New Books in Public Policy

Interviews with Scholars of Public Policy about their New Books

Social Sciences
Adam Auerbach, "Demanding Development: The Poli...
India’s urban slums exhibit dramatic variation in their access to basic public goods and services—paved roads, piped water, trash removal, sewers, and streetlights. Why are some vulnerable communities able to secure development from the state while others fail?
58 min
Hannah L. Walker, "Mobilized by Injustice: Crim...
Walker brings together the political science and criminal justice disciplines in exploring how individuals are mobilized to engage in political participation by their connection to the criminal justice system in the United States...
44 min
John Whysner, "The Alchemy of Disease" (Columbi...
Whysner offers an accessible and compelling history of toxicology and its key findings....
47 min
Jennifer Lisa Koslow, "Exhibiting Health: Publi...
In the early twentieth century, public health reformers approached the task of ameliorating unsanitary conditions and preventing epidemic diseases with optimism...
45 min
Serena Parekh, "No Refuge: Ethics and the Globa...
Rarely does the discourse consider the role of wealthy Western countries in creating the conditions under which a refugee crisis emerges....
70 min
Michele Goodwin, "Policing the Womb: Invisible ...
Goodwin offers a brilliant but shocking account of the criminalization of all aspects of reproduction, pregnancy, abortion, birth, and motherhood in the United States...
60 min
Gene Ludwig, "The Vanishing American Dream" (Di...
Gene Ludwig cares. The former banker, government regulator, and serial entrepreneur cares deeply about the hollowing out of the American middle class over the past several decades, not least of all in his hometown of York, PA....
49 min
Wendy Wood, "Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Scien...
Wendy has spent much of her career studying what she considers the very building blocks of behavioral change, something we all know as habits...
57 min
G. Smulewicz-Zucker and M. Thompson, "An Inher...
Democratic socialism is on the lips of activists and politicians from both the left and the right. Some call it extremism; some call it common sense. What are we talking about?
82 min
Diana Greene Foster, "The Turnaway Study: Ten Y...
What happens when a woman seeking an abortion is turned away?
63 min
Christopher Marquis, "Better Business: How the ...
Marquis tells the story of the rise of a new corporate form—the B Corporation...
35 min
Christopher Robertson, "Exposed: Why Our Health...
American have bad health insurance. What to do?
48 min
Alexander Keyssar, "Why Do We Still Have the El...
It's a good question....
49 min
Kathryn Sikkink, "The Hidden Face of Rights: To...
Sikkink puts forward a framework of rights and responsibilities; moving beyond the language of rights that has come to dominate scholarship and activism...
59 min
Jean Jackson, "Managing Multiculturalism: Indig...
Jean Jackson narrates her remarkable journey as an anthropologist in Colombia for over 50 years.,.
55 min
Ben Burgis, "Give Them an Argument: Logic for t...
Both a professor of philosophy and a committed political leftist, Burgis wades through a host of contemporary examples, arguing that the common arguments for capitalism and against socialism often rely on questionable logic that can be debated...
102 min
R. Pollin and N. Chomsky, "Climate Crisis and t...
Pollin and Chomsky's plan attempts to keep the planet from heating up too much while simultaneously redressing the economic wrongs that they blame substantially on unfettered capitalism...
43 min
Ellen M. Snyder-Grenier, "The House on Henry St...
Snyder-Grenier chronicles Henry Street’s sweeping history from 1893 to today...
67 min
Postscript: A Discussion of Race, Anger and Cit...
Race now drives American political feeling. What does this mean for American democracy today?
77 min
Gerald Posner, "Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Po...
Posner explores the fascinating and complex history of pharmaceutical and bio-tech industries. It is an industry like no other and a story like no other...
78 min
Mariana Mogilevich, "The Invention of Public Sp...
Mogilevich provides a fascinating history of a watershed moment when designers, government administrators, and residents sought to remake the city in the image of a diverse, free, and democratic society...
37 min
Edward C. Valandra, "Colorizing Restorative Jus...
This book is thus a wake-up call for European-descended restorative justice practitioners as it is validating for Indigenous practitioners and practitioners of color and enlightening for anyone wishing to explore the intersections of indigeneity, racial justice, and restorative justice...
45 min
Albena Azmanova, "Capitalism on Edge: How Fight...
Capitalism seems to many to be in a sort of constant crisis, leaving many struggling to make ends meet...
66 min
Federico R. Waitoller, "Excluded by Choice: Urb...
Waitoller highlights the challenges faced by students of color who have special needs and their parents who evaluate their educational options...
40 min
Jessica Whyte, "Morals of the Market: Human Rig...
Whyte uncovers the place of human rights in neoliberal attempts to develop a moral framework for a market society....
68 min