New Books in World Affairs

Interviews with Scholars of Global Affairs about their New Books

Society & Culture
Alice Hill, "Building a Resilient Tomorrow: How...
Hill and Martinez-Diaz draw on their personal experiences as senior officials in the Obama Administration to tell behind-the-scenes stories of what it really takes to advance progress on climate change issues...
41 min
Brendan Simms, "Hitler: A Global Biography" (Ba...
Simms argues that fears that Germany would lose the economic and demographic competition with Britain and especially the US sat at the heart of Hitler's world view...
26 min
Raj Patel, "A History of the World in Seven Che...
Petel and Moore takes the reader through the long history of the search for lower production costs, extending from European colonial conquests in the fifteenth century up to present agroindustrial systems...
44 min
Christopher A. Preble, "Fuel to the Fire: How T...
President Trump has shown little interest in maintaining the traditional form of American leadership of the liberal international order...
45 min
The Treaty of Versailles On Hundred Years On
The Versailles Treaty of 1919, celebrates its one-hundred anniversary this year...
37 min
M. Schneider-Mayerson and B. R. Bellamy, "An Ec...
"An Ecotopian Lexicon" explores dozens of possible loanwords from world cultures, activists subcultures, and speculative fiction that can inform novel quotidian practices, cosmological insights, and political orientations applicable to the age of the Anthropocene...
43 min
Benjamin Breen, "The Age of Intoxication: Origi...
Focusing in on the Portuguese colonies in Brazil and Angola and on the imperial capital of Lisbon, Breen deftly explores the process by which novel drugs were located, commodified, and consumed...
59 min
James M. Vaughn, "The Politics of Empire at the...
Vaughn offers an powerful challenge to the received view that the Asian domains were acquired by accident and formed part of an empire of liberty.,,
39 min
Beth Fischer, "The Myth of Triumphalism: Rethin...
Fischer argues that the military buildup was actually deeply counterproductive, frightening the Soviet leadership and delaying meaningful negotiations for several years...
40 min
Matthew Lockwood, "To Begin The World Over Agai...
Lockwood shows that the war, whatever its debatable effects for the residents of the thirteen colonies, unleashed a whole host of catastrophes for people elsewhere...
64 min
Julia Neuberger, "Antisemitism: What It Is, Wha...
Anti-Semitic incidents, ranging from vandalism through murder, are on the rise in Great Britain, and across Europe and North America...
46 min
Audrey Kurth Cronin, "Power to the People: How ...
Never have so many possessed the means to be so lethal..
45 min
Victoria Reyes, "Global Borderlands: Fantasy, V...
Increasing levels of globalization have led to the proliferation of spaces of international exchange...
69 min
Alberto Cairo, "How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter...
We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if we don’t understand what we’re looking at?
54 min
Lesley Chamberlain, "Ministry of Darkness: How ...
Chamberlain delineates Uvarov's career and shows how one of the most cosmopolitan of men, became in the course of his official career the inventor of much that can be seen in to-day's xenophobic and nationalistic Russia of Vladimir Putin...
45 min
What Should We Think of the British Empire?
The British Empire at its greatest extent covered approximately twenty-five percent of the surface of the globe...
46 min
Kate O'Neill, "Waste" (Polity, 2019)
Waste is one of the planet’s last great resource frontiers..
42 min
Elizabeth Bernstein, "Brokered Subjects: Sex, T...
Bernstein provides an overview of feminist discourse on sex trafficking from its earliest incarnations,
75 min
Michael Khodarkovsky, "Russia's 20th Century: A...
Khodarkovsky has taken a novel approach to charting the century by crafting one hundred vignettes, one for each year of the century...
68 min
Pierre Asselin, "Vietnam’s American War: A Hist...
"Vietnam’s American War" is an iconoclastic revision of the history of the war...
69 min
Appeasement Eighty Years On
What was "Appeasement," and What Is It Today?
50 min
Helen Rozwadowski, "Vast Expanses: A History of...
Rozwadowski talks about the history of the oceans and how these oceans have shaped human history in profound ways...
30 min
Margaret E. Schotte, "Sailing School: Navigatin...
Schotte charts more than two hundred years of navigational history as she investigates how mariners solved the challenges of navigating beyond sight of land...
54 min
J. Yates and C. N. Murphy, "Engineering Rules: ...
Standards are crucial to the way we live—just look around you. A no. 2 pencil, perhaps?
49 min
What are Empires and Why do they Matter?
You hear a lot about "empires," but what are they?
59 min