Christian Meditation can help refocus your mind and recalibrate your body to get the stress, anxiety and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Spend about 23 minutes to "be still" with God as each episode uses a different biblical image to experience God's presence and promises in a way that brings relaxation and renewal. Look for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Praying to Open Your Eyes in the Real Spiritual...
Paul recounts his experience with the glorified risen Jesus. It was life changing for him. He never forgot Jesus’s powerfully imaginative words. That’s what makes this one of those passages in the Bible that is great for meditation and prayer. This pod...
29 min
Praying to Catch Your Breath | Prayer on Acts 3...
The story of a miraculous healing of a paralyzed man by the apostles Peter and John in Acts 3 shows all the signs of someone’s memories. Unnecessary details in the narrative, like the time of day, the specific name of the gate where it happened, and th...
27 min
Praying to Align What I Feel with What is Real ...
We don’t always feel what is real. But our feelings are still real to us. They are how we feel. So God gives us Spirit-inspired prayers like Psalm 43 to help us express our darker feelings honestly to God and to ourselves. And as we do, prayers like Ps...
28 min
Praying to Pay Attention to Who God Is? | Praye...
Sometimes the reality of who God is comforts us. Sometimes it sobers us. Both are absolutely essential for a life lived with God. We need to be reminded who God really is. Psalm 50 is one of those psalms. It appeals to our imagination in order to wake ...
29 min
How Should I Pray After I’ve Sinned? | Prayer ...
I’m comforted by the fact that the Holy Spirit inspired prayers in the Bible that help me express my need for God to forgive me of my sin. Where can I turn in the Bible in times of personal guilt, especially after I’ve so willfully sinned? Psalm 51 is ...
33 min
Praying to Abide in Jesus | Prayer on John 15
Sometimes Jesus uses poetic, imaginative language to illustrate his relationship with us, especially in the Gospel of John. These are great places in Scripture to use for prayer. In John 15 Jesus uses the highly imaginative language of a grape vine and...
21 min
How to Imagine a Deeper Relationship with Jesus...
Sometimes Jesus uses poetic, imaginative language to illustrate his relationship with us, especially in the Gospel of John. These are great places in Scripture to use for prayer. John 10 is particularly one of those places where Jesus gives us imaginat...
19 min
Reset and Re-calibrate Your Perspective Through...
Every day I need to recenter my perspective by remembering my neediness for God, and remembering to put my trust in him. That sounds so basic, yet most problems in our life first stem from getting off center from basic truths. This is a short basic psa...
25 min
How to Pray as a Meditation on Who You Are in C...
Prayer is also a form of meditation. For years, I have found Paul’s self-descriptive words in Galatians 2:20 to be a powerful prayer/meditation for me. It focuses on who I am in Christ, what my life story truly is now, and my basis for confidence in Go...
18 min
How to Pray When You’re Burdened | Prayer on Ps...
On a scale of 1-10, King David’s fear and anxiety was at an 11 in this psalm. The African theologian Athanasius (AD 296–373) once observed, “The other Scriptures speak to us, but the Psalms speak for us.” That’s what we’re doing in this podcast. Lettin...
18 min
How to Pray When You’re Afraid
24 min
How Do We Pray Through Rumors Against Us? | Pra...
There are times when people are spreading rumors about us. Maybe at work. In our extended families. Our church. Among our friends. And these times can be emotionally draining. We’re not sure how to begin to defend ourselves. We toss at night with worry...
19 min
How Do We Pray When We Feel Far From God? | Pra...
Sometimes we feel far away from God. Often that’s because we feel a low-grade guilt for sin in our life. But Psalm 65 shows us that God is not surprised or shocked by our sin. He just wants us to come to him with it. That’s why he has built into these ...
22 min
How to Live the Joy of the Future Now | Prayer ...
This podcast is called A Bigger Life because I’m convinced the biggest obstacle to our joy-filled life is when we get hijacked by a smaller narrative for our life. The Bible’s bigger story is the remedy for that. And Psalm 66 gives us an interesting gl...
25 min
When Unfaithfulness to God Looks More Appealing...
Psalm 73 sounds as contemporary as it gets with an honest struggle when we see the lives of those who disregard God as people with better lives. God becomes boring to us. Our Christian life becomes burdensome to us. This is one of those true-to-reality...
25 min
What Do You Do When Praying Doesn’t Work?
Sometimes when we’re anxious or worried and we pray, our anxiety and worry seem to get worse. We can’t sleep. What do you do then? Let’s look at this raw reality by meditating on Psalm 77.Psalm 77 ESV A PSALM OF ASAPH.1 I cry aloud to God, a...
22 min
Joining Thousands of Angels in Prayer | Prayer ...
When we get the Gospel wrong, we pray wrong. Revelation 5 gives us a glimpse behind the scenes of what the real story and promise of the Gospel is as we join thousands of angels in praise. Revelation 5:1–12 NIV 1 Then I saw in the right h...
21 min
Praying in Awe | Prayer on Revelation 4
Imagine the awe of being present before God’s very throne. That’s what John sees in a vision in Revelation 4. And we can imagine that scene as we pray through John’s description of what he saw. Revelation 4:8–11 NIV 8 Each of the four liv...
20 min
Praying to Be Godly | Prayer on Psalm 86
Psalm 86 is a good go-to psalm when you want to pray something that re-boots your perspective on your life and problems. It helps you re-focus your trust in God as YOUR God and his steadfast love for YOU..Psalm 86:2–5 ESV 2 Preserve my life, f...
20 min
Living Inside the Story God Created YOU For | P...
When you can hear God speaking specifically to YOU in this passage, he reminds you who HE is and who YOU are and the real story your life is in. Praying through God’s words in this passage is very powerful.Isaiah 44:1–8 NIV1 “But now listen, Jacob,...
26 min
Believing What The I AM Says About You | Prayer...
When you can hear God speaking specifically to YOU in this passage, you can replace your fear and anxiety with God’s presence and love. Praying through God’s words in this passage is very powerful. Isaiah 42:5–7 NIV 5 This is what God t...
26 min
How to Not Be Afraid | Prayer on Isaiah 41
When you can hear God speaking specifically to YOU in this passage, you can replace fear and anxiety with God’s presence and care. Isaiah 41:8–10 NIV 8 “But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham ...
20 min
How to have a bigger concept of God | Prayer on...
LIke Psalm 81, these verses in Isaiah 40 are God speaking to his people. We can get a bigger/truer picture/concept of God’s power, wisdom and care by lifting up our eyes and experience God speaking to us. Isaiah 40:12 NIVWho has measured the...
19 min
What Will Satisfy You? | Prayer on Psalm 81:8-16
Our lives are always a miserable prison when God gives us over to follow our own stubborn hearts. But we can find true satisfaction by listening to his word and submitting to him. This Psalm is the voice of God to us through the prophet Asaph....
22 min
God Rules From Forever Past to Forevermore | Pr...
Using our imagination, praying through this Psalm helps us see the reality our life is in forever. Psalm 93 1 The LORD reigns; he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed; he has put on strength as his belt. Yes, the world is established;...