Christian Meditation can help refocus your mind and recalibrate your body to get the stress, anxiety and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Spend about 23 minutes to "be still" with God as each episode uses a different biblical image to experience God's presence and promises in a way that brings relaxation and renewal. Look for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Seeking the Face of the King of Glory | Prayer ...
The risen Jesus told his disciples that ultimately what is written in the Psalms points to him (see Luke 24:25-27, 44 below). We especially see this in Psalm 24, written by King David a thousand years before Jesus was born. I love these messianic psalm...
Jesus quoted the first line of Psalm 22 on the cross. It was a prayer of anguish as he took upon himself the wrath of the Father for the sins of his people. But it was also Jesus’s way of pointing his disciples to the rest of Psalm 22. And it’s amazing...
Jesus saw the Psalms as written by their human author, but also by the Holy Spirit (see Matt 22:41-46 below). Although King David lived over a thousand years before Christ, he is one of the Bible’s primary foreshadowing figures of Jesus as Christ. That...
17 min
Rejoicing In Our Resurrection | Prayer on Psalm 18
This is a rare Psalm where David no longer feels any threats to his life. God has completely delivered him from all his enemies, including his most dangerous enemy in King Saul. The poetic images David uses in this Psalm are so illustrative in ascribin...
26 min
Praying to Pray | Prayer on Psalm 17
Usually when we get past the wall of not wanting to pray, and just start praying aloud to God, it feels good to our soul. And we realize it wasn’t that hard after all. When we can take the “horizontal” concerns in our life that weigh us down and make t...
23 min
Praying to Living Into Salvation’s Narrative | ...
What narrative for your life are you living into most of the time? That’s the big question from Psalm 14. There’s the narrative of “the fool” who lives most of the time as if “there is no God.” Then there’s the narrative of those “who understand”...
24 min
How to Focus on Christ’s Return through Prayer ...
Our life won’t make any sense to us in any given moment if we don’t keep Jesus’s return as the focus of our life’s story. Revelation 21:1-7 is one of the best places in the entire Bible to do that. Especially when reading it in meditation and prayer. A...
23 min
Let God Light Up Your Eyes Through Honest Praye...
This is one of those Psalms of David where he starts off accusing God of ignoring him and forgetting about him. It says something about God that he would want to inspire David to write such an honest Psalm and put it in His Word as part of Scripture. G...
16 min
Praying Some Favorite Verses in Psalms
I’ve been praying through the Psalms for over 40 years now. So inevitably there have been some verses in the Psalms that I’ve personally found particularly powerful for prayer. I come back to them over and over, which means eventually I had them ...
21 min
Praying to Put On God’s Righteousness | Prayer ...
In our last episode we looked at Psalm 38 and David’s frustration with himself for being his own worst enemy. It’s a psalm where David confesses his overwhelming sin and how that’s made his life stink and fester. I’m thankful the Holy Spirit has inspir...
27 min
Praying When Your Foolish Sin Stinks Up Your Li...
Psalm 38 is a great example of the power of poetry to make us feel. We can feel David’s own misery and frustration with himself in this psalm. He realizes how much his own stupid and foolish sins have stunk up his life and his relationships, and he nee...
32 min
Praying the Bigger Life for You in Christ | Pra...
In Colossians 1:12-20, Paul is finishing a prayer he has for the Colossian believers, and then he quotes what many scholars believe was an early Christian hymn. As such, these are some of the most powerful truths in the Bible. And the more we understan...
32 min
Praying to Give Thanks | Prayer on Psalm 9
Psalm 9 has been a go-to psalm for me over the years because it reminds me of what I usually forget, and that’s to give thanks to Yahweh (Hebrew: “HE IS”). Giving thanks is when we recognize and give voice to our appreciation to God. Giving thanks to G...
34 min
Praying the Bigger Story Your Life is In | Pray...
Psalm 8 is an amazing psalm in capturing the larger story of the Gospel. The God that created this incomprehensibly vast universe is also incomprehensibly mindful of you. When David looked up at the stars he saw the glory of God in his majesty and powe...
26 min
Praying the “Beatitudes” | Prayer on Matthew 5:...
When Jesus started to announce the “Good News” of his coming Kingdom, the first word out of his mouth was “Blessed.” The particular word he used was loaded with complexity and meaning that it cannot be captured by that one English word “blessed.” It me...
35 min
Praying to Focus on My Need for God | Prayer on...
I always do better when I start my day vocalizing aloud in prayer my need for God’s help and vocalizing aloud in praise who he is and who he is for me. That’s exactly what David did in Psalm 5, and what we can do when we meditate on and pray and praise...
28 min
My Father in Heaven | Prayer on Matthew 6:9
Sometimes when I pray I just focus on the first line in The Lord’s Prayer -- “My Father in Heaven.” The order of The Lord’s Prayer is part of Jesus’s main point about prayer -- we need to focus first on who God is to us. And Jesus taught much about the...
26 min
When You Really Need God to Answer Your Prayer!
23 min
The Bigger Life of the Gospel
38 min
Praying with Fear, Insecurity, and Anxiety | Pr...
This is one of those psalms that David wrote in the context of fear, insecurity, and anxiety. Yours may not be as intense as David’s when he wrote this, but there are some phrases in this psalm that are calming and life-giving in any level of anxiety. ...
23 min
Praying the Lord’s Prayer | Part 2 on Matthew 6...
This is a kind of expanded version of the Lord's Prayer, where each line provides a meditative heading in order to guide your prayers. The goal is not just trying to get through this as if it’s a ritual. The purpose is meditation and prayer.The Lord’...
10 min
Praying the Lord’s Prayer - Part 1: Meditation
13 min
Praying a prayer Jesus Quoted Before He Died an...
We know that Psalm 41 was a prayer that Jesus meditated on and prayed often enough to quote from memory, because he does so In John 13:18. This prayer of David will help you pray the words Jesus himself often prayed, and specifically quoted before his ...
23 min
Praying to the Real Risen Jesus | Prayer on Act...
In Acts 20, Paul is saying his final words to the elders at the church in Ephesus, where he had spent three years in real relationship and tearful ministry. These words have some of the most powerful descriptions of how Paul actually SEEING the glorifi...
32 min
Praying to Submit to God and Resist the Devil |...
This is a prayer I’ve prayed from time to time for many years. It’s originally adapted from a “Warfare Prayer” I found in various books on spiritual warfare. I have found it to be a helpful and practical way to “submit to God and resist the devil,” as ...