Serin D. Houston, "Imagining Seattle: Social Va...
Houston’s finds three major social values--social justice, sustainability, and creativity—pervade policy creation in the city and condition privileges and oppressions...
42 min
Kathryn Conrad on University Press Publishing
What do university presses do, and how do they do it?
37 min
Eileen Boris, "Making the Woman Worker: Precari...
Eileen Boris illuminates the ILO's transformation in the context of the long fight for social justice...
41 min
Lynne Pettinger, "What’s Wrong with Work?" (Pol...
How should we understand work?
34 min
Zoltan Hajnal, "Dangerously Divided: How Race a...
Hajnal finds that race more than class or any other demographic factor shapes not only how Americans vote but also who wins and who loses...
20 min
Gary J. Adler, Jr., "Empathy Beyond US Borders:...
Do immersion trips really transform those who participate and how so?
54 min
Steven White, "World War II and American Racial...
Intriguingly, White shows that the white public's racial policy opinions largely DID NOT liberalize during the war against Nazi Germany
20 min
Melanie Simms, "What Do We Know and What Should...
What is the future of work?
29 min
Elizabeth F. Cohen and Cyril Ghosh, "Citizenshi...
"Citizenship" takes the reader through our own approaches to this concept and begins by highlighting how it is not always or often consistently applied and understood...
41 min
David Farber, "Crack: Rock Cocaine, Street Capi...
A shattering account of the crack cocaine years from award-winning American historian David Farber...
20 min
Wendy Brown, "In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Th...
Neoliberalism is one of those fuzzy words that can mean something different to everyone...
40 min
T. L. Bunyasi and C. W. Smith, "Stay Woke: A Pe...
Bunyasi and Smith compile social science research and data to explain the current situation for white citizens, African-American citizens, Latinx citizens, and citizens of other races in the United States...
58 min
Lucas Richert, “Strange Trips: Science, Culture...
Richert investigates the myths, meanings, and boundaries of recreational drugs, palliative care drugs, and pharmaceuticals, as well as struggles over product innovation, consumer protection, and freedom of choice in the medical marketplace...
48 min
Andrew Sidman, "Pork Barrel Politics: How Gover...
Sidman offers a systematic explanation for how political polarization relates to the electoral influence of federal spending...
20 min
Bryan Jones, "The Great Broadening: How the Vas...
The authors argue that there are dimensions to the broadening of the US federal government into new areas of public life largely overlooked by previous scholars...
22 min
Mark Winne, "Food Town USA: Seven Unlikely Citi...
Winne shares there is a synergistic interaction between food and community...
46 min
Harriet Washington, "A Terrible Thing to Waste:...
Environmental racism is visible not only as cancer clusters or the location of grocery stores...
In 1970s America, politicians began "getting tough" on drugs, crime, and welfare...
79 min
Sarah Halpern-Meekin, "Social Poverty: Low-Inco...
Does a person’s well-being go well beyond how much money they have in their bank account?
41 min
Celeste Watkins-Hayes, "Remaking a Life: How Wo...
How do women -- especially poor and low-income women with histories of childhood sexual trauma and drug addiction -- respond to and deal with an HIV/AIDS diagnosis?
25 min
Robert Atkinson and Michael Lind, "Big is Beaut...
Small is beautiful, right? Isn't that what we've all been taught?
43 min
Anthony Ryan Hatch, "Silent Cells: The Secret D...
Over the past forty years, U.S. prisons and jails have used various psychotropic drugs...
46 min
Eric Blanc, "Red State Revolt: The Teachers’ St...
Red State Revolt explains the emergence and development of the historic wave of teacher strikes in Arizona, West Virginia, and Oklahoma.
20 min
Caitlyn Collins, "Making Motherhood Work: How W...
Where in the world do working moms have it best?
45 min
Hye-Kyung Lee, "Cultural Policy in South Korea:...
Lee demonstrates the importance of South Korea is both an example in comparative cultural policy, and as a fascinating case study in its own right...