Paul Jankowski, "All Against All: The Long Wint...
Jankowski provides a wide-angled account of a critical period of world history, the interwar years, in which the world transitioned from postwar to the prewar and saw the disintegration of collective security and international institutions created after the First World War....
47 min
Jeremy Black, "Geopolitics and the Quest for Do...
Black argues that just as the perception of power is central to issues of power, so place, and its constraints and relationships, is partly a matter of perception, not merely map coordinates...
Collard investigates the multibillion-dollar global exotic pet trade and the largely hidden processes through which exotic pets are produced and traded as lively capital....
82 min
Paulina O. Espejo, "On Borders: Territories, Le...
When are borders justified? Who has a right to control them? Where should they be drawn?
60 min
Mark Gilbert, "European Integration: A Politica...
Awareness of the EU's undeniable past and present importance can - and has - led to complacency and hubris. There is nothing inevitable about European integration...
38 min
John K. Roth, "The Failures of Ethics: Confront...
Absent the overriding of moral sensibilities, if not the collapse or collaboration of ethical traditions, the Holocaust, genocide, and other mass atrocities could not have happened,,,
Chichilnisky lays out the history of how we came to be in the emergency we are in now, what we have tried before, and how we can get out....
49 min
Christopher J. Lee, "Making a World After Empir...
In April 1955, twenty-nine countries from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East came together for a diplomatic conference in Bandung, Indonesia, intending to define the direction of the postcolonial world...
84 min
David Vine, "The United States of War: A Global...
Since its founding, the United States has been at peace for only eleven years...
63 min
Sujit Sivasundaram, "Waves Across the South: A ...
71 min
Daniel Deudney, "Dark Skies: Space Expansionism...
Deudney argues that the major result of the "Space Age" has been to increase the likelihood of global nuclear war...
71 min
Anne Gerritsen, "The City of Blue and White: Ch...
We think of blue and white porcelain as the ultimate global commodity: throughout East and Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean including the African coasts, the Americas and Europe, consumers desired Chinese porcelains.,,.
65 min
K. Yazdani and D. M. Menon, "Capitalisms: Towar...
"Capitalisms" aims to decenter work on the history of capitalism by looking at the longue durée from the tenth century; at regions as diverse as Song China, South and South East Asia, Latin America and the Ottoman and Safavid Empires; and exploring the plurality of developments over this extended time and space...
84 min
Ian Foster, "Conscripts of Migration: Neolibera...
Foster analyzes increasingly urgent questions regarding crises of global immigration by redefining migration in terms of conscription and by studying contemporary literature...
62 min
Andrew Liu, "Tea War: A History of Capitalism i...
Liu’s book offers a fascinating new history of this ubiquitous beverage, leveraging its production, consumption, and global circulation to offer a fresh and compelling account of capitalist accumulation....
47 min
K. A. Lieber and D. G. Press, "The Myth of the ...
Lieber and Press tackle the central puzzle of the nuclear age: the persistence of intense geopolitical competition in the shadow of nuclear weapons...
66 min
Cynthia Miller-Idriss, "Hate in the Homeland: T...
A startling look at the unexpected places where violent hate groups recruit young people.
71 min
Ian Buruma, "The Churchill Complex" (Penguin Pr...
Buruma offers a brilliant, witty journey through the "Special Relationship" between Britain and America that has done so much to shape the world, from World War II to Brexit...
54 min
Robert Zoellick, "America in the World: A Histo...
Both a sweeping work of history and an insightful guide to U.S. diplomacy past and present, America in the World serves as an informative companion and practical adviser to readers seeking to understand the strategic and immediate challenges of U.S. foreign policy during an era of transformation and change...
58 min
Hayden J. Bellenoit, "The Formation of the Colo...
Bellenoit digs beneath imperial formation on a macro level and looks at the fiscal management of empire....
30 min
Philip Jenkins, "Fertility and Faith: The Demog...
Jenkins maps the demographic revolution that has taken hold of many countries around the globe in recent decades and explores the implications for the future development of the world’s religions...
65 min
Anthony L. Gardner, "Stars with Stripes: The Es...
The EU-US partnership has its frustrations and failings, writes Tony Gardner...
39 min
Michael E. McCullough, "The Kindness of Strange...
Nurhussein explores late nineteenth and twentieth century African American cultural engagement with and literary depictions of imperial Ethiopia...
37 min
Philip Cunliffe, "The New Twenty Years' Crisis:...
At the end of the 20th century, the liberal international order appeared unassailable after its triumph over the authoritarian challenges of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Twenty years later, however, the assumptions underlying the system appear discredited as international relations devolve into confrontation and conflict...