New Books in Public Policy

Interviews with Scholars of Public Policy about their New Books

Social Sciences
Arlie Loughnan, "Self, Others and the State: Re...
Loughnan questions assumptions about the rise and prominence of criminal responsibility from the late colonial period until recent times...
58 min
Brian Greene, "Until the End of Time: Mind, Mat...
Greene offers the the reader a theory of everything...
117 min
Carl Suddler, "Presumed Criminal: Black Youth a...
Suddler brings to light a much longer history of the policies and strategies that tethered the lives of black youths to the justice system indefinitely...
62 min
Simon Bowmaker, "When the President Calls: Conv...
What is it like to sit in the Oval Office and discuss policy with the president?
21 min
Govind Gopakumar, "Installing Automobility: Eme...
Automobiles and their associated infrastructures, deeply embedded in Western cities, have become a rapidly growing presence in the mega-cities of the Global South...
53 min
Howard Friedman, "Ultimate Price: The Value We ...
What is the price of a life?
43 min
Paul M. Renfro, "Stranger Danger: Family Values...
Renfro narrates how the bereaved parents of missing and slain children turned their grief into a mass movement and, alongside journalists and policymakers from both major political parties, propelled a moral panic...
31 min
Patrick M. Condon, "Five Rules for Tomorrow’s C...
How we design our cities over the next four decades will be critical for our planet...
54 min
Leslie M. Harris, "Slavery and the University: ...
How involved with slavery were American universities? And what does their involvement mean for us?
56 min
Great Books: Melissa Schwartzberg on Rousseau's...
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains."
57 min
Lloyd B. Minor, "Discovering Precision Health" ...
Our conversation covers innovative progress underway in replacing reactive medicine with precision and prevention...
55 min
K. Aronoff, et al., "A Planet to Win: Why We Ne...
In early 2019, freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Senator Ed Markey proposed a bold new piece of legislation, now very well known as the Green New Deal.,,
102 min
Kristian Ly Serena, "Age-Inclusive Public Space...
Public spaces tend to over-represent facilities and spatial design for the young and the middle-aged, whereas elderly citizens are all too often neglected by contemporary urban design practice....
45 min
Travis Lupick, "Fighting for Space: How a Group...
Lupick explains the concept of harm reduction as a crucial component of a city’s response to the drug crisis. It tells the story of a grassroots group of addicts in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside who waged a political street fight for two decades to transform how the city treats its most marginalized citizens...
50 min
Jonathan Barnett, "Designing the Megaregion: Me...
Barnett describes how to redesign megaregional growth using mostly private investment,..
60 min
Anna Arstein-Kerslake, "Restoring Voice to Peop...
Arstein-Kerslake discusses situations where people with cognitive impairments are unjustifiably denied the right to make their own choices...
52 min
Matt Cook, "Sleight of Mind: 75 Ingenious Parad...
According to Cook, a paradox paradox is a sophisticated kind of magic trick...
51 min
Andrew Leigh, "Randomistas: How Radical Researc...
Randomized control trials, called RCT’s, have a logic so simple that anyone can understand how they work and even run them themselves...
38 min
Sara Hughes, "Repowering Cities: Governing Clim...
Hughes creatively combines the literature on cities with a comparative case study of three American cities to explore how New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto moved from making commitments to fulfilling them...
50 min
Elizabeth A. Wheeler, "HandiLand: The Crippest ...
Wheeler uses a fictional place called HandiLand as a yardstick for measuring how far American society has progressed toward social justice and how much remains to be done...
56 min
Diane Jones Allen, "Lost in the Transit Desert:...
Jones Allen investigates how housing and transport policy have played their role in creating these "Transit Deserts," and what impact race has upon those likely to be affected...
44 min
Josh Seim, "Bandage, Sort, and Hustle: Ambulanc...
What is the role of the ambulance in the American city?
58 min
Sandro Galea, "Well: What We Need to Talk About...
Galea examines what Americans miss when they fixate on healthcare: health...
24 min
Jennifer E. Gaddis, "The Labor of Lunch: Why We...
Gaddis aims to spark a progressive movement that will transform food in American schools, and with it the lives of thousands of low-paid cafeteria workers and the millions of children they feed...
57 min
Lana Dee Povitz, ​"Stirrings: How Activist New ...
Povitz demonstrates how grassroots activism continued to thrive, even as it was transformed by unrelenting erosion of the country's already fragile social safety net...
35 min