Dr. Gelfand examines how the threat environment shapes a nation’s culture, as well as how organizations, such as the military, are shaped by cultural forces...
42 min
Judith Eve Lipton and David P. Barash, "Strengt...
Costa Rica is the only full-fledged and totally independent country to be entirely demilitarized...
60 min
Angelos Chaniotis, "Age of Conquests: The Greek...
The world that Alexander remade in his lifetime was transformed once more by his death in 323 BCE...
68 min
Anne Reinhardt, "Navigating Semi-Colonialism: S...
At a time when trade between China and the outside world is rarely out of the news, it remains important to remember that in centuries past global commerce moved in directions very different from those which dominate the present...
61 min
Jonathan Fulton and Li-Chen Sim, "External Powe...
The newly found assertiveness of the Gulf states, despite the fact that they remain largely dependent for their security on the United States, have forged closer ties with a host of external powers...
57 min
Perrin Selcer, "The Postwar Origins of the Glob...
Having been born into a world in which people knew about anthropogenic global warming, I grew up in the “global environment.”
63 min
John B. Judis, "The Nationalist Revival: Trade,...
Why has nationalism suddenly returned with a vengeance to the political front stage?
30 min
Ayça Çubukçu, "For the Love of Humanity: The Wo...
Harkening back to the tribunal on Vietnam once convened by Bertrand Russell and Jean-Paul Sartre, the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) emerged in 2003 from the global antiwar movement that had mobilized against the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq by a US-led coalition....
46 min
K. Fullagar and M. A. McDonnell, "Facing Empire...
Kate Fullagar's and Michael A. McDonnell's edited volume Facing Empire: Indigenous Experiences in a Revolutionary Age (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018) reimagines the Age of Revolution from the perspective of indigenous peoples...
68 min
Jinping Wang, "In the Wake of the Mongols: The ...
On the background of widespread portrayals of China as a monolithic geographical and political entity...
72 min
Eric Helleiner, "Forgotten Foundations: Interna...
The story of Bretton Woods has been told by countless historians...
52 min
Andrew Roberts, "Churchill: Walking With Destin...
For all of the books written about Winston Churchill, much remains to be said about his extensive life and career...
McKenzie Wark’s new book offers 21 focused studies of thinkers working in a wide range of fields who are worth your attention...
61 min
Amanda H. Lynch and Siri Veland, "Urgency in th...
Amanda Lynch and Siri Veland’s Urgency in the Anthropocene (MIT Press, 2018) is a fascinating and trenchant analysis of the core beliefs and ideas that motivate current political responses to global warming...
53 min
Jonathon Earle, “Colonial Buganda and the End o...
In his book Colonial Buganda and the End of Empire: Political Thought and Historical Imagination in Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2017), Dr. Jonathon Earle illustrates the rich and diverse intellectual history of Buganda,
49 min
Cairns Craig, “The Wealth of the Nation: Scotla...
Professor Cairns Craig’s new book, The Wealth of the Nation: Scotland, Culture and Independence (Edinburgh University Press, 2018), which has been shortlisted for the Saltire History Book of the Year Award,
67 min
Sandra Fahy, “Marching Through Suffering: Loss ...
Amidst an atmosphere of hope on the Korean Peninsula over the past year, questions over the wellbeing of North Korea’s population have again come to global attention. But this is far from the first time that such a subject has been in the news,
57 min
Zoe Knox, “Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Secular ...
Jehovah’s Witnesses are one of the most successful “new religious movements” to have emerged from the prophetic ferment within later nineteenth-century Protestantism. Always controversial, often persecuted,
28 min
Claudia Sadowski-Smith, “The New Immigrant Whit...
From Dancing with the Stars to the high-profile airport abandonment of seven-year-old Artyom Savelyev by his American adoptive parents in April 2010, popular representations of post-Soviet immigrants in America span the gamut of romantic anti-Communist...
51 min
Jenifer Parks, “The Olympic Games, the Soviet S...
Today we are joined by Jenifer Parks, Associate Professor of History at Rocky Mountain College. Parks is the author of The Olympic Games, the Soviet Sport Bureaucracy, and the Cold War: Red Sport, Red Tape (Lexington Books, 2016),
56 min
Robert Kagan, “The Jungle Grows Back: America a...
Robert Kagan is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a columnist for The Washington Post. He is also the author of The Return of History and the End of Dreams, Dangerous Nation, Of Paradise and Power, and A Twilight Struggle.
46 min
Ching Kwan Lee, “The Specter of Global China: P...
Today we talked with Ching Kwan Lee, professor of sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles. She has just published The Specter of Global China: Politics, Labor, and Foreign Investment in Africa (University of Chicago Press, 2018),
47 min
Patricia Lorcin and Todd Shepard, “French Medit...
Following a 2011 meeting of the annual Mediterranean Workshop at the University of Minnesota, Patricia Lorcin (a co-convener) approached Todd Shepard (one of the workshop participants that year) about editing a volume focused on the Mediterranean in th...
57 min
Hugh Cagle, “Assembling the Tropics: Science an...
Assembling the Tropics: Science and Medicine in Portugal’s Empire, 1450-1700 (Cambridge University Press, 2018) by Hugh Cagle is an exciting analysis of the production of the tropics as an idea and as a dimension of imperialism through the development ...
57 min
Gill Bennett, “The Zinoviev Letter: The Conspir...
The Zinoviev Affair is a story of one of the most long-lasting and enduring conspiracy theories in modern British politics, an intrigue that still resonates nearly one-hundred years after it was written. Almost certainly a forgery,