Christian Meditation can help refocus your mind and recalibrate your body to get the stress, anxiety and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Spend about 23 minutes to "be still" with God as each episode uses a different biblical image to experience God's presence and promises in a way that brings relaxation and renewal. Look for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Worship In the Very Presence of God | Prayer on...
How can we worship in the very presence of God? The ancient Temple in the Old Testament is a picture of how we worship Him in Spirit and truth when we enter his presence through Jesus. Psalm 84 ESVA PSALM OF THE SONS OF KORAH. 1 How l...
21 min
Feasting on the Abundance of God | Prayer on Ps...
We can see our sin for what it really is when we compare it to feasting on the abundance of God. Psalm 36 ESV 1 Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes. 2 For he flatters hims...
25 min
The Fountain of Living Water | Prayer on Jeremi...
What would you exchange for the glory of God? The strongest motivation not to sin is when we understand the stupidity of turning from God as our only true satisfaction. Jeremiah 2:11–13 ESV 11 But my people have changed their glor...
18 min
The Power of Giving Thanks | Prayer on Psalm 92
We bring God’s power into our lives and circumstances when we learn to give thanks. Psalm 92:1–5 ESV 1 It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; 2 to declare your steadfast love in the morn...
20 min
Can We See God’s Presence? | Prayer on Psalm 91...
We can take refuge in God’s presence by seeing him with our imagination in prayer Psalm 91:1–2 ESV1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fo...
20 min
Our Dependency on God’s Mercy | Prayer on Psalm 57
We can take refuge in God’s mercy for us whenever we approach him in prayer Psalm 57:1–5, 10-11 ESVTO THE CHOIRMASTER: ACCORDING TO DO NOT DESTROY. A MIKTAM OF DAVID, WHEN HE FLED FROM SAUL, IN THE CAVE. 1 Be merciful to me, O God, be...
18 min
Seeking God Through Our Imagination | Prayer on...
We can use our imaginations to seek and “see” God in prayer Psalm 63:1–4 ESV A PSALM OF DAVID, WHEN HE WAS IN THE WILDERNESS OF JUDAH. 1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for yo...
21 min
Whose Words Can You Really Believe? | Prayer on...
Where can we put our trust in a world this side of the kingdom? To some degree everyone lies. We can only truly depend upon God to be true to his Word. Psalm 12:1–8 ESV 1 Save, O LORD, for the godly one is gone; for the faithful have va...
18 min
Hope During Affliction | Prayer on Lamentations...
Even in times where we’re experiencing suffering due to our sin or the sins of others, we can turn our misery into hope when we pray through scripture with God. Lamentations 3:17–24 NIV 17 I have been deprived of peace; I have forgotten...
18 min
How Do We Imagine in Prayer? | Prayer on Psalm 31
How do the Psalms lead us to grow our creative hearts and minds through prayer? We can use our imaginations to overcome our insecurities from the advantage of seeing God all around us. Psalm 31 ESV 1 In you, O LORD, do I take refu...
18 min
What Keeps Us from Trusting God | Prayer on Psa...
We want to trust in God, but it's not as easy as it sounds. Trials come, and things get in the way. But it goes even deeper than that. Find out what really keeps us from trusting God as ( Pastor Dave C...
17 min
Why We Ask God for Things | Prayer on Psalm 71
God knows what we need, but we should still ask. It's important that we acknowledge our dependence on him and his overwhelming capability to take care of us. Join in as ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses a...
15 min
How to Trust in God | Prayer on Psalm 62
Prayer is important for building a relationship with God. And every relationship requires trust. Join in as ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses how we can trust God as he prays throughhttps://www.biblegatew...
16 min
Why We Should Worship | Prayer on Psalm 33
We connect to God through both prayer and worship. In this episode, ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses how the two coalesce. Join in as he discusses and prays through
20 min
How Prayer Delivers Restoration | Prayer on Psa...
Does prayer set your worries at rest? Is it hard for you to trust in God and feel his peace? Join in as ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses and prays for restoration in
18 min
Changing How We See the World and Everyone Else...
We've been talking about ( ) (What It Means to Think Vertically and Not Just Horizontally). When we ...
19 min
What to Say When Times Are Tough | Prayer on Ps...
How do you pray and praise God when times are tough, when you're falling into despair? turn to the psalms: they're prayers just as much as praises. Join in as ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses and prays t...
20 min
Growing Our Vocabulary of Prayer | Prayer on P...
Sometimes, even when you want to pray, you just don't have the words—especially when you're in pain. That's why ( Pastor Dave Cover) turns to the Psalms. Join in as he discusses and prays through https...
27 min
Why We Should Confess Our Sin | Prayer on Psalm 32
Sin makes us uncomfortable. We don't like talking about it, which makes it hard to repent. But ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses why we need to as he prays through
19 min
What to Pray When We Sin | Prayer on Psalm 25
We know David was a great king, but we also know he wasn't perfect. He sinned greatly and admitted his weakness. Join in as ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses and prays through David's confession and repen...
18 min
How to Live a Christian Life | Prayer on Psalm ...
Christianity is more than a belief system. It's a way of life and an intimate relationship with the Creator. That's what David prayed for in the psalms he wrote. Join in as ( Pastor Dave Cover) discuss...
22 min
How We Fit in God's Kingdom | Prayer on Psalm 2...
The Bible doesn't just tell stories of the past. It's a narrative that also reveals what the future holds, and how we fit into that story. Join in as ( Pastor Dave Cover) discusses our place in God's k...
19 min
How does God Reveal Himself? | Prayer on Psalm 19
Does God seem distant? Learn how he connects with us from ( ) (Pastor Dave Cover) as he discusses and prays through
21 min
How to Renew Your Mind With the Holy Spirit | P...
Why pray? It's a time for renewal, a time to connect with the Holy Spirit. Learn what the benefits of prayer are from ( ) (Pastor Dave Cover) from as ...
23 min
Recognizing the Voice of the Lord | Prayer on P...
Prayer isn't just about talking to God. He speaks too. Learn to recognize the voice of God as ( ) (Pastor Dave Cover) discusses and prays throughhttps...