talk about how to make the world's best pancakes! You're not a fan of pancakes? Oh, crepes are more of your style! Well, okay, you're about to find out how to cook not only fluffy pancakes, but also thinner, larger, and way more delicate French Crepes! Even though they take a bit longer to make, the preparation process isn’t rocket science. So, here are several simple recipes, as well as unexpected, but efficient cooking tips!
8 min
This Plane Lost Its Tail But Everybody Survived
If you're afraid of flying, you must be always running some scary scenarios in your head. A plane runs out of gasoline; the engines stall; an aircraft crashes into a flock of birds... But what if a plane broke in half? This really happened in April 2022. A DHL Boeing 757-200 cargo plane on its way to Guatemala was picking up speed on the runway. Did the pilots manage to land it?
8 min
Start Eating 1 Banana a Day, See What Happens t...
So, ever seen an athlete packing it with bananas after an intense workout? You know, there’s a good reason for that, and it concerns you and me as well! Of course, you don’t have to munch on the long yellow stuff like crazy, but eating a single banana every day can definitely do you lots of good! For example, if you’re on the track to shedding a few extra pounds but having difficulty curbing that sweet tooth, a banana can help you out. Its natural sweetness is a blessing when you’re craving for something sugary! Also, a medium-sized banana contains only about 100 calories, as opposed to 400 in a chocolate bar you would eat otherwise. So stack up on a bunch of those yellow goodies and lay them on your desk!
9 min
Creatures You Wouldn't Want to Encounter in Rea...
8 min
Asteroid Filled With Gold And Most Expensive Th...
What are asteroids? And what's the difference between asteroids, comets, and meteors? When you think of asteroids, if ever you ever do, don’t just picture rocky celestial bodies, flying somewhere between the planets. Asteroids are much more curious and unique. Did you know they can contain huge amounts of valuable elements? Or that some asteroids can be unimaginably expensive? It’s true! Asteroids come in a variety of shapes and sizes. One of the largest is Vesta. Its diameter is bigger than the length of the Grand Canyon. The smallest asteroid ever observed is smaller than a car. Scientists call asteroids minor planets because they are too small to be real planets and can’t be classified as comets. Asteroids orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter.
6 min
What the Backstage Area of the Colosseum Hides
Have you ever wondered what's hiding under Rome's best-known symbol, the Colosseum? It has secret tunnels hidden beneath its grounds. Back in the day, ancient Romans used these passageways to keep wild animals, like lions, tigers, elephants, and bears, as they were used for gladiator fights and other types of entertainment. They've been open for visitors since 2010, along with the Colosseum's plumbing system. Other famous sights around the world, from the Empire State Building to the Eiffel Tower, also have their secrets.
8 min
They Are Building a Sea City in the Desert, But...
Can you imagine living in a city where you have your own beach access to a lagoon that leads directly into the sea? That might be possible in the near future if you don't mind relocating to Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City in Khiran, Kuwait. Or maybe you'd prefer living in the Paper House, located north of Boston, Massachusetts, which is actually a house made completely out of paper and furniture? Let's take a look at the most unusual houses on our planet located in all kinds of places and conditions.
8 min
All Planets, Stars, Galaxies Ranged by Size
How big are the planets? What's the size of our galaxy? How big is our Sun compared to other stars? Space is vast. Yep, so much so that even compared to the Sun our planet is no larger than a pin. The Sun over 863,000 miles in diameter, and to get from one pole of it to the other by airplane you’ll need more than two months — and some serious heat protection. Okay, as you may have guessed, we're going to try to understand how big different space objects are. By the way, the smallest outer space object that people have detected is a micro-asteroid called 2011 CQ1 — it’s just 3 feet across. As for the largest space object in the observable Universe, it's a galactic supercluster complex that is simply unfathomable. Can you imagine 10 billion light-years? Neither can I.
11 min
A Great Journey Inside Your Mouth
What are taste buds? And how does our sense of taste work? Well, first of all, your mouth isn’t alone on this project – it also needs the nose (specifically, your sense of smell) to taste all the food you eat. Together, the combo consists of 80% smell and only 20% of taste itself! Meaning, the journey doesn’t start in the mouth. It all starts when you just walk into a room with food. Every time you breathe in, you inhale everything in the air. And in our case, it includes small particles of pizza floating in the air. Yes, there are millions of microscopic pizzas flying around! But why does hot food smell more? And why does airplane food tastes weird? How do smells information influence emotions and memories? Let's find out!
7 min
38 Space Facts to Learn a Lot Without Textbooks
We’re off on an adventure out of this world to discover some fascinating space facts about stars, planets, and the universe at large! The outer space is really, really big. But thanks to cutting-edge technologies, astronomers keep learning new exciting facts about space almost every day. Far away galaxies, bizarre spinning stars, mind-boggling planets where it rains glass - how many more surprises does the Universe have for us, humans? Why can't we hear anything in space? What's the future of the Sun? Why do we always see the same side of the Moon, no matter where we are on Earth? Where are the boundaries of the Solar System? Space exploration is a topic that always fires up the imagination. So it's nearly impossible to form a list of the most exciting facts about space. But we tried!
10 min
Old Shipwreck Frozen in Time Leaves Scientists ...
The ocean can be a dangerous place for ships when it goes wild. Some of them are lost and found, but some are frozen in time forever. Scientists found a shipwreck in Antarctica at the bottom of the Weddell Sea 107 years after it sank. The name of the ship was Endurance, and it is among the greatest undiscovered shipwrecks ever.
9 min
What That's Really For: 21 Things With Hidden P...
It wakes you up every morning, but did you know that alarm clocks were invented as far back as 348 BCE? Tennis balls in Wimbledon must be kept at a perfect temperature to ensure they bounce at a consistent level. There is no oxygen inside your packet of chips because it would influence the combination of molecules forming inside, spoiling the chips faster. Before playing basketball for hoops, you would’ve instead been playing for peach baskets! Learn the secrets of things you thought you knew well - they have some surprises for you.
9 min
What If Somebody Uploaded You to TikTok?30 Uniq...
Imagine you've created a simulator that allows you to copy yourself into the apps on your phone to learn faster. You get inside the simulation, and you feel like you're going through a virtual wormhole. You enter a futuristic city glittered with purple and blue lights and tall towers with screens showing TikTok videos non-stop. The tallest tower shows the most trending videos today, while the other towers show other popular videos. Will you get used to living in this new TikTok reality or will you try to find a way out?
8 min