New Books in Public Policy

Interviews with Scholars of Public Policy about their New Books

Social Sciences
Charles Allan McCoy, "Diseased States: Epidemic...
McCoy provides a blueprint for managing pandemics in the twenty-first century...
47 min
Paul Offit, "Overkill: When Modern Medicine Goe...
Why Do Unnecessary and Often Counter-Productive Medical Interventions Happen So Often?
29 min
Sara Mayeux, "Free Justice: A History of the Pu...
Mayeux explores the rise, both in the idea and practice, of the public defender throughout the 20th century...
52 min
Matthew D. Wright, "A Vindication of Politics: ...
Rancor reigns in American politics. It is possible these days to regard politics as an arena that enriches and ennobles?
100 min
Mary Augusta Brazelton, "Mass Vaccination: Citi...
Mary Augusta Brazelton examines the PRC's public health campaigns of the 1950s to explain just how China managed to inoculate almost six hundred million people against this and other deadly diseases...
92 min
Nathalie Peutz, "Islands of Heritage Conservati...
Soqotra, the largest island of Yemen's Soqotra Archipelago, is one of the most uniquely diverse places in the world...
76 min
Nicole Hassoun, "Global Health Impact: Expandin...
Every year nine million people are diagnosed with tuberculosis, every day over 13,400 people are infected with AIDs, and every thirty seconds malaria kills a child...
36 min
Joy Knoblauch, "The Architecture of Good Behavi...
Knoblauch argues, architects gained new roles as researchers, organizers, and writers while theories of confinement, territory, and surveillance proliferated...
36 min
Andrea Benjamin, "Racial Coalition Building in ...
What explains voting behavior in local elections? More specifically, what explains how ethnic and racial blocs vote in local elections, especially when the candidate may be of a different race or ethnicity?
44 min
Christopher Newfield, "The Great Mistake: How W...
Have we destroyed the public university? Christopher Newfield thinks so...
52 min
LaDale Winling, "Building the Ivory Tower: Univ...
Winling casts higher education as the beneficiary and catalyst of the century's monumental state building projects--receiving millions in New Deal construction funds, even more from WWII-era military research, and directing the bulldozer's path during urban renewal schemes around the country...
80 min
Costas Lapavitsas, "The Left Case Against the E...
Lapavitsas contends that the EU's response to the Eurozone crisis represents the ultimate transformation of the union into a neoliberal citadel that institutionally embeds austerity, privatization, and wage cuts...
63 min
Michael A. Olivas, "Perchance to DREAM: A Legal...
Olivas provides a much needed legal and political history of the DREAM Act that spans over two decades from its introduction in Congress (2001) to the Trump Administration challenge of legality in the Supreme Court (2017)....
60 min
Lesly-Marie Buer, "RX Appalachia: Stories of Tr...
Buer explores the gendered inequalities that situate women’s encounters with substance abuse treatment as well as additional state interventions targeted at women who use drugs in one of the most impoverished regions in the US....
44 min
Melissa J. Wilde, "Birth Control Battles: How R...
Wilde shows that support for contraception among some of America’s most prominent religious groups was tied to white supremacist views of race, immigration, and manifest destiny....
62 min
Aya Gruber, "The Feminist War on Crime: The Une...
Gruber explains how the women’s movement in America has shaped the law on domestic violence and sexual assault...
63 min
Saqib Iqbal Qureshi, "The Broken Contract: Maki...
Can we make democracy work? Really work?
68 min
David A. Harris, "A City Divided: Race, Fear an...
How do we move police forces from a warrior culture to connecting better with communities they serve?
42 min
Solomon Goldstein-Rose, "The 100% Solution: A P...
In this New Books Network interview, we speak about the political, industrial, and scientific changes that need to occur by 2050 to solve climate change, as well as the importance of focusing on real solutions rather than wallowing in fear....
60 min
Amity Shlaes, "Great Society: A New History" (H...
Shlaes’ book is exquisitely well-timed. Now is the time to revisit the Great Society era and consider what worked and what ended up destroying poor neighborhoods and the lives of those in them...
56 min
M. C. Stevenson et al. (eds.), "The Legacy of R...
When children become entangled with the law, their lives can be disrupted irrevocably. When those children are underrepresented minorities, the potential for disruption is even greater.
31 min
Jan Doering, "Us versus Them: Race, Crime, and ...
In Chicago, "public safety" and "social justice" do not alway go hand in hand...
50 min
Kathleen Bachynski, "No Game for Boys to Play: ...
Bachynski examines American football from its origins from the perspective of a public health specialist and an historian...
60 min
Sasha Costanza-Chock, "Design Justice: Communit...
Design justice demands a deep understanding of the community and its needs, engagement with community members, and a recognition of their expertise, along with reciprocation of value....
34 min
Verónica Martínez-Matsuda, "Migrant Citizenship...
Martinez-Matsuda exams the Farm Security Administration’s Migratory Labor Camp Program, and its role in the daily lives of a diverse number of farmworker families...
53 min