Christian Meditation for A Bigger Lif...
Christian Meditation can help refocus your mind and recalibrate your body to get the stress, anxiety and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Spend about 23 minutes to "be still" with God as each episode uses a different biblical image to experience God's presence and promises in a way that brings relaxation and renewal. Look for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Religion & Spirituality
Health & Fitness
Security, Meaning, Worth, and Identity? | Psalm...
You want to follow Jesus, so that means you want to pray more. But it’s hard to think of the right words to pray. Psalm 115 is one of the last Psalms on Jesus’s lips before he died. He prayed these words the night he was arrested and beaten. There is a...
14 min
From Whom Do You Derive Your Glory? | Psalm 115
You want to follow Jesus, so that means you want to pray more. But it’s hard to think of the right words to pray. Psalm 115 is one of the last Psalms on Jesus’s lips before he died. He prayed these words the night he was arrested and beaten. There is a...
23 min
The Last Psalm Jesus Prayed | Psalm 113
For thousands of years, Jews have sung Psalms 113-118 at Passover. When Matthew tells us that Jesus sang a hymn with his disciples after the Passover meal the night he was arrested, he sang Psalm 113 (Matthew 26:30). And for good reason. This Psalm imm...
26 min
Being Transformed By God’s Character | Psalm 112
Psalm 112 is a kind of part 2 of Psalm 111. In our last couple of episodes we saw how the works of God’s (Yahweh’s) creation and redemption/salvation are forever because God’s glory and majesty and radiance and splendor righteousness and mercy and comp...
24 min
Words That Breathe God’s Life Into Us | Psalm 111
In our last episode we looked at Psalm 111. But when I worship using the Psalms, I very often will spend several days in the same Psalm. Many Psalms have so much to offer and I find more each day that I spend reading and meditating and worshiping God i...
22 min
Why You Can Have Comfort, Confidence and Securi...
When I turn to Psalm 111 in my Bible, every verse is underlined. That’s because this psalm has often given me comfort, confidence, and security in my relationship with God. And the reason is because it helps me trust in his forever promise to me rather...
17 min
Why Is Psalm 110:4 So Amazing? | Psalm 110
Why is Psalm 110 the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament, and yet perhaps one of the most unknown Psalms to Christians today? What have we missed? In our last episode we discussed v.1, a verse Jesus quotes and surprises everyone with an observation ...
30 min
Why Is This the Most Quoted Psalm in the New Te...
Why is Psalm 110 the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament, and yet perhaps one of the most unknown Psalms to Christians today? What are we missing? We talk about the first half of this Psalm in this episode. Psalm 110:1–3 ESVA PSALM OF DAVID...
32 min
When People Accuse You Falsely | Psalm 109
There will be times in your life when others are speaking bad about you. Sometimes it’s not that big of a deal and you can move on. But other times it can be super painful and even highly damaging to your reputation. As a follower of Jesus, how should ...
17 min
What About Psalms That Pray for Retribution? | ...
You’re reading or praying through the Psalms and you come across one where David prays for terrible things to happen to his enemies. For God to bring disaster upon enemies. And you can’t help but think how unChristian this is! “I can’t pray for this!” ...
24 min
How You Can Choose Hope In Your Life | Psalm 108:1
In (1 Corinthians 13:13), the apostle Paul tells us that a life filled with God’s Spirit will be more and more characterized by three things: faith, hope, and love. ...
25 min
What Are You Hoping For? | Psalm 108:1
Your faith is not just a set of beliefs. Your faith always has an emotional element to it. An emotional view of God’s promises that affects you in some way. It’s an emotional response that the Bible refers to as “hope.” A hope that looks up and looks f...
24 min
Getting a Heart of Courage | Psalm 108
God has put your life in a place and time that requires courage to survive. That’s why all throughout the Bible God calls his people to have hearts of courage. Even though you can’t always see it, every minute of your life is taking place in the midst ...
29 min
Do You Have a Wandering Life? Part 2 | Psalm 10...
Your life is a constant conversion with God, even if you don’t know it. This is why even atheists refer to God when cursing or complaining. The reason for this constant life-long conversation with God is that everyone is created by God and lives inside...
29 min
Do You Have a Wandering Life? | Psalm 107:1-16
Your life is a constant conversion with God, even if you don’t know it. This is why even atheists refer to God when cursing or complaining. The reason for this constant life-long conversation with God is that everyone is created by God and lives inside...
30 min
Finding Security in Jesus as Your Perfect Media...
The weird thing about the Christian life is that the more you are walking in the light and the truth of God’s word, the more you are aware of your sin. You’re more aware that your sinfulness sinks its roots in your life far deeper than you realize. It ...
30 min
The Importance of Discerning Accusation vs Conv...
Too often we confuse the accusations in our head with the conviction of the Holy Spirit. That’s a big mistake. And that’s the subject of this episode.We are setting up a base camp here in Psalm 106 for a little while because it touches on a lot of re...
21 min
Do You See You Vertically? | Psalm 106
Most dysfunctions and problems in life stem from only seeing yourself from an horizontal point of view. What others think of you and say to you has way too much say in how you see yourself. Define your identity. But you can’t live the bigger and better...
30 min
Having Worth While Being Unworthy | Psalm 106
One of the most important ways to see yourself is having an amazing worth to God. You were “ (bought with a price),” the New Testament says. And that price was God him...
28 min
You Won’t Last With God Without Believing These...
You’re wanting to walk with God and live into his bigger and better story for your life. That’s why you’re coming to this podcast. And that already says a lot about you. It seems so complicated sometimes though. But it really doesn’t have to be. It can...
23 min
Do You Forget to Remember? | Psalm 106
Could it really be as simple as that? That your greatest hindrance to living your life in the bigger and better story of all that God is for you in Christ is your forgetting to remember? That’s what we see in Psalm 106, and we see it with the disciples...
20 min
How Honest Confession Can Free You | Psalm 106
We live in a cultural narrative that focuses on therapy (healing) more than reality. But an honest diagnosis of reality is always your best therapy. That’s counterintuitive. We don’t like thinking about our sin because it makes us feel bad about oursel...
30 min
Saying Hallelujah | Psalm 106:1-5
Psalm 106 starts with that ancient Hebrew word, Hallelujah. Why? What are you actually saying whenever you say that? And how can the first five verses in this psalm help you say it in a way that turns your life more right-side-up?Like this podcast? L...
20 min
Feeling More Secure In Your Relationship with G...
What makes your relationship with God secure? What’s your security based on? Your level of faith? Your level of obedience? Or is it something more sure than either of those? Psalm 105 gives us the answer, and the language and phrases in this Psalm will...
28 min
Meditating on God in Creation | Psalm 104
Nothing will lift up your soul more than God-exalting worship. You were created to derive your glory and identity from God’s glory and identity. And whenever you disassociate your existence from the worship of God, you are disconnected in some way even...
31 min