Inspiring interviews with some amazing people who are doing extraordinary things to positively change the world. Sometimes it's just you and me having an intimate and authentic conversation about how you can smash your glass ceilings, heal, elevate your consciousness, and change the world around you.
Great content, interesting guest, mindset practices and conditioning, that's practical and healing to anyone that listens! You are always eager to come back for more, since you learn something in every episode.
Sit back and enjoy this informative, authentic and entertaining podcast.
Agile Auditing Doesn't Mean Faster with Toby De...
<p>We've been talking about agile auditing for years, so why are a few succeeding and others are reluctant to embrace it or failing in their implementation? </p>
<p>Agile doesn't mean faster, and it doesn't apply to just one part of the audit process. It is a paradigm shift and one of the most important changes to #internalaudit in many years.</p>
<p>I am talking with Toby DeRoche, who has spent the last several years understanding exactly how to apply the principles of agile into the whole audit process in a practical way. What works, what doesn't, what organizations are really doing that are successful, and is here to share so you can make the shift to agile auditing and avoid the painful learning curve.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>When you are ready for the step-by-step "how to" for agile auditing, learn more about the Certified Agile Auditor Professional (cAAP) course mentioned during this episode at: <a href=''></a></p>
46 min
Flashback Friday: Creating the Space for Consci...
<p>In today's #jammingwithjason episode I'm sharing a great episode from the #fireandearthpodcast where Kathy Gruver and Jason Mefford speak with Mayumi Young about how we find #happiness and meaning in life. </p>
<p>Through asking the right questions and finding our own "bread crumbs" we will be able to facilitate wonderful and powerful changes in our lives to reach our ultimate potential ... and all of this is coming from someone trained as a CPA :)</p>
33 min
E122 Corporate and Individual Integrity with Jo...
<p>In today's episode we discuss with John Fanning (V.P. of Business Development with Integrity Risk International) how important ethics are in today's businesses. Many companies treat ethics as a checklist and don't seem to actively promote a positive ethical culture within their organization. </p>
<p>Integrity is an important trait not only personally, but on a corporate level as well. Businesses with integrity will make positive changes when problems are found. </p>
<p>In order to foster a positive culture within our organizations we need to stand by what we say even if short term gains may seem to suffer, because long term gains will greatly benefit. </p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
41 min
Your Title Doesn't Make You a Leader
<p>Have you ever worked for a horrible boss? If you are like most people, a couple of faces just popped into your mind.</p>
<p>We've all worked with horrible bosses who didn't use Intuitive Leadership, Neural Influence, or Mental Mastery ... and it's HARD to be a leader without them, and painful for the people you work with if you don't.</p>
<p>I'm talking about #leadership in this #jammingwithjason episode. Technical skills and a fancy title, doesn't make you a good leader. In fact, you may be a horrible boss and not even realize it. </p>
<p>What does it take to be a leader with executive presence who can navigate through the politics, the good times, and the challenging times? Listen in at: <a href=''></a> to find out.</p>
<p>When you are ready to start practicing and getting the skills to make you successful when you get in a game time leadership situation, join the Briefing Leadership Program at: <a href=''></a></p>
27 min
E120 Ground-Breaking Insight into the Current a...
<p>If you ask over 1,000 #internalaudit groups what they are doing different based on the changes we've seen in 2020, what do you think you would find?
Well in this #jammingwithjason episode I'm talking with Colleen Knuff from Wolters Kluwer TeamMate about the research they have collected and what insights it can tell us about the current and future state of internal audit and the direction you should be taking. </p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a> to learn more about: 1. continuous risk assessments, 2. adopting an agile audit approach, 3. increasing the use of data analytics.</p>
<p>Here are a couple of things you can start doing now.
1. Get more continuous in your risk assessment and linking what you do to the key objectives of your organization. Learn how here: <a href=''></a>
2. Get more agile in your internal audit approach. Learn how here: <a href=''></a>
3. Learn how to start incorporating more data analytics in your work: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>To participate in the Touchstone Research for Internal Audit, visit:
<a href=''></a></p>
40 min
Flashback Friday: Finding New Ways to Thrive wi...
<p>As the world changes, we have to find new ways of doing things ... and this is definitely true of #internalaudit that has been operating relatively unchanged using a traditional approach for decades. What will our relationship with the board, management, and the #chiefauditexecutive be like in this new brave world?</p>
<p>I'm joined by Mike Smith to discuss finding new ways to thrive in this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast. We discuss this as well as how to be your whole self at work.</p>
<p>Mike Smith is the U.S. Intelligent Automation and Solution Lead for Internal Audit at KPMG.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Listen in at:</p>
50 min
Communicating in a Way to Increase Trust with A...
<p>Does the way you communicate affect whether others trust you?
Much, much more than you realize. In this #jammingwithjason episode I speak with Ann Butera about how to make changes in the way we communicate so we are exhibiting all three behaviors of trust.</p>
<p>You'll be amazed at how some little things we do every day aren't communicated to others the way we expected and are actually eroding trust, making it much more difficult for us in our work. No matter how good you think you communicate, we can all do better by incorporating Ann's wisdom.</p>
<p>Imagine how much easier your life will be when you learn how to say anything to anybody.</p>
<p>#internalaudit #communication </p>
43 min
Flashback Friday: A Tale of Two Careers
<p>It was the best of times, it was the worst of time, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. These words from Charles Dickens "The Tale of Two Cities" is the inspiration for this week's episode.</p>
<p>Two auditors start out graduating from similar universities, get similar starting positions, but in 10 years those two auditors are in very different places.</p>
<p>One is still a junior or senior auditor and the other is a director or chief audit executive earning 3-5 times the salary of the first auditor.</p>
<p>Do you know the difference between these two auditors?</p>
<p>Find out in this week's #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast. Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>When you are ready to take your career as a #chiefauditexecutive to the next level, join the CAE Briefing executive leadership program mentioned in this episode at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>Join thousands of lifelong learners in internal audit, risk and compliance at: With hundreds of learning options, you are sure to find exactly what you need: <a href=''></a></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
32 min
Best Of: RESPECT for Internal Audit
<p>I hear some Chief Audit Executives complaining they "don't get no respect" like a Rodney Dangerfield comedy skit. When Dangerfield said it, it was funny. Not so if you find your self saying that in real life.</p>
<p>In this week's #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I discuss RESPECT for internal audit. You see, respect is a two way street. There are some things we need to do as individuals and as a profession to get the respect we want. I dig into some questions to ask yourself and practical steps you can start taking today.</p>
<p>And ... an episode about RESPECT wouldn't be complete unless I sang a little Aretha Franklin, and told a few Rodney Dangerfield jokes too.</p>
<p>Please share this episode with your friends and colleagues.</p>
<p>If you are a CAE, book your call to join a community of like-minded CAEs in the CAE Forum. When you join the CAE Forum you will get much more clarity on exactly how you can get the RESPECT you deserve and elevate the status of internal audit in your organization. <a href=''></a></p>
29 min
Flashback Friday: Lessons from a Chief Audit Ex...
<p>In this week's #jammingwithjason episode I speak with Sohail Saleem about lessons he learned from being a CAE. We discuss various topics including: investing time and money into your career development (and yes that even means out of your own pocket), having a vision, determining what you need to get to the next level, seeing the big picture, developing your soft-skills, and thinking outside of the box.</p>
<p>Take a listen to the episode to learn Sohail's career path and advise on becoming a CAE at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>So much wisdom from Sohail in this episode.</p>
<p>Sohail Saleem is the Executive Director of Internal Audit (CAE) at Mount Royal University
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
#internalaudit #chiefauditexecutive #internalauditpodcast</p>
42 min
The Courage to Change
<p>Change is hard. Especially when we have been indoctrinated for years to believe certain things that often are just not true. It takes courage to change, but if we want to change the world we have to change.</p>
<p>Are you the kind of person who wants to keep doing traditional #internalaudit likes its been done for 100 years, or are you ready for change to become more relevant and add more value to your organization and have a more fulfilled career? The choice is yours. Keep riding in a horse and buggy, or upgrade to an automobile?</p>
<p>In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast we jump into how to break free of the past and have the courage to be the change we want to see if our profession and the world.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>If you are the kind of person who is ready for change and want to increase your emotional intelligence, use psychology and influence so you develop and improve relationships, and become a better leader, the Briefing Leadership Program is exactly right for you. Join at: <a href=''></a></p>
33 min
Flashback Friday: Soap Boxes and Podcasts with ...
<p>In this special episode of #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I talk with Trent Russell the host of "The Audit Podcast" about the profession of internal auditing and some "soap box" issues we both feel strongly about to help improve internal audit in organizations. It's a dual interview style, so you get to hear questions and answers from both of us. Double bonus :)</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>If you haven't already subscribed to The Audit Podcast, here is the link for it on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>Trent is also a subject matter expert on data analytics with Greenskies Analytics. You can learn more at: <a href=''></a></p>
44 min
Go From Being One of the Team to Leading the Te...
<p>I'm talking with my friend Bruce Turner again about his recent book "Team Leader’s Guide to Internal Audit Leadership" in this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast.</p>
<p>The role of #internalaudit team leaders is being reshaped to accommodate the recognition of Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) as trusted advisors within the C-suite. This requires team leaders to transition to a higher level by providing practical, meaningful ideas to optimize internal audit’s value proposition through attuned, balanced, and credible day-to-day audit engagement activities.</p>
<p>His book provides fresh, timely, and higher-level insights on the expanding role of team leaders, and the need for them to deliver internal auditing services on a day-to-day basis that optimize the value proposition for the benefit of internal audit’s stakeholders.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>Bruce Turner, has more than 40 years of practitioner and leadership experience in internal auditing, including being the Chief Audit Executive at several organizations. He has recruited dozens of new auditors into internal audit roles throughout his career and watched proudly as their careers blossomed.</p>
<p>You can find his book on Amazon: <a href=''></a></p>
35 min
Laughing Every Day with Sarah Routman
<p>Can something as simple as laughing each day actually improve your health? Absolutely.</p>
<p>Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond. Laughter can help keep everything in perspective, and the more we practice it, the better we get at seeing things in a fresh and more light-hearted way. Instead of crying, try laughing and it will make all the difference.</p>
<p>This special #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast is a re-play from my other podcast Fire & Earth (with my friend Kathy Gruver) where we were joined by Sarah Routman an expert in laughter therapy and laughter yoga. This episode will get you laughing and show you some simple exercises you can use each day to increase your health, #happiness, and well-being.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>Sarah is a champion of overall wellness, and inspires and motivates individuals and professionals to engage in healthy laughter for a vibrant, uplifting and transformative shift in all aspects of their lives that leads them towards better health and wellbeing.</p>
<p>Learn more and connect with Sarah at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p> </p>
31 min
When Are You Going to Stop Beating a Dead Horse?
<p>Ever heard the expression "beating a dead horse?" It has nothing to do with animal cruelty, but simply means a particular effort is a waste of time as there will be no outcome.</p>
<p>Well there are some efforts #internalaudit continues to push that are also as big a waste of time as beating a dead horse, and in this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I'm going to talk about them in a very candid way.</p>
<p>If you find yourself doing these things, it's time to STOP. You are wasting your energy and likely damaging the reputation and relevance of internal audit in your organization.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a> or wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts.</p>
<p>Jamming with Jason has interviews and discussions (jam sessions) relevant to internal audit leaders, and professionals in internal audit, risk management, and compliance. If you want to up-level your life and career you need to be listening each week.</p>
<p>Join the leadership program Jason mentioned in this episode here: <a href=''></a></p>
28 min
Flashback Friday: Lessons from a Chief Audit Ex...
<p>In this week's episode I speak with Steve Goepfert about lessons he learned from being a CAE. We discuss various topics including the difference between being a Chief Auditor, and being a Chief Audit Executive; what it really takes to be a CAE; how to provide those moments of head snap (you'll have to listen to learn more); how to prove and communicate the value internal audit provides; and not getting so engrained in the mechanics that we don't focus on the big picture.</p>
<p>Steve Goepfert was the Vice President - Internal Audit (Chief Auditor) for United Airlines in Chicago, Illinois. He assumed the role after the merger of United and Continental. He had previously been Chief Auditor at Continental Airlines for 21 years.</p>
<p>He was the 2006-2007 Chairman of the Board for the Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. (IIA). At the Global level, Steve served on the IIA's Executive Committee for 6 years (2003-09) and on the IIA Board for 7 years. He previously served as Senior Vice Chairman and Vice Chairman – Professional Services and is a past President of the Houston Chapter (1999-2000), and served on its Board for 17 years. In 2012, Steve was inducted into the inaugural class of the IIA's American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners. He was recognized in 2013 with the Victor Brink award for distinguished service to the IIA.</p>
<p>He is now enjoying retirement in Tennessee. I am very grateful to have one of the legends in the internal audit profession on the show.</p>
52 min
Jamming with Jason meets The Tour Report with R...
<p>This is another special #jammingwithjason episode where you get to hear Jason Mefford interviewed for The Tour Report podcast with Rick Roybal. We discuss #internalaudit and where the profession is headed.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>Make sure to check out The Tour Report with Rick (especially if you are in the oil and gas sector) at: <a href=''></a></p>
40 min
Flashback Friday: Risk-Based Internal Auditing
<p>Even though we have been using the term "risk-based auditing" for over 20 years, many internal audit groups have not really implemented it... and many misunderstand the concepts behind it.</p>
<p>In this episode I explain the challenges and opportunities facing internal audit as a profession and why moving to a truly risk-based approach is the opportunity for us to overcome those challenges. I also discuss the confusion with the terms objective-based, or risk management-based audit.</p>
<p>I've been preaching risk-based internal auditing for over 15 years and am considered to be one of the leading world experts on risk-based internal audit (and yes I wrote a book on this, frameworks, certifications and have trained internal auditors all over the world). </p>
<p>If you missed the webinar on Establishing or Improving a Risk-Based Audit Approach, you can now access it in the cRisk Academy on-demand library at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>To learn more about how you can enroll in a new course and receive your Certified Risk-Based Internal Auditor (cRBIA) professional designation visit: <a href=''></a></p>
<p> </p>
33 min
Making Internal Audit Practical with Toby DeRoche
<p>Most of the advice and knowledge people present about #internalaudit is very theoretical. If you are like most auditors you are still asking "But how do I implement at my organization."</p>
<p>In this #jammingwithjason #internalaudit podcast I talk with Toby DeRoch of InsightCPE on how we can become much more practical and just do things instead of talking about it. Two areas we dig into deeper are how to practically apply an Agile Auditing approach, and how to deal with a virtual audit environment, including how to develop relationships remotely.</p>
<p>Join Toby and Jason for the next cRisk Academy webinar "Why Do Auditors Ignore Fraud?" on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 · 9:00 AM PDT. Register at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>Check out Toby's list of upcoming webinars at: <a href=''></a>
and his full list of courses available through the cRisk Academy on-demand learning platform at: <a href=''></a></p>
44 min
Flashback Friday: A Touch of Grey
<p>If you've ever wondered what psychology, science, mindfulness, and music have to do with internal audit, this #jammingwithjason episode will explain. When you listen, you will see I'm not as crazy as I may first appear :)</p>
<p>Traditional internal audit is no longer serving our organizations, and it's time to start a revolution and shake it up baby, twist and shout our way to being elevated so we can fly like the eagles in our organizations and be seen as trusted advisors adding real value. It's time to live from a place of possibilities and opportunity instead of being stuck in fear, negativity, and communication breakdowns.</p>
<p>Even when it's worse than it appears, it's alright. We will get by, we will survive ... together.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a> or where ever you enjoy listening to podcasts.</p>
<p>If you listen to the podcast, please do me a favor.
1. Connect with me on LinkedIn: <a href=''></a>
2. Send me a personalized connection request and let me know you listen to the podcast (if you don't personalize the invite I may not approve due to all the random, spamming requests I get each day)
3. Let me know what you like the most about the podcast
4. Bonus points if you can list the songs/artists I made reference to during the podcast and in the show notes</p>
<p>Jamming with Jason is the #1 #internalauditpodcast in the world has interviews and discussions (jam sessions) relevant to Chief Audit Executives and professionals in #internalaudit, risk management, and compliance.</p>
23 min
It's ALL About Relationships
<p>The quality of your personal and professional life comes down to the quality of your relationships, but don't take my word for it. Harvard University has been running a study on adult development since 1938, and that is what they concluded too.</p>
<p>Successful executives know it all comes down to how well they manage relationships with themselves, their staff, and their stakeholders. Almost every challenge you have in life has to root cause of a relationship issue.</p>
<p>In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast episode we dig into some of the things you need to be proficient doing every day, and every week to manage your self, stakeholders and staff so you can be an effective leaders.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>I'm so passionate about this topic that I even created a whole executive leadership program to give CAEs the skills they need to succeed as a confident executive leader.</p>
<p>Even though it's specifically designed for Chief Audit Executives, the topics and skill taught in the CAE Briefing Executive Leadership Program is relevant for anyone.</p>
<p>When you are ready to become a relationship ninja, register NOW at: <a href=''></a></p>
41 min
Flashback Friday: Relevance and Relationships w...
<p>In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I'm talking about relevance and relationships with the one and only Hal Garyn. If you don't already know Hal, you should.</p>
<p>For many years #internalaudit has been losing its relevance in some organizations, and if you were having trouble with your relevance before, after what we've experienced in early 2020, your job just got harder. But fear not, in this episode we discuss what you can do to become more relevant.</p>
<p>Since 80% of challenges stem from relationship issues, it's also fitting that we discuss relationships. If you want a seat at the table you have to earn it, and keep it. The way you do that is by showing your relevance and developing relationships.</p>
<p>As I mention at the end of the episode, if you are a #ChiefAuditExecutive and struggling with either of these, please reach out to me. Send me an email or message me through LinkedIn.</p>
<p>Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
47 min
Practical Insights for Lifting the Veil on Frau...
<p>Ever feel like a "deer in the headlights" when you get thrown into a #fraud investigation? If you are like most people, at that point you start wishing you had guidance from a mentor or retired colleague. If your colleague was here now, what gems of experience and tricks of the trade would your colleague give you? </p>
<p>In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast you get that. The experience and advice of someone, who while not retired, has seen his share of fraud investigations in his career. So much so that he wrote a book on it to share the wisdom with others.</p>
<p>Craig Bristow is the author of "Practical Insights for Fraud Professionals: Lifting the veil on the dark art" and a Chief Audit Executive. </p>
<p>"Practical Insights for Fraud Professionals" reads like on-the-job training and provides sound practical guidelines on how to conduct all elements associated with fraud investigation. Both new and seasoned fraud investigators will find value in these applied techniques from Craig's book and from his discussion on this podcast.</p>
<p>You can get a copy of Craig's book at: <a href=''></a></p>
45 min
Flashback Friday: Moving from a CPE Mindset to ...
Many professionals get caught in a CPE mindset when it comes to professional development. A CPE mindset will not get you promotions or new positions. In the knowledge revolution, we have to become lifelong learners - those concerned with learning and growing each day, week, and month - not just completing hours of random CPE each year. Find out how to switch mindsets, increase your likelihood of having your training requests approved, and some questions you can ask yourself to be proactive with your learning opportunities.</p>
31 min
A Tale of Two Careers
<p>It was the best of times, it was the worst of time, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. These words from Charles Dickens "The Tale of Two Cities" is the inspiration for this week's episode.</p>
<p>Two auditors start out graduating from similar universities, get similar starting positions, but in 10 years those two auditors are in very different places.</p>
<p>One is still a junior or senior auditor and the other is a director or chief audit executive earning 3-5 times the salary of the first auditor.</p>
<p>Do you know the difference between these two auditors?</p>
<p>Find out in this week's #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast. Listen in at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>When you are ready to take your career as a #chiefauditexecutive to the next level, join the CAE Briefing executive leadership program mentioned in this episode at: <a href=''></a></p>
<p>Join thousands of lifelong learners in internal audit, risk and compliance at: With hundreds of learning options, you are sure to find exactly what you need: <a href=''></a></p>