Iain MacGregor, "Checkpoint Charlie: The Cold W...
There is perhaps no more iconic symbol of the Cold War than the Berlin Wall...
68 min
Sara Lorenzini, "Global Development: A Cold War...
The idea of economic development was a relatively novel one even as late as the 1940s...
48 min
Stuart Schrader, "Badges Without Borders: How ...
Stuart Schrader makes the compelling case that the growth of carceral state is just one front of a “discretionary empire” that persists today...
71 min
Cara New Daggett, "Birth of Energy: Fossil Fuel...
Daggett suggests that reassessing our relationships with fossil fuels in the face of climate change also requires that we rethink the concept of energy itself...
40 min
Kathryn Conrad on University Press Publishing
What do university presses do, and how do they do it?
37 min
Julia Nicholls, "Revolutionary Thought after th...
NIcholls offers the first comprehensive account of French revolutionary thought in the years between the crushing of France's last nineteenth-century revolution and the re-emergence of socialism as a meaningful electoral force,..
56 min
Jeremy Black, "Maps of War: Mapping Conflict th...
Black covers the history of the mapping of land wars, and shows the way in which maps provide a guide to the history of war...
61 min
Andrea Pitzer, "One Long Night: A Global Histor...
While concentration camps may not seem to have much to do with travel and exploration, travel and forced detention are joined in strange and important ways...
36 min
J. Neuhaus, "Geeky Pedagogy: A Guide for Intell...
The things that make people academics do not necessarily make them good teachers...
29 min
Michael Mandelbaum, "The Rise and Fall of Peace...
In the twenty-five years after 1989, the world enjoyed the deepest peace in history...
52 min
Rachel Laudan, "Cuisine and Empire: Cooking in ...
In her book she describes the development and decline of cuisines throughout world history over 20,000 years...
42 min
Ricky W. Law, "Transnational Nazism: Ideology a...
Law examines the cultural context of Tokyo and Berlin’s political rapprochement in 1936...
72 min
Henning Melber, "Dag Hammarskjöld, the United N...
Dag Hammarskjold was such a dynamic secretary-general that for years, the motto about him was simply “Leave it to Dag.”
72 min
Larry Diamond, "Ill Winds: Saving Democracy fro...
Larry Diamond joins us this week to talk about the threat China’s model of authoritarian capitalism...
40 min
Eric D. Weitz, "A World Divided: The Global Str...
Who has the right to have rights?
45 min
Jeremy Black, "A Brief History of Spain" (Robin...
A leitmotif running from Columbus's first voyage in 1492 was Spain's trans-oceanic empire which was central to the country's global impact and to a degree self-understanding...
49 min
Thomas Hager, "Ten Drugs: How Plants, Powders, ...
Behind every landmark drug is a story...
59 min
Wendy Brown, "In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Th...
Neoliberalism is one of those fuzzy words that can mean something different to everyone...
40 min
C. Strachan and L. Poloni-Staudinger, "Why Don′...
"Why Don′t Women Rule the World?" is a comprehensive and useful addition to the established literature on women and politics...
37 min
Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, "No Path Home: Humanitar...
"No Path Home" is the engaging result of more than sixteen years of fieldwork in Georgian IDP camps.
36 min
Kim A. Wagner, "The Skull of Alum Bheg: The Lif...
How did a Danish historian wind up with a human skull from colonial India in his University of London office
58 min
Timothy LeCain, "The Matter of History: How Thi...
LeCain presents a path-breaking approach to the study of the environment and history...
64 min
Seth J. Frantzman, "After Isis: America, Iran a...
Frantzman spent months traveling throughout the Middle East to get a first-hand view of the region, its people and politics in war’s aftermath...
57 min
Joy McCann, "Wild Sea: A History of the Souther...
McCann discusses the great circumpolar ocean that surrounds Antarctica...
32 min
Keir Giles, "Moscow Rules: What Drives Russia t...