Patricia Zavella, "The Movement for Reproductiv...
Zavella shows how reproductive justice organizations' collaborative work across racial lines provides a compelling model for other groups to successfully influence change...
46 min
John B. Holbein, "Making Young Voters: Converti...
In the United States, each election cycle reminds us that younger voters vote at much lower rates than their older counterparts...
44 min
Sandra Postel, "Replenish: The Virtuous Cycle o...
To understand our past and provide hope for our future Sandra takes readers around the world to explore water projects....
47 min
Mia Birdsong, "How We Show Up: Reclaiming Famil...
Birdsong returns us to our inherent connectedness where we find strength, safety, and support in vulnerability and generosity...
71 min
Xueli Wang, "On My Own: The Challenge and Promi...
For decades, the shortage of STEM talents has been a national concern in the United States...
49 min
Luke Messac, "No More to Spend: Neglect and the...
Messac challenges the inevitability of inadequate social services in twentieth-century Africa, focusing on the political history of Malawi...
59 min
Jeremy Gans, "The Ouija Board Jurors: Mystery, ...
At trial, some jurors turned to a Ouija board for guidance...
Nuamah makes the case for “feminist schools” that orient girls toward a lifetime of achievement...
67 min
Philip M. Plotch, "Last Subway: The Long Wait f...
Plotch discusses the problems of uneven funding, high costs, and political machinations that hobble the subway system-- and how, on Second Avenue, they were finally overcome...
39 min
Gerald Epstein, “What's Wrong with Modern Money...
Since the last-but-one financial crisis abated and governments responded to better times by clawing back their stimulus packages, a once-obscure economic philosophy has been gaining a growing following on the left...
37 min
Melissa K. Merry, "Warped Narratives: Distortio...
If gun violence kills so many Americans, why don’t we see more effective solutions?
58 min
Peter J. Boettke, "Public Governance and the Cl...
In our conversation we defined the disciplines of Public Choice and Public Administration and we named the key actors of a very long intellectual debate...
46 min
A. P. Carnevale, "The Merit Myth: How Our Colle...
Colleges fiercely defend America’s higher education system, arguing that it rewards bright kids who have worked hard. But it doesn’t actually work this way...
24 min
Pepper Glass, "Misplacing Ogden, Utah" (U Utah ...
Glass evaluates the widely held assumption that divisions between urban areas are reflections of varying amounts of crime, deprivation, and other social, cultural, and economic problems....
31 min
Pavlina Tcherneva, "The Case for a Job Guarante...
Tcherneva challenges us to imagine a world where the phantom of unemployment is banished and anyone who seeks decent, living-wage work can find it - guaranteed....
30 min
Robert T. Chase, "We Are Not Slaves: State Viol...
Chase narrates the struggle to change prison from within...
64 min
Michael Goldfield, "The Southern Key: Class, Ra...
Goldfield charts the rise of labor activism in each and then examines how and why labor organizers struggled so mightily in the region...
27 min
Laura A. Dean, "Diffusing Human Trafficking Pol...
Dean analyzes the development and effectiveness of anti-trafficking policies and institutions in Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine...
61 min
Natalie Kimball, "An Open Secret: The History o...
Kimball argues that, despite stigma and continued legal prohibitions, practices and attitudes surrounding abortion have changed in urban Bolivia since the 1950s..
68 min
Micol Seigel, "Violence Work: State Violence an...
Recent calls for the defunding or abolition of police raise important questions about the legitimacy of state violence and the functions that police are supposed to serve...
67 min
Paige Glotzer, "How the Suburbs Were Segregated...
Glotzer examines the history surrounding how modern housing segregation was purposefully planned out beginning at the turn of the 20th Century...
53 min
Kathleen Hale and Mitchell Brown, "How We Vote:...
The idea of voting is simple, but the administration of elections in ways that ensure access and integrity is complex...
33 min
Phil Harvey, "Welfare For The Rich" (Post Hill ...
"Welfare for the Rich" is the first book to describe and analyze the many ways that federal and state governments provide handouts to millionaires, billionaires, and the companies they own and run...
49 min
Gilda R. Daniels, "Uncounted: The Crisis of Vot...
Are we asleep at the (common)wheel?
46 min
Michele Wakin, "Hobo Jungle: A Homeless Communi...
Wakin offers an up-close exploration of the evolution that has taken place with unsheltered homelessness....