Christian Meditation can help refocus your mind and recalibrate your body to get the stress, anxiety and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Spend about 23 minutes to "be still" with God as each episode uses a different biblical image to experience God's presence and promises in a way that brings relaxation and renewal. Look for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
A Christian Meditation on Rejoice Every Morning...
<p>An important part of Christian meditation is to use your biblically guided imagination to <em>see</em> the better, unseen realities our lives are in, and to bring our mind and body into an integration with those spiritual realities. Otherwise we bec...
28 min
A Christian Meditation on Experiencing Your Who...
24 min
A Christian Meditation on Imagining God’s Glory...
25 min
A Christian Meditation on Seeing Your Troubles ...
33 min
A Christian Meditation on Seeing Your Body as C...
32 min
A Christian Meditation on Putting On God’s Love...
<p>God’s love is described in the New Testament as something you imaginatively “clothe yourself” with. This kind of Christian meditation brings the transcendent experience of God into your mind and into your body so that you can replace anxiety, insecu...
34 min
A Christian Meditation that God Controls All th...
30 min
A Christian Meditation on Embracing Your “New S...
30 min
A Christian Meditation on Living Now As Someone...
31 min
A Christian Meditation on Christ’s Presence in ...
29 min
A Christian Meditation on Being a New Creation ...
32 min
A Christian Meditation on Imagining Clinging to...
<p>So much of the Bible gives us <em>imagination</em> more than <em>information</em>. So much of who you want to be and what you want in life is empowered by your imagination. This is why sin always appeals to your imagination. Why the vast majority of...
24 min
A Christian Meditation on God Made and Loves Yo...
<p>Your hands made me and formed me (Ps 119:73. You exist because God formed you and made you. God wants you to exist in his world. God made YOU and formed YOU. But the imaginative language of making and forming is the language of the love and care and...
24 min
A Christian Meditation on a Heart Cleansed and ...
When you sprain your ankle in some way and spend the day walking around, by the end of the day it’s very sore. So you put on an ankle boot — a kind of temporary cast — for a while to help your ankle relax in the structure of the cast. It provides relie...
25 min
A Very Basic Christian Meditation
My goal in this podcast — Christian meditation for a bigger life — is to help 21st century Christians in the always distracted digital age — to connect with God with our whole being and sense that embodied connection in each present moment throughout o...
24 min
Christian Meditation 101
My goal in this podcast — Christian meditation for a bigger life — is to help 21st century Christians in the always distracted digital age — to connect with God with our whole being and sense that embodied connection in each present moment throughout o...
29 min
A Christian Meditation on Being God’s Child Mea...
This kind of Christian meditation brings the transcendent experience of God into your mind and into your body so that you can literally walk with God throughout your day. And you can keep your body and thoughts from being hijacked by unconscious anxiet...
22 min
A Christian Meditation on Being a Child of God ...
This kind of Christian meditation brings the transcendent experience of God into your mind and into your body so that you can literally walk with God throughout your day. And you can keep your body and thoughts from being hijacked by unconscious anxiet...
19 min
A Christian Meditation on Being a Child of Ligh...
God created you as a being of imagination. Your imagination empowers your strongest desires and fears. And your imagination directly affects your body.For example try this: Imagine holding a lemon in your hand. Imagine cutting it in half, and squeezi...
20 min
A Christian Meditation on Our Father In Heaven ...
Matthew 6:6, 9 (NIV)(6) But when you [in the singular] pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And then in verse nine Jesus gives what we call the Lord‘s prayer. Let’s just read the first part of it.(9...
20 min
A Christian Meditation on The Spirit Giving Lif...
Christian meditation can help refocus your mind on God's presence using biblical imagery to get the stress, anxiety, and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Description: With your imagination on God‘s Spirit in your body, you’re feelin...
24 min
A Christian Meditation with Ephesians 3:16-19
What we want to do in Christian meditation is let go of anxiety not only as a relaxation technique but as something where we are truly calm and at rest because we sense and feel the presence and love and care of God in our lives. Anxiety over sh...
27 min
A Christian Meditation with Ephesians 1:17-18
When we come to the Bible and read it without envisioning its truth with our imagination, we miss a lot of its transcendent wonders that only imagination can experience. Biblical authors thought the ancient Jewish way; through images and story. ...
29 min
A Christian Meditation with John 1:1-5
This kind of meditation helps you re-integrate your mind and body with the reality of God as your creator and sustainer who is always with you and always focused on you with his infinite love. It relieves tension and anxiety and stress and insecurity a...