Finding the Throughline with Kate Hanley

Finding the Throughline: Conversations about the Creative Process invites you into the minds of writers and other creatives as they open up about their process, their doubts, and what kinds of changes they’re thinking about making. The questions are mildly invasive, honestly, and the answers are unvarnished…and so refreshing! 

Whether your creative work is writing, painting, making music, parenting, or simply living, Finding the Throughline can help you get—and stay—inspired. Invigorated, even. 

For detailed show notes on each interview, visit And if you’d like to hear these interviews in one ad-free episode (as opposed to broken up into three shorter episodes with a few ads sprinkled in to keep the lights on), become a paid subscriber once you’re there.


How To
Where to Find Your Best Ideas (Hint They’re Hid...
Great ideas aren’t “out there.” There’re right in front of you. And they’re often disguised as a bad idea. It’s like they’re hiding in plain sight. 
5 min
The Importance of Being Naughty EP: 135
While of course I’m a fan of doing what it takes to be a better person, doing all the things that are so good for you can also start to feel just a little too… I don’t know, wholesome. It gets tiring. It can start to get a little...
4 min
How to Spend Time without Filling It EP: 134
Since 2020 is a leap year, tomorrow, February 29th, is a bonus day--kind of like the extra hour we get when we turn back the clocks in the fall, only times 24. And in honor of this very special occasion, I want to suggest that tomorrow is a fantastic...
4 min
What to Say When Someone's Disagreeing With You...
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we are living through some very, very tense times. And that means there are lots of opportunities for you to have disagreements with other people, in real life and online. It can feel disagreeing and being a...
6 min
Really Feel Your Feels EP: 132
The most efficient way through an emotion is to allow yourself to feel it. But that can feel pretty scary, so we try to will ourselves not to feel the feelings. Well, guess how well that works.
4 min
You’ve Got the Access. Use It to Do the Researc...
Information is so easily accessed these days that it’s on all of us to do our own research before we ask someone else if we can pick their brain. 
4 min
Read Books Written By Someone Outside Your Demo...
Reading something by someone’s who has a completely different experience of the world from helps you have a more attuned, realistic, and empathetic view of the world around you.
6 min
The Power (and Beauty) of Doing Something You S...
Allowing yourself to suck at something also gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in something that’s super powerful, and that’s beginner’s mind.
5 min
Say What You Mean, But Don’t Be a Jerk EP 128
Today I’m talking about how to find the right balance between being truthful and being kind. Because it’s not always easy to find. And sometimes it feels downright impossible. 
6 min
Swing Those Arms EP: 127
Today’s tip can help you tone your arms, prevent low back pain, and improve your breast health and overall immunity--all by doing something that you have to do every day of your life with just a smidge more intention. 
8 min
Ask Dumb Questions EP: 126
Too often, we don’t ask a question because we’re afraid of looking stupid. But the truth is, if you’re confused about something, chances are someone else is too. Asking dumb questions helps bring clarity, and clarity is everyone’s friend....
4 min
What Motivates You? EP: 125
Just like passion in a relationship wanes, so does passion in life. It’s motivation that will keep you going when that happens.
5 min
Be a Better Partner, Day 5: How I Stopped Hatin...
I spent the first couple years of our marriage fairly obsessed with who was doing what in our relationship--and I always seemed to be the one who was losing. It wasn’t until I STOPPED doing this one thing that things started to shift (and we stopped...
8 min
Be a Better Partner, Day 4: Take Care of Yourse...
People learn how to treat us by observing how we treat ourselves. And if you are not taking exquisite care of yourself, well, you can’t expect that anyone else will be able to, either, Even the person who loves you the most and is committed to your...
8 min
Be a Better Partner, Day 3: It’s All About Repa...
Today’s tip, part of Be a Better Partner Weeks, can help you keep your relationship strong even when there’s been some disturbance in the force.
6 min
Be a Better Partner, Day 2: See the Flip Side E...
I’m coming to you today with a tip that will help you think differently about the things your partner does or ways your partner is that drive you crazy. Because let’s be honest, we all have things about our partner that make us nuts.
6 min
Be a Better Partner, Day 1: Relate, Not Manipul...
Welcome to Be a Better Partner week here on How to Be a Better Person! Today’s tip is about a fundamental attitude shift in how you approach every conversation with your partner.
9 min
Repair Before You Replace EP:119
Mending something instead of replacing it takes exponentially fewer resources than buying a whole new thing. It also saves you money. But there’s something else good that happens when you fix something that’s broken instead of buying a new one...
6 min
What to Do About Crying Babies on Planes EP: 118
Imagine that you are slowly filing on to an airplane. You get to your row and, bam, there’s a baby. Dun dun DUN. What do you do?!
7 min
Listen to Your Body’s Cues EP: 117
You may not realize it, but your body is sending you signals all the time. They’re easy to overlook because we like to let our minds run the show. But when you ignore these cues, you miss an opportunity to recognize what you need and then to give it...
5 min
Don’t Be a Bagel, Be a Croissant EP: 116
Today’s tip is a subtle shift in body position that can really radically change your experience at a networking function. You talk to more people, and you also have more fun. The only downside is that it might make you hungry for carbs. =)
4 min
Be Thankful for the Lesson EP 115
When you fail, or mess up, or don’t get what you want, it is a bummer. But if you look a little deeper, there’s always a lesson in it. While I don’t advocate glossing over the hurt, I do absolutely believe that when you ask yourself, “What is...
3 min
What Marie Kondo Forgot All About EP: 114
I loved “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and gladly dumped every stitch of clothing I own out on to my bed and went to town deciding what no longer sparked joy. But there’s one thing she doesn’t talk about that has been bugging me ever...
4 min
Ask for Help EP: 113
Sometimes circumstances demand that you go it alone, and that’s fine. We all need to be able to take care of ourselves, am I right? But there’s a time and a place for everything, and sometimes that time and place is for asking for help. 
3 min
Add, Don’t Take a Away EP: 112
Today I’m bringing you a tip that will help you increase the nutritional value of your diet across the board without depriving yourself of any “bad” foods. Sounds good right? 
4 min