Christian Meditation for A Bigger Lif...
Christian Meditation can help refocus your mind and recalibrate your body to get the stress, anxiety and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Spend about 23 minutes to "be still" with God as each episode uses a different biblical image to experience God's presence and promises in a way that brings relaxation and renewal. Look for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Religion & Spirituality
Health & Fitness
Enlarge My Heart! | Psalm 119
We’ve been looking through the imaginative, word-brushed paintings of God’s life-creating power in Genesis 1-3 as we read Psalm 119. (To understand more what makes Psalm 119 so unique in the Bible, read the show notes from the Dec 21 episode.)Genesis...
28 min
Give Me a More Powerful Imagination! | Psalm 119
We’ve been looking through the frames of the word-brushed paintings of God’s life-creating power in Genesis 1-3 as we read Psalm 119. Psalm 119 is the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the entire Bible, and every verse is a mediation or p...
33 min
Give Me Life! | Psalm 119
We’ve been looking through the frames of the word-brushed paintings of God’s life-creating power in Genesis 1-3 as we read Psalm 119. One of the most repeated prayers throughout Psalm 119 is for God to “give me life according to your word” (Ps 119:25)....
24 min
Why a 176 Verses on God’s Word? | Psalm 119
Psalm 119 is the longest of the biblical psalms and the longest chapter in the entire Bible. And it is about one thing: God’s word. It’s artistic construction begins with being arranged as a Hebrew acrostic poem in the order of the Hebrew alphabet, wit...
24 min
Why Your Most Important Relationships Are the M...
The first pages of Genesis are filled with powerful word imagery. Written more than 3,000 years ago, Genesis remains ahead of our time in its picture of the deepest realities in your life. And Genesis 3 explains why your most valued and important relat...
37 min
Why Your Life is Like Living in Exile | Genesis 3
The first pages of Genesis are filled with powerful word imagery. Written more than 3,000 years ago, Genesis remains ahead of our time in its picture of the deepest realities in your life. And Genesis 3 explains why you are constantly feeling out of pl...
35 min
Why You’re Constantly Hiding Yourself | Genesis 3
The first pages of Genesis are filled with powerful word imagery. Written more than 3,000 years ago, Genesis remains ahead of our time in its picture of the deepest realities in your life. And Genesis 3 explains so much about why you are constantly fee...
32 min
Power Imagery God Gives to Imagine Him | Genesis 2
Too often western culture is reductionistic in our “truth” about reality. And Christians are too influenced by this materialistic reductionism so that it limits our ability to live by the power of our imagination. Are you reducing your faith to just in...
30 min
The Power of Knowing the Right Script | Genesis...
Genesis 1:26-28 is a kind of thesis statement for the entire rest of the Bible’s story. You can’t fully understand the gospel’s bigger story if you miss what Genesis 1:26-28 means. This is God’s blueprint for humanity and the whole world. Everything el...
25 min
Becoming a Glorious Image of God Now | Genesis ...
Genesis 1:26-27 is the intellectually consistent basis to why human dignity and human rights are real. Genesis 1:26-27 explains Jesus’s radical value of women, children, the poor and the weak. And the more you can understand Genesis 1:26-27, the more y...
33 min
Why Seven is the Bible’s Magic Number | Genesis...
Genesis 1:1-2:3 is a complex, highly sophisticated, poetic prelude to the rest of the Bible. It’s a kind of microcosm of the Bible’s bigger story; a window through which we can see God’s ultimate plan for our lives. Let’s look through that window toget...
34 min
The Life-Giving Breath of God | Genesis 1:1-3
Genesis One is an amazing, highly sophisticated “painting” that in many ways is truer than a “photograph” would be. In just the first three verses, we see an illustrative portrait of our life and our need for God’s Spirit that no propositional statemen...
26 min
Powerful Liturgies From Psalm 118 | Psalm 118
This episode is a continuation of the previous episode and specifically cites some helpful phrases from Psalm 118 you can easily memorize and say at crucial moments.Language is one of the most powerful ways that our brain perceives and interprets wha...
16 min
Why You Should Say Biblical Liturgies | Psalm 118
Language is one of the most powerful ways that our brain perceives and interprets what’s happening in our life circumstances. And so liturgies are memorable phrases we tell ourselves that help us interpret life. The more powerfully worded liturgies we ...
18 min
Knowing God Is FOR You | Psalm 118
The New Testament quotes Psalm 118:6-7 in a way that hits all of us where we feel  it most. Fear and insecurity in uncertain circumstances. The key takeaway from these verses is to truly know and live like you know that God is always FOR you. Let’...
24 min
Re-narrate Your Life Today | Psalm 118
Psalm 118 was a liturgy in Jesus’s Day as part of the celebration of Passover. Written centuries beforehand, it foretells the story of that final Passover during which Jesus’s death and resurrection would change the word’s story forever. New Testament ...
23 min
Where YOU Enter Into Psalm 118’s Story | Psalm 118
Psalm 118 was a liturgy in Jesus’s Day as part of the celebration of Passover. Written centuries beforehand, it foretells the story of that final Passover during which Jesus’s death and resurrection would change the word’s story forever. New Testament ...
25 min
The Day Jesus Entered Psalm 118 | Psalm 118
Psalm 118 was a liturgy in Jesus’s Day as part of the celebration of Passover. And because of that, the words on the lips of those praising Jesus as he entered Jerusalem the Sunday of Passover week fulfilled their own prophecy. You’ve heard these words...
26 min
The Two Key Verses in the Middle of the Bible |...
There are 31,174 total verses in the Bible. Psalm 118:8-9 are the 15,587th and 15,588th verses. The very middle of the Bible. It’s probably just random chance, or maybe it’s God’s way of winking at us, but these two verses in the very middle of the ent...
28 min
A “Quiet Time” To See God’s Goodness and Love |...
The New Testament tells us that “ (the god of this age)” casts a kind of spell on our minds and hearts to keep us from seeing God’s glory. One way he does it is by co...
28 min
A Big Reason Why I Believe the Gospel is True |...
There are some good arguments non-Christians make as to why Christianity isn’t true. But Psalm 117 provides one of the many good reasons why I believe it is. Let’s discuss it in this episode.Psalm 117 ESV1 Praise the LORD, all nations! Extol him, a...
24 min
To Call Upon the Name of the LORD, C.A.L.L. | P...
In the Bible, repetition is always used for emphasis. And the most repeated phrase in Psalm 116 is “call upon the name of the LORD.” God’s people learn to call upon the name of the I AM as a lifestyle. That’s what makes them different. And that’s what ...
27 min
Praying You-Are Prayers | Psalm 116
What does Psalm 116 mean by “call upon the name of the LORD”? When we remember that God’s “name” is the ancient Hebrew verb for HE IS, then calling upon his name could include praying YOU ARE kinds of prayers of thanksgiving and praise to the I AM. We ...
15 min
The Simplest Thing That We Forget To Do | Psalm...
The apostle Paul warns the ancient Corinthians that Satan is cunning and is always subtly working to lead our minds astray from our sincere devotion to Christ ( (2 Cor...
25 min
God Wants To Bless You, Really? | Psalm 115
God wants you to thrive. To flourish. To “increase,” as Psalm 115:14 puts it. What would your life be if the I AM “who made heaven and earth,” and is the Source of all life and all existence, gives you his blessing (Psalm 115:15)? By lifting https://ww...
24 min