3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms

A podcast with 3 actionable takeaways in every 30-minute episode because you are a busy mom with a full schedule and an even fuller brain. Listen in to feel encouraged and inspired, as we learn together how to overcome overwhelm and find more peace and magic in motherhood.

Hosted by Rachel Nielson, a mother, teacher, and writer.

How To
Personal Journals
109: How to Find Gratitude in the Marathons of ...
A mother of five shares 3 life-changing mantras that get her through long runs and long days
32 min
108: How to Get Help for Mental Illness // Sara...
A mother who struggles with bipolar disorder and depression gives three takeaways for finding help.
35 min
107: Managing Depression in Motherhood // Sarah...
Today's episode aims to build awareness for moms who have wondered if they may be struggling with mental illness and a few basic coping skills for what to do when you are in the midst of it.
32 min
106: 3 Ways to Improve Your Marriage TODAY: My ...
I know this is not news to anyone, but…caring for our marriages is SO IMPORTANT (and not always easy)! Which is why I’m so excited to share three ways to improve your marriage today. I had the opportunity to attend “An Evening with the Gottmans” date night in October, and I decided to do a followup Zoom call to discuss my takeaways with anyone from my email list who wanted to join. I included a worksheet for fill out during the call to make this as actionable as possible because, as I’ve mentioned before, we all know that marriage gets put on the back burner way too often. This week’s episode on 3 in 30 is a replay of that Zoom call, so you can ALL participate! >>Click HERE to download the worksheet if you want to fill it out as you listen or after you listen!<<< Here are my three takeaways from a night with the Gottmans… 3 Ways to Improve Your Marriage Play with your spouse. Consider: What are you currently doing to play with your spouse, and what can you start going? Listen to your spouse. Consider:When is your spouse most likely to talk to you, and how can you make yourself more emotionally available during that time? Express gratitude for your spouse. Consider: What are 3 reasons you are grateful for your spouse right now? TELL THEM. Show Notes: Eight Dates by John and Julie Gottman (their newest book!) Episode 95 with Nate Bagley: 3 Rituals of Connection for your Marriage I want to hear how YOU put these takeaways into action this week! Follow along on Instagram and join the conversation. Also…do you have any tips on ways to improve your marriage? If so, share in a comment below!
29 min
105: For the Mom of Littles
If you’re anything like me, you sometimes realize with surprise that you’ve entered a different (and easier) phase of motherhood.  You didn’t even notice it slowly shifting. But you suddenly realize that your babies have started sleeping longer stretches at night. Or, they have really learned to put their shoes on by themselves. Or they are beside you helping prepare their lunch for school the next day. (What the heck??) Transitions like these are often very subtle. But when we take a moment to reflect on it, sometimes it feels like a miracle that we made it to where we are, doesn’t it? I am in a new season of motherhood and have been reminiscing on what life was like when I had two very young, spirited children, and I wanted to share three articles I wrote for the website Power of Moms during this rewarding but equally trying season of my life. I hope that these reflections are helpful for the moms of littles.  Or for whatever season you’re in that sometimes feels a little (or a lot) blurry: My Articles on Power of Moms -The first article is called, “The Best Year of My Life?” -The second article is called “It Is What It Is.” -The third article is called “How My Son’s Routine Chart Makes Me a Better Mom.”  Check out all of my articles from Power of Moms, many of which were written during naptimes while I was in the midst of parenting littles, here: https://powerofmoms.com/author/rachel-nielson/ And don’t forget, I want to hear YOUR three takeaways this week as we finish up celebrating the second birthday of 3 in 30! Visit 3in30podcast.com/birthday for more details, or scroll through the hashtag on Instagram for a good dose of inspiration and a reminder that we all have unique wisdom to share. Have you read anything on Power of Moms before? If so, what did you read? Share in a comment below! Last call for Podcast University! If you have been thinking about starting or growing a podacst, join us this week for a free class. Or enroll in one of our comprehensive courses! Enrollment for this session ends November 1st and won’t open again until the spring. 3in30podcast.com/podcastu
23 min
104: How to Move Through Grief towards Joy // A...
“The quickest way for anyone to reach the sun and the light of day is not to run west chasing after the sun, but to head east, plunging into the darkness until one comes to the sunrise.” -Jerry L. Sittser National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day was October 15th, and I wanted to honor this sacred day by dedicating an episode to mothers who walk through life with a piece of their heart and soul missing. If this is you, I hope that today’s episode on how to move through grief might offer some comfort. Today’s guest is Anna Packard, a mother of four who lost her infant son Charlie when he was four months old. She also has a PhD in clinical psychology and is a therapist at Balance Health and Healing, so she has both personal and professional experience in how to move through grief toward joy after immense loss. How to Move Through Grief * Remember, the only way out is through: practice willingness, prioritize self-care (which includes finding a support group of other mothers who have lost children), and allow all emotions. What we resist, persists. * Look for beauty, gifts, and meaning along the way. Assigning your own meaning to your experience can be a powerful step toward healing. * Remember that you are stronger than you realize. (This is very hard to hear in the early stages of grief, but you will find that it is true with time.) Show Notes Anna’s website: balancehealthandhealing.com Anna’s Instagram: @balancehealthhealing A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss by Jerry L. Sittser Grief support for parents who have experience loss through miscarriage, stillborn, or infant loss. http://www.shareparentsofutah.org/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/326053507470465/ Utah SIDS parents group on FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/569722193074649/ Episodes from 3 in 30: “Three Messages of Hope for the Darkest Times“ “How to Support a Loved One who is Grieving“ -Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? Or do you already have a podcast but are frustrated because it isn’t growing as much as you’d like it to? Podcast University is open for enrollment again now through November 1st! Podcast U is an online school for all things podcasting that I run with my dear friend, the host from About Progress, Monica Packer. -Join us for one of our FREE courses this month both about starting a podcast AND growing a podcast.
35 min
103: “My 3 in 30”: The Happy Birthday Edition
This week marks the SECOND BIRTHDAY of 3 in 30!
27 min
102: How to Find Work Life “Balance” // Crystal...
As moms, we often wrestle with the desire to find a better balance for work and motherhood. Crystalee Beck, co-founder of The Mama Ladder, is here to shift our perspectives by teaching us that both work and motherhood are valuable parts of living our purpose.
28 min
101: Why & How to Talk to your Kids about Skin ...
Three takeaways from an anti-racism educator and mother of three
31 min
100: How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography...
Today is the second in our series of episodes titled “You Are Your Child’s Most Important Teacher.” Dina Alexander is a mother of three teenagers and the founder of Educate and Empower Kids.
30 min
099: How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex // Kris...
Today is the first in a series of episodes that I’m calling “You Are Your Child’s Most Important Teacher.” And to start us off, here are Kristin’s three takeaways for becoming the sex expert of your home.
38 min
098: How to Hold Space for Your Creativity As a...
Separate from your work status and the things that keep you busy as a parent, here are three things to help you hold space for your creativity as a parent.
37 min
097: How to Let Go of Hard Stuff from Your Past...
3 concrete tools to overcome challenges from your childhood
35 min
096: How to Organize Yourself and Your Home For...
Mika sheds light on three areas of organization to create more freedom in your life
36 min
095: 3 Simple Rituals of Connection for your Ma...
Keep your marriage strong with simple, connective rituals supported by the research of Dr. John Gottman, the \"Einstein of love\"
31 min
094: How to Help your Teen Live a Better Story
3 strategies to invite your teen to see themselves as the hero in a truly great story
29 min
093: How to Change Someone’s Life Without Knowi...
When you think about the small but impactful acts of kindness others have shown you, do you also reflect on the kindness *you* have shown others? It might be humbling to admit, but ways YOU have reached out have made a big difference to others as well. I claim that with confidence because today on the podcast, I\'m sharing a story of a simple handshake and what it did for one person in my life.
23 min
092: Overcoming Your Inner Teen // Tawni Bearda...
Tawni Beardall and Erica Peterson are the co-hosts of a podcast for teens called Becoming. I absolutely love these ladies, and am so grateful for the work they are doing. They are here to teach us how to overcome our inner teen
32 min
091: How to Earn (And Keep) Your Teen’s Trust (...
Family therapist and father of four, Tony Overbay, teaches us how to maintain empathetic, trust-filled communication with our teenagers
36 min
090: How to Talk With Your Teens Instead of at ...
3 strategies for elevating your conversation with your teens
29 min
089: When Should I Give My Teen a Cell Phone? /...
Andrea Davis teaches three strategies for deciding when your teen is ready for a smartphone.
36 min
088: The Unexpected Loneliness of Parenting Tee...
It's TEEN MONTH at 3 in 30! All month, we will feature episodes about the highs and lows of parenting teens!
30 min
087: My 3 in 30: How to Find JOY with Your Chil...
Three amazing mothers, all with unique life experience, who are going to share some of their stories with us today and to help us feel excited and encouraged to have fun with our children this summer!
30 min
086: 3 Easy Ways to Build Life-Long Bonds with ...
People are often amazed by just how close my sisters and I are to my dad. Our mom passed away when we were teenagers, so Dad planned our weddings, comes to help us after we have babies, and talks to us frequently about our lives. I truly believe that the small but meaningful ways my dad bonded with us when we were young made all the difference when we lost our mom; we already had a solid relationship with him that has since blossomed into something truly beautiful and unique. If you want a rock solid, life-long bond with your children, here are three easy ways that I learned from my dad: * Play with them. Rely on small but consistent & memorable traditions. * Talk with them. Show them you welcome and can handle their questions, and schedule regular times to check-in. * Feel with them. Sit with them in their disappointments and their fears without trying to fix it.   Show Notes I have teamed up with one of my dear friends, Monica Packer, who is the host of About Progress to launch Podcast University. It is an online school for all things podcasting, and we want to help you start or grow a podcast! Our first course Podcasting 101  is open for enrollment through the end of June. You can also take part in one of our FREE classes this month: 3 Things You Must Know Before You Start a Podcast. There’s still time to fill out my demographic survey! Please take a few minutes and go to: 3in30podcast.com/survey
22 min
085: 3 Steps to Help Kids Rewire Difficult Beha...
A speech language pathologist who specializes in teaching children social & emotional skills teaches her three-step process.
33 min