Finding the Throughline with Kate Hanley

Finding the Throughline: Conversations about the Creative Process invites you into the minds of writers and other creatives as they open up about their process, their doubts, and what kinds of changes they’re thinking about making. The questions are mildly invasive, honestly, and the answers are unvarnished…and so refreshing! 

Whether your creative work is writing, painting, making music, parenting, or simply living, Finding the Throughline can help you get—and stay—inspired. Invigorated, even. 

For detailed show notes on each interview, visit And if you’d like to hear these interviews in one ad-free episode (as opposed to broken up into three shorter episodes with a few ads sprinkled in to keep the lights on), become a paid subscriber once you’re there.


How To
Day 3: Operation De-Escalation: 3 Surefire Ways...
There are certain things that you just don’t want to do if your goal is to de-fuse tension. And we all do them. So let's take a look at them.
7 min
Day 2: Operation De-Escalation: It’s All About ...
Tone matters. It has always mattered, but it matters now more than ever. (And it's what helped me not get into a fight with a stranger in the coffee bean aisle.)
7 min
Day 1: Operation De-Escalation: It’s TENSE Out ...
This week, I’m devoting all the episodes to what I’m calling Operation De-Escalation, because we are all on our last nerves. We'll explore ways you can help take things down a notch, both in the outside world and in your own mind. And today is all...
8 min
"Best Of": Are You a Tortoise, a Hare, or a Tor...
This is one of my personal favorites because when I answered this question for myself, it helped me find a process that helped me get my work done without feeling guilty or stressed--and it can help you do the same thing. See you next week with new...
6 min
"Best Of": What Pink Elephants Are Talking to ...
Ooh, this is a juicy episode that helps you poke around in your subconscious and figure out why you do the things you do AND why you don’t do the things you don’t do.  
8 min
"Best Of": Forgive YOUR Mistakes EP: 224
This episode helped put How to Be a Better Person podcast on the map when it got mentioned in an article called "The 7 Podcasts Will Help You Achieve Your Goals in 2020." It offers a deceptively simple, and deceptively powerful, forgiveness exercise...
5 min
"Best Of": Don’t Be an Interrupting Cow EP: 223
This is another 'best of' episode that gives you one simple task to do for the rest of the day, and that is to do whatever it takes to not interrupt anyone. It's harder than it might sound (and shows just how challenging it can be to truly listen).
6 min
"Best Of": Let Someone Else Go First EP: 222
Know that awkward moment, at a 4-way stop sign or on a sidewalk, when you don't know who should go first? Just for one day, be the person who waves the other person on. It's nice, yes, but it also alleviates decision fatigue (and dispels awkwardness).
5 min
"Best Of": Your Ticket Out of Judgment-Land EP:...
As you head out to celebrate the 4th of July, you are probably going to see plenty of examples of behavior that you are going to want to judge something fierce.  This 'best of' episode will help you either a) head judgment off at the pass, or b)...
9 min
"Best Of": The Need for Alone Time Is Real EP: 220
Alone time is an important component of emotional hygiene, but since Covid-19 struck, it's been in limited supply for those folks who live with other people--especially when those other people are your children.  
10 min
"Best Of": The Importance of Being Naughty EP: 219
Yes, it's a worthy effort to try to be and do better. But if that's all you do, it can start to feel like you're wearing a too-tight jacket. And then you want to just give up. This 'best of' episode helps you keep making progress while also cutting...
5 min
"Best Of": Say What You Mean, But Don’t Be a Je...
Here's another one from the vault that pertains to relationships. It's a mantra that helps you find the right balance between being truthful and being kind. (And includes a story about my daughter that will send you straight back to 6th grade.)
7 min
"Best Of": If You Want to Be a Better Partner,...
Repairing after a fight is a rarely taught skill that helps you keep your relationship strong even when there’s been a disturbance in the force. And let's face it, with all the upheaval 2020 has brought with it thus far, it's easier than ever to...
7 min
Baby Steps for Better Health: Vitamin Nature EP...
Getting more nature in your life helps ease everything from inflammation to anxiety and depression. Even more importantly, in my mind, is it gives you a mental reset, and oh my goodness gracious, who doesn’t need a mental reset right about now?
6 min
Baby Steps for Better Health: Smoothies for Pre...
I truly believe that smoothies are the perfect food for this moment because they’re delicious, chock full of whole foods, and require minimal prep and minimal cleanup. Smoothies for president!
8 min
Baby Steps for Better Health: Embrace Movement ...
You're stuck at home, your gym is probably still closed (or maybe you're nervous about going)--how can you keep up with moving the ole bod during quarantine? Biomechanist, author, and all-around smarty pants Katy Bowman can help you think about...
26 min
Baby Steps for Better Health: Do This as Soon a...
We’ve all heard the advice to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but most of us are still drinking the same amount of water that we ever were. Which is, let’s face it, probably not enough. Here's an awesome way to boost health by boosting hydration...
5 min
Baby Steps for Better Health: Ask Yourself This...
There are probably things you’ve been doing to help you cope with these weird, weird times that maybe aren’t the healthiest choices. That is totally OK and very human of you. But it’s very possible that the coping mechanisms we adopt now will...
7 min
The Inner Work of Anti-Racism: Don’t Go It Alon...
If you are committed to doing the work required to become an anti-racist, it’s a wonderful thing, but you don’t want to go it alone. We need anti-racism to spread beyond ourselves and to do that, we have to link up with other people. 
8 min
The Inner Work of Anti-Racism: Owning Your Own ...
Today’s big idea is that each of us has to take responsibility for our own education about the issues we care about. 
8 min
The Inner Work of Anti-Racism: Separating Perso...
Andrea J. Lee is a master coach who helps people do the things that feel impossible--kind of like dismantling racism might feel. She's here to help us discern the difference between feeling personally offended and morally offended, so that we can be...
15 min
The Inner Work of Anti-Racism: Being OK With Me...
Today’s big idea is that a huge, monumental piece of the inner work that it will take for white people to truly become anti-racists, both in their own minds and out in the world, is getting more comfortable with messing up.
7 min
The Inner Work of Anti-Racism: It’s Time to Adm...
Today we're wrestling with with a basic, fundamental question that is on more people’s minds than ever at this particular point in history: are you racist or not? 
8 min
Welp, That Sucks: We've Got to Break Up with th...
Today’s big idea is something that’s tough to swallow and also a path to hopefulness. And that is that we need to accept the reality that the past is not anything we’re going to get back to.
7 min
Welp, That Sucks: Are the Kids Alright? EP: 205
This is a tough time for everyone, for a lot of reasons. But our kids are really taking this on the chin, at all ages. So let's check in on how they're doing and how we might be able to better support them through it. 
8 min