Asa McKercher, "Canada and the World since 1867...
McKercher offers a strong rebuttal to the Canadian-history-is-boring thesis...
60 min
Alexander Mikaberidze, "The Napoleonic Wars: A ...
Austerlitz, Wagram, Borodino, Trafalgar, Leipzig, Waterloo: these are the battles most closely associated with the Napoleonic Wars. But how did this period of nearly continuous warfare affect the world beyond Europe?
88 min
Samuel Gregg, "Reason, Faith, and the Struggle ...
So what is Western Civilization, anyway?
89 min
Matt Cook, "Sleight of Mind: 75 Ingenious Parad...
According to Cook, a paradox paradox is a sophisticated kind of magic trick...
51 min
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., "In Do Morals Matter?: Pres...
Americans since the beginning of their history, have constantly made moral judgments about presidents and foreign policy. Unfortunately, many of these assessments are poorly thought through and assessed...
42 min
Jonathan Scott, "How the Old World Ended: The A...
This book is about movement, water, the interchange of ideas, peoples, and cultures. At its centre is the Anglo-Dutch relationship and, at its many peripheries, Scott reveals the transformative effects of this unique republican pulse...
25 min
Michelle Murray, "The Struggle for Recognition ...
Is a rising power – like China – a threat to the world order?
43 min
The Origins of World War One
Who or what originated and/or caused the Great War from breaking out in July 1914?
65 min
Salman Sayyid, "Recalling the Caliphate: Decolo...
Sayyid offers a breathtakingly brilliant meditation on the problem of decolonization through Muslim thought and politics...
52 min
Jeffrey James Byrne, "Mecca of Revolution: Alge...
Byrne places Algeria at the center of many of the twentieth-century’s international dynamics: decolonization, the Cold War, détente,..
81 min
Maria Ryan, "Full Spectrum Dominance: Irregular...
Ryan offers the first sustained historical examination of the secondary fronts in the war on terror...
38 min
Diana Lemberg, "Barriers Down: How American Pow...
Since the 1940s, America’s relations with the rest of the world have been guided by the idea of promoting the free flow of information...
46 min
Phillipa Chong, “Inside the Critics’ Circle: Bo...
Azoulay argues that the institutions that make our world, from archives and museums to ideas of sovereignty and human rights to history itself, are all dependent on imperial modes of thinking...
48 min
Sarah Stockwell, "The British End of the Britis...
How did de-colonialization impact the United Kingdom itself?
43 min
Slavery in World History
Slavery, alas, is a universal institution, found in all times and nearly all places...
50 min
Shai M. Dromi, "Above the Fray: The Red Cross a...
How should we understand humanitarian NGOs?
42 min
Bari Weiss, "How to Fight Anti-Semitism" (Crown...
Anti-semitism is on the rise in the U.S. and other parts of the world...
30 min
Alan Gallay, "Walter Ralegh: Architect of Empir...
Sir Walter Ralegh was a favorite of Queen Elizabeth. She showered him with estates and political appointments. He envisioned her becoming empress of a universal empire. She gave him the opportunity to lead the way...
84 min
K. Linder et al., "Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alt...
If you’re a grad student facing the ugly reality of finding a tenure-track job, you could easily be forgiven for thinking about a career change...
36 min
Jeremy Black, "Geographies of an Imperial Power...
A great deal of recent discussion among humanities scholars has focused on the possibility or even necessity of “de-colonising the curriculum.” But what does this project mean?
26 min
William Callison and Zachary Manfredi, "Mutant ...
The neoliberal consensus, once thought to be undefeatable, seems to have been broken both in the wake of the fiscal crisis of 2008, as well as a series of surprise movements and elections throughout the world in the last several years...
120 min
Global Governance “As It Was, Is and Ought to Be”
An interview with Stephen Gill
19 min
Elizabeth Economy, "The Third Revolution: Xi Ji...
Elizabeth Economy explains the background to recent dramatic changes inside China...
27 min
Alice Hill, "Building a Resilient Tomorrow: How...
Hill and Martinez-Diaz draw on their personal experiences as senior officials in the Obama Administration to tell behind-the-scenes stories of what it really takes to advance progress on climate change issues...