New Books in Public Policy

Interviews with Scholars of Public Policy about their New Books

Social Sciences
Barbara Dennis, "Walking with Strangers: Critic...
An interview with Barbara Dennis
73 min
Michael Kagan, "The Battle to Stay in America: ...
An interview with Michael Kagan
58 min
Ian Ayres and Fredrick E. Vars, "Weapon of Choi...
Ayres and Vars put forward creative and practical solutions, proposing legislative reform which will reduce gun deaths....
59 min
Kimberley Brownlee, "Being Sure of Each Other: ...
Brownlee contends that all humans have basic needs for human interaction. Since such needs are fundamental for survival, they should be regarded as a human right....
39 min
O. Carter Snead, "What It Means to Be Human: Th...
O. Carter Snead defines for us what the term “public bioethics” encompasses and provides a much-needed genealogy of the field....
125 min
Ashley E. Lucas, "Prison Theatre and the Global...
One place that might surprise a lot of people is the popularity of performances staged by incarcerated persons...
60 min
Nancy D. Campbell, "OD: Naloxone and the Politi...
Campbell explores how a therapy that can stop an accidental drug overdose, called Naloxone, emerged in the American mainstream in the early years of the new millennium...
44 min
Claire Herbert, "A Detroit Story: Urban Decline...
Herbert examines how the informal reclamation of abandoned property has been shaping Detroit for decades...
38 min
Matthew H. Rafalow, "Digital Divisions: How Sch...
Rafalow provides an ethnographic study of students and teachers at three Los Angeles schools utilizing instructional technology...
48 min
Amy Bucher, "Engaged: Designing for Behavior Ch...
Bucher analyzes both the barriers and levers to achieving behavioral change...
33 min
Jennifer M. Randles, "Essential Dads: The Inequ...
Randles shares the stories of more than 60 marginalized men as they sought to become more engaged parents through a government-supported “responsible” fatherhood program...
57 min
Michael Mascarenhas, "Lessons in Environmental ...
39 min
L. L. Paterson and I. N. Gregory, "Representati...
Paterson and Gregory explores a novel methodological approach which combines analytical techniques from linguistics and geography to bring fresh insights to the study of poverty....
42 min
Joshua Gans, "The Pandemic Information Gap and ...
Gans' central thesis is that "at their heart, pandemics are an information problem. Solve the information problem and you can defeat the virus”.
35 min
Douglas Kelbaugh, "The Urban Fix: Resilient Cit...
Cities are one of the most significant contributors to global climate change...
39 min
Katja M. Guenther, "The Lives and Deaths of She...
Guenther takes us inside one of the country's highest-intake animal shelters....
81 min
Lindsay Farmer, "Making the Modern Criminal Law...
Lindsay Farmer offers a historical and conceptual analysis of theories of criminalization. The book shows how criminalization is inextricably linked to the making of the modern criminal law...
60 min
Kevin Leo Nadal, "Queering Law and Order: LGBTQ...
Nadal examines the state of LGBTQ people within the criminal justice system. Intertwining legal cases, academic research, and popular media,..
33 min
Kathryn A. Mariner, "Contingent Kinship: The Fl...
Mariner offers an ethnography of adoption processes in the United States through the inner workings of a private adoption agency in Chicago, IL...
34 min
Thomas Abt, "Bleeding Out: The Devastating Cons...
How do we promote peace in the streets?
32 min
Doug Specht, "Mapping Crisis: Participation, Da...
The digital age has thrown questions of representation, participation and humanitarianism back to the fore, as machine learning, algorithms and big data centres take over the process of mapping the subjugated and subaltern...
72 min
M. Newhart and W. Dolphin, "The Medicalization ...
Medical marijuana laws have spread across the U.S. to all but a handful of states. Yet, eighty years of social stigma and federal prohibition creates dilemmas for patients who participate in state programs...
46 min
Janet Jakobsen, "The Sex Obsession: Perversity ...
Why are Americans, and American politicians more specifically, obsessed with sex? Why, in the words of Janet Jakobsen, are gender and sexuality such riveting public policy concerns the United States?
54 min
Why are Blacks Democrats?: An Interview with Is...
Black Americans are by far the most unified racial group in American electoral politics, with 80 to 90 percent identifying as Democrats—a surprising figure given that nearly a third now also identify as ideologically conservative, up from less than 10 percent in the 1970s.
51 min
A. B. Cox and C. M. Rodríguez, "The President a...
Who truly controls immigration law in the United States?
44 min