3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms

A podcast with 3 actionable takeaways in every 30-minute episode because you are a busy mom with a full schedule and an even fuller brain. Listen in to feel encouraged and inspired, as we learn together how to overcome overwhelm and find more peace and magic in motherhood.

Hosted by Rachel Nielson, a mother, teacher, and writer.

How To
Personal Journals
039: Leaving a Legacy of Love for Our Children:...
Within this episode, you will hear me sing five different songs that remind me of my mother and the moments we shared in the final years of her life.
37 min
038: How to Get your Teenagers to Talk to You (...
A licensed family therapist and father of four teaches us how to talk to our children in a way that will help them to trust us into their teen years and beyond
35 min
037: Teaching Children to Work Without Being a ...
A mother of six young children shares her secrets for teaching kids how to work without turning into a crazy, frustrated, mean mom
32 min
036: Momming Like a Boss: Using Corporate Leade...
A mom of five and former magazine editor teaches us to apply "best practices" in business leadership to our leadership within our homes
31 min
035: Modeling for our Children How to Endure wi...
A father of nine who has battled Multiple Sclerosis for over 30 years joins his daughter, Ralphie Jacobs, in discussing how this trial has strengthened, softened, and refined them
32 min
How to Stop Being Mean to Yourself (Encore!)
Rachel shares 3 tools she learned in counseling for an eating disorder to foster positive self-talk and better mental and emotional health
35 min
034: How to Meditate in the Midst of Mayhem // ...
Dr. Leah Weiss redefines "mindfulness" and "meditation," making it doable for even the busiest of mothers
41 min
033: How to Get Your Kids to Do Quiet Time
Instituting a daily Quiet Time is one of the BEST things I've done for my kids (and for me!). But I know it's not always easy to do it, especially with strong willed kiddos. I hope my three tips will help you to start this routine in your family!
23 min
032: Three Tips to Make This Summer the Best Ev...
As a mom of four, Jamie Cook has a LOT of experience helping summer run smoothly with children--and in this episode, she shares her best strategies with us!
34 min
031: Three Easy Ways to Teach Children the True...
Today's guests have truly unique backgrounds: one of them was the press secretary for two US Senators, the other worked in the White House in the office of presidential speech writing; now they are moms who teach how to help kids understand politics, government, civility, and American history.
31 min
030: How to Coach your Children through their B...
As a seasoned parent educator--but more importantly as a mother, step-mother, and grandmother herself--Georgia Anderson teaches us a three step process for connecting with our kids during their big emotions
32 min
029: Making the Most of Everyday Moments to Con...
April Perry shares three takeaways from her the book, which teach us how to connect with our children in everyday moments
35 min
028: How to Raise a Confident Child // Marilyn ...
As a mother of five and a grandmother of nine, Marilyn Faulkner has great insight into raising confident children, which she shares in this episode with her signature wisdom and hilarious commentary on parenting.
33 min
027: 3 Battles You Can Let Your Child Win // Li...
A mother of four whose mission is to help moms thrive talks about 3 power struggles we can opt out of with our children.
34 min
026: How to Praise Your Child When It Feels Lik...
Professional counselor and father of four, Tony Overbay, shares four ways that we can effectively praise our children in order to energize the positive in our homes
35 min
025: Finding Motivation to Exercise // Monica T...
A busy mom of four, who is also a small business owner and a podcaster, teaches us how she finds the motivation and the time to exercise
33 min
024: Fighting Against Mom-Guilt
One phone conversation with my friend changed my perspective on "mom-guilt" forever. Listen in to hear that story, as well as 3 strategies for fighting useless guilt in your own life.
29 min
023: How to Stop Looking at your Phone and Why ...
Learn the brain research behind why we need to look up from our phones and engage with our children--as well as HOW to do it in a practical way within our modern world
33 min
022: Cleaning Strategies for the Naturally Mess...
Candi Kidd teaches moms who are naturally messy (or moms who just live with crazy children..eh hem, all of us) three simple strategies for keeping our homes more orderly.
31 min
021: Three Easy but Impactful Ways to Deepen Re...
Rachel shares 3 lessons she's learned about friendship, from a high school student, a tradition of sending out mix CDs, and a kidney stent. This episode is a follow-up and "deep dive" into some of the topics discussed last week.
29 min
020: How to Be a Friend Instead of Just Being F...
Brooke Romney, a mother of four and a professional writer, teaches us how to be a good friend, even if we are busy, shy, or maxed out on life.
34 min
019: Helping our Kids Rewire Difficult Behavior...
Chrissy Austin, SLP, shares a three-step process for helping children get unstuck when they are trapped in negative neurological \"loops\" and behaviors
35 min
018: Speak Your Husband's Love Language // Cele...
Celeste Davis, the founder of Marriage Laboratory, describes three of her "experiments" with the Love Languages and how they impacted her marriage
33 min
017: Three Keys to a Happier Marriage // Jody M...
Life coach Jody Moore teaches three principles to help us shift our mindsets and find more joy in our marriages and our relationships with others
34 min
016: How to Be the Mom You Are–Instead of the M...
Julie Bastedo, a veteran high school English teacher and mother of two, teaches us how to celebrate our own unique gifts as mothers
31 min