Women of Impact

WARNING: Subscribing to this podcast will lead to feeling like a badass with total confidence, zero excuses, and living life on your frikin terms! Before becoming the co-founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition, before writing the best-selling book Radical Confidence, before becoming president of Impact Theory Studios, I had ZERO confidence. I was playing small, trying to be a good Greek housewife, but totally lost myself and her hopes and dreams in the process. And so with this podcast, no matter where you are on your journey, I have gotchu covered, homie! I interview some of the most successful, inspiring, and badass people in the game to bring you the straight-up, no-BS approach to build your confidence and get you from where you are to where you want to go! So get ready for a dose of badassery! Get ready to be motivated. Get ready to be empowered to stop waiting for someone to come and save you and finally become the hero… of your own life!

Mental Health
The 3 Signs You’re In An Incompatible Relations...
Welcome back to part two of this roller coaster ride with Dr. Nicole LePera! We're continuing our deep dive into the heart of relationships and the hurdles that stop 70% of couples from reaching their first anniversary.
55 min
The 3 Signs You’re In An Incompatible Relations...
In this two-part episode, Dr. LePera shares valuable tips to help you identify if you're in an incompatible relationship and how to navigate through the emotional minefield. We also discuss why change can be as challenging as squeezing into skinny jeans after Thanksgiving dinner, and how to handle your emotional responses in a healthier way.
47 min
If You’re Scared to Commit, Listen to This | Li...
In this week’s episode of Relationship Theory, Tom and Lisa talk about commitment and how to tell if you’re ready for a relationship.
42 min
Beau or Faux? How to Decipher What He Means Vs ...
What up homie! We’re wrapping up the second half of this power-packed two-part episode of Women of Impact, Stephan Speaks is back diving into those dating dilemmas and decoding the things men say that drive us mad and leave us feeling a little lost and confused af.
47 min
Beau or Faux? How to Decipher What He Means Vs ...
In today’s two-part episode of Women of Impact, I'm super excited to help you navigate the tricky world of dating. If you’re a homie of the show, then no doubt you’ve heard of my guest before. He’s the world-renowned relationship coach and best-selling author, Stephan Speaks. He’s back diving into those dating dilemmas that have you feeling lost and confused af.
48 min
Take Back Your Sanity By Setting Clear Boundari...
Are you ready to seriously tackle the issue of setting boundaries? Are you ready to tap into your inner power and finally take control? If that's a yes, then you're in the right place because today, we're diving deep into this topic with none other than the Boundary Boss herself, my dear friend, Terri Cole.
33 min
Relationship Theory: Validation and Red Flags (...
om Bilyeu and Lisa Bilyeu discuss relationship red flags, insecurity, not having children, and more in this episode of Relationship Theory.
63 min
Unlock Your Inner Power: How to Stop the BS and...
Hey there, homies! Welcome back for Part 2 of our powerful conversation with the guru of boundaries and toxic-free living, Terri Coles.
44 min
Unlock Your Inner Power: How to Stop the BS and...
In today’s powerful two-part episode of Women of Impact with the insightful Terri Cole, we expose the love bombers and boundary manipulators for what they are. Their tactics of 'unearned intimacy' have not earned your time, your attention or love.
42 min
Slay Toxic People and Become Your Own Superhero...
Welcome to another empowering episode of Women of Impact!
31 min
Embracing Your Single Season: 6 Ways To Do It U...
What up homies and welcome back for part 2 of this power-packed episode with Faith Jenkins - who is spilling the tea and taking us through the 6 lessons she’s learned to master the single life.
47 min
Embracing Your Single Season: 6 Ways To Do It U...
We’re about to share a secret with you - it’s the secret of embracing and living your best life, no matter what stage of single you're at (actually it’s more like 6 secrets that are no longer secret, but they are life changing).
46 min
Build Your Confidence and Feel Like a Badass!
WARNING: Listening to this podcast will lead to feeling like a badass with total confidence, zero excuses, and living life on your frikin terms!
1 min
Validation and Red Flags | Tom & Lisa Bilyeu (R...
Tom and Lisa Bilyeu discuss relationship red flags, insecurity, not having children, and more in this episode of Relationship Theory.
63 min
The Secret Recipe for Love & Lust Every Couple ...
Welcome back to the second part of this supercharged convo featuring the neuroscience powerhouse, Tara Swart - who’s giving us powerful insights on how sex, stress, and attraction start in the mind and play out in radical ways affecting our love lives.
54 min
The Secret Recipe for Love & Lust Every Couple ...
Ladies, brace yourselves for a love revolution you don’t want to miss! Welcome to another episode of Women of Impact, where I’m taking the dive into the exhilarating world of love, lust, and resilience with our special guest, Tara Swart, a neuroscience whizz and resilience guru.
47 min
The Ultimate Blueprint for Confidence & Success...
Each week I get so excited to share valuable insights and lessons with you that have been the key to building my confidence and shaping my path to success. But let me be clear, this podcast isn't about me, it's about how we all wrestle with self-doubt, fears, and insecurities. But the great news is that you get to choose growth and purpose over everything to create the life you desire.
36 min
How Single Men Think: Top 3 Love Lessons to Lea...
Devon is back on the dating scene after a recent divorce, and he’s keeping it real and helping us navigate the scary world of modern dating. This conversation is about empowering you to prioritize yourself by staying true to who you are, what makes you content, and the person you want to be.
43 min
How Single Men Think: Top 3 Love Lessons to Lea...
What up homies! Can I tell you how excited I am to have Devon Franklin joining us again for another powerful conversation? Whether you’re dating, divorced or happily single, we’re diving into the love lessons you wish you knew sooner to build a long-lasting relationship. None of us wants to waste time, energy, and effort on the wrong person.
50 min
Why They’re Not ‘The One’ | Tom & Lisa Bilyeu (...
In this week’s episode of Relationship Theory, Tom and Lisa talk about the idea of “the one” and the importance of keeping your values in a relationship.
41 min
Mr. Right or Mr. He Ain't it? | Spirit Pt 2
Being with the wrong partner can be the type of catastrophic that’ll change your life forever. Nearly all of us have experienced a bad relationship which is why today’s conversation with Spirit is going to reshape your idea of Mr. Right and expose the real price you may be paying to be with Mr. He-Ain’t-It-Sis (and deep down you know it).
58 min
Mr. Right or Mr. He Ain't It? | Spirit PT 1
In this episode, SPIRIT takes us on an enlightening exploration of the aftermath of breakups and the rollercoaster ride of entering a new relationship.
54 min
Spot A Liar In 2 Minutes! | Annie Sarnblad Pt 2
Today’s guest is the ahhh-mazing Annie Sarnblad, a global expert in reading facial expressions and a literal human lie detector. She's able to recognize thousands of facial expressions and she’s decoding them in her new book, “How to Become a Human Lie Detector” , so you too can recognize the red flags and listen to your gut before you attach to a person (romantically, financially, or otherwise).
33 min
Spot a Liar in 2 Minutes! | Annie Sarnblad Pt 1
Today’s guest is the ahhh-mazing Annie Sarnblad, a global expert in reading facial expressions and a literal human lie detector. She's able to recognize thousands of facial expressions and she’s decoding them in her new book, “How to Become a Human Lie Detector” , so you too can recognize the red flags and listen to your gut before you attach to a person (romantically, financially, or otherwise).
43 min
Is There A Difference Between Loving Someone an...
Lisa and Tom discuss the differences between loving your partner and being in love with your partner.
53 min