E. Bruce Geelhoed, "Diplomacy Shot Down: The U-...
What if the Soviets had not shot down the American U-2 spy plane and President Dwight D. Eisenhower had visited the Soviet Union in 1960 as planned?
51 min
Catherine Belton, "Putin's People: How the KGB ...
The Russian state is back.
34 min
George Lawson, "Anatomies of Revolution" (Cambr...
What causes revolutions?
81 min
Micol Seigel, "Violence Work: State Violence an...
Recent calls for the defunding or abolition of police raise important questions about the legitimacy of state violence and the functions that police are supposed to serve...
67 min
Thomas C. Field Jr. et al., "Latin America and ...
The Cold War is not exactly over in Latin America...
52 min
Mona L. Siegel, "Peace on Our Terms: The Global...
Siegel explores the previously neglected history of a diverse group of women from around the world who fought for women’s rights as male politicians forged a new world order...
59 min
Why Did the Allies Win World War One?
Perhaps nothing was as unexpected in this conflict as the sudden termination of the same in November 1918...
34 min
Lauren Turek, "To Bring the Good News to All Na...
Turek examines the growth and influence of Christian foreign policy lobbying groups in the United States beginning in the 1970s...
39 min
Begüm Adalet, "Hotels and Highways: The Constru...
Turkey was both a model case of elite-led modernization and a laboratory for development projects that could then be exported to other societies....
73 min
Joyce E. Leader, "From Hope to Horror: Diplomac...
Among the many books that were published in the past year about the Rwandan Genocide, Joyce E. Leader's new book stands out...
76 min
Brian Greene, "Until the End of Time: Mind, Mat...
Greene offers the the reader a theory of everything...
117 min
Ilya Somin, "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migrati...
Somin defends the idea that foot voting is an essential element of political freedom and democratic governance...
61 min
Jane Gordon, "Statelessness and Contemporary En...
Gordon weaves together the complexities of statelessness, emphasizing that those who are often stateless are so within the nation in which they live, and contemporary enslavement,...
52 min
Richard Lachmann, "First Class Passengers on a ...
Lachmann argues that while imperial expansion can deliver more resources to their centers, they can also create dynamics of elite conflict...
68 min
Jeffrey Wasserstrom, "Vigil: Hong Kong on the B...
Wasserstrom provides a nuanced yet accessible overview of the struggle between Hong Kong and China over self-governance and civil liberties...
Higuchi presents a history of the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty, by which the then-nuclear powers, US, USSR, and UK, agreed to cease, among other things, the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons...
64 min
Courtney J. Fung, "China and Intervention at th...
Fung finds that social constructions by way of public discourse of regime change matter when embedded in wider material conditions. She argues that anxieties about loss of status help explain China’s choices...
49 min
Richard Haass, "The World: A Brief Introduction...
Haass argues that there is no “Vegas rule” for events in the world: the effects of what happens far away do not remain far away...
49 min
Andrew Monaghan, "Dealing with the Russians" (P...
Monaghan argues that Western policy makers are using an outdated Cold War model of ideology, language and institutions, which is wholly unsuited for understanding, engaging, and countering where necessary Russia in the 21st century...
35 min
Leslie M. Harris, "Slavery and the University: ...
How involved with slavery were American universities? And what does their involvement mean for us?
56 min
Why did the Allies win World War II?
Why did the Allies win World War II?
33 min
Jeremy Black, "Military Strategy: A Global Hist...
Black he sets out to demonstrate the ways in which strategic thinking has changed over time, paying attention to the changes in technology, ideology and ambition by which it has been shaped...
26 min
Valerie Hansen, "The Year 1000: When Explorers ...
Globalization is a modern phenomenon with a longer past than most people realize...
46 min
Thomas Piketty, "Capital and Ideology" (Harvard...
Piketty expands his focus to include the political and ideological in his comparative analysis of capital accumulation and ‘inequality regimes’.
33 min
Max Blumenthal, "The Management of Savagery: Ho...
Blumenthal excavates the real, connected story behind the rise of Donald Trump, international jihad, Western ultra-nationalism and the many extremist forces that threaten peace across the globe: American imperialism...