New Books in World Affairs

Interviews with Scholars of Global Affairs about their New Books

Society & Culture
Jay Sexton, "A Nation Forged by Crisis: A New A...
A popular myth in the American nationalist imaginary is that the country has been on a continued path of progress...
54 min
Michael Kodas, "Megafire: The Race to Extinguis...
In the 1980s, fires burned an average of two million acres per year. Today the average is eight million acres and growing...
50 min
James Tharin Bradford, "Poppies, Power, and Pol...
Afghanistan and the United States have a complicated relationship. And poppies have often been at the center of the problem between the two countries...
31 min
Michael Beckley, "Unrivaled: Why America Will R...
Is the era of American hegemony over? Is America finished as a superpower?
45 min
Mike Jay, "Mescaline: A Global History of the F...
Psychedelics are not terribly new. And the drug mescaline is certainly not new...
26 min
Stefan Al, "Adapting Cities to Sea Level Rise: ...
This book is a tool kit for adapting and managing sea level rise and storm events for metropolitan cities and smaller communities...
49 min
Stefan Al, "Adapting Cities to Sea Level Rise: ...
This book is a tool kit for adapting and managing sea level rise and storm events for metropolitan cities and smaller communities...
49 min
Martin Edwards, "The IMF, the WTO and the Polit...
Both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) practice periodic surveillance of member states to ensure they are adopting effective economic policies...
21 min
Daniel Vukovich, "Illiberal China: The Ideologi...
Vukovich analyzes the 'intellectual political culture' of post-Tiananmen China in comparison to and in conflict with liberalism inside and outside the P.R.C...
70 min
Hannah Weiss Muller, "Subjects and Sovereign: B...
There is no denying that the public remains fascinated with monarchy...
38 min
Jeremy Friedman, "Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Sov...
Taking ideology seriously as a component of socialist foreign policy, Friedman’s new and compelling analysis shows how deep Moscow and Beijing’s disagreements ran...
61 min
Donald Stoker, "Why America Loses Wars: Limited...
Stoker argues that America endures endless wars because its leaders no longer know how to think about war in strategic terms...
42 min
Laura Robson and Arie Dubnov, "Partitions: A Tr...
Laura Robson and Arie Dubnov uncover the collective history of the concept of partition and locate its genealogy in the politics of twentieth-century empire and decolonization...
46 min
Petra Goedde, "The Politics of Peace: A Global ...
Earlier histories of the Cold War haven’t exactly been charitable toward the peace activists and pacifists who led peace initiatives...
51 min
Tiffany Gill, "To Turn the Whole World Over: Bl...
Annette Joseph-Gabriel talks with Tiffany Gill about the history of African American travel in the late twentieth century and its significance to Black communities across the lines of class and gender...
34 min
Richard Vague, "A Brief History of Doom: Two Hu...
Vague sees the rise and fall of private sector debt as the key factor explaining the cycle of economic crises experienced by developed and major developing economies over the past two centuries...
33 min
Bhakti Shringarpure, "Cold War Assemblages: Dec...
Shringarpure integrates a variety of disciplinary perspectives while also weaving together the encounters and reverberations between the Cold War and decolonization and the post-colonial experience...
43 min
Stephen Hardy and Andrew Holman, "Hockey: A Glo...
In "Hockey," Hardy and Holman offer a comprehensive and engaging history of the fastest game from it’s origins in a series of stick based contests, including early hockey, bandy, and polo through to the development of our contemporary commercial hockey best exhibited by the NHL and KHL.
68 min
Darren Dochuk, "Anointed with Oil: How Christia...
Dochuk places religion and oil at the center of American history...
48 min
Joan Wallach Scott, "Sex and Secularism" (Princ...
"Sex and Secularism" is a compelling analysis of the discourse of secularism in the modern democratic (imperial) nation-states of “the West”.
57 min
Jeffrey Lantis, "Foreign Policy Advocacy and En...
With the US in the midst of on-going negotiations with Iran, North Korea, and China, how is Congress playing a part?
22 min
Yuen Yuen Ang, "How China Escaped the Poverty T...
Her book explains what went right in China and how other developing countries could follow a similar approach to reform and institutional transition...
38 min
Susanna P. Campbell, "Global Governance and Loc...
Why do international peacebuilding organizations sometimes succeed and sometimes fail, even within the same country?
50 min
Sasha D. Pack, "The Deepest Border: The Strait ...
Pack considers the Strait of Gibraltar as an untamed in-between space—from “shatter zone” to borderland...
57 min
Jonathan D. T. Ward, "China's Vision of Victory...
Ward brings the reader to a new understanding of China's planning, strategy, and ambitions...
49 min