New Books in Public Policy

Interviews with Scholars of Public Policy about their New Books

Social Sciences
Rick Van Noy, "Sudden Spring: Stories of Adapta...
Van Noy decided not to follow the well-trodden path of trying to prove climate change science, nor did he bark about an irreversible tipping point. Instead, he provides us with a much-needed focus on communities...
46 min
Farhana Shaikh, "From Imposter to Impact: Arts ...
What are the characteristics of the 21st Century arts leader?
32 min
Janis Powers, "Health Care: Meet The American D...
In this book, Janis Powers offers a health care solution that is truly based on the American dream...
55 min
Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, "State Capture: How...
In State Capture, Hertel-Fernandez focuses on the development and political power of  three inter-locking interest groups...
21 min
David Ray Papke, "Containment and Condemnation:...
The law does things, writes David Ray Papke, and it says things...
28 min
Debra Thompson, "The Schematic State: Race, Tra...
This book, which unpacks the census itself, leads the reader to consider how this mundane tool actually translates the abstraction of the state into a concrete entity...
50 min
Nathan Holmes, "Welcome to Fear City: Crime Fil...
The so-called Urban Crisis of the 1970s continues to loom large in narratives of US urban politics and history...
22 min
Peter Hotez, "Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s A...
The alleged link between vaccines and autism has long been disproven, but it is still a belief held onto by the anti-vaccine movement...
39 min
Danyel Reiche, "Success and Failure of Countrie...
In Success and Failure, Reiche provides a playbook for National Committees that want to win more medals...
59 min
Leigh Goodmark, "Decriminalizing Domestic Viole...
Leigh Goodmark asks us to evaluate the effects of criminalizing domestic violence...
26 min
Steven Attewell, "People Must Live by Work: Dir...
There’s lot of talk these days, at least in some circles on the left, of a Universal Basic Income...
46 min
George R. Boyer, "The Winding Road to the Welfa...
The creation of the postwar welfare state in Great Britain did not represent the logical progression of governmental policy over a period of generations...
63 min
Hidetaka Hirota, "Expelling the Poor: Atlantic ...
Dr. Hirota’s book focuses on state legislation policies of immigration control in New York and Massachusetts...
32 min
Dave Chase, "The Opioid Crisis Wake Up Call: He...
The opioid crisis in America is considered by many to be the worst national public health crisis in the last 100 years....
46 min
Clarence Taylor, "Fight the Power: African Amer...
Clarence Taylor looks at black resistance to police brutality in the city, and institutional efforts to hold the NYPD accountable, since the late 1930s and '40s.
40 min
Rodrigo Zeidan, "Economics of Global Business" ...
If you are looking for something accessible that covers also the most contemporary topics (inequality, climate change, migration, sustainability, austerity, financial crisis…), go and buy it.
37 min
Alexander S. Dawson, "The Peyote Effect: From t...
Peyote occupies a curious place in the United States and Mexico...
56 min
Kathleen Day, "Broken Bargain: Bankers, Bailout...
Think that today's debates about the role of the Federal Reserve Bank, financial regulation, "too big to fail", etc. are new?  Think again...
53 min
Judith Eve Lipton and David P. Barash, "Strengt...
Costa Rica is the only full-fledged and totally independent country to be entirely demilitarized...
60 min
Pamela Herd and Donald Moynihan, "Administrativ...
In Administrative Burden, Herd and Moynihan show that the administrative burdens citizens regularly encounter in their interactions with government are not accidental, but the result of deliberate policy choices...
21 min
William D. Green, "The Children of Lincoln: Whi...
Dr. William Green investigates this statement in a case-study of four whites from Minnesota who fought hard and won rights for black Americans during and after the Civil War...
56 min
Megan Finn, "Documenting Aftermath: Information...
Documenting Aftermath is a very timely book, for as global warming promises more frequent catastrophes, large-scale social media and government information systems increasingly dictate how information moves...
53 min
Robert Chiles, "The Revolution of ’28: Al Smith...
Traditionally Al Smith’s 1928 presidential campaign is remembered mainly for being the first time a Catholic was nominated as the candidate for a major political party....
55 min
New Books in Political Science Year in Review: ...
To wrap up the year and look ahead to 2019, we talked about the books we loved...
18 min
Ashley Jardina, "White Identity Politics" (Camb...
One of the themes of the era of Donald Trump is whiteness and white identity...
22 min