Launch Your Box Podcast with Sarah Wi...

8 years ago I had a dream to start a Subscription Box service full of goodies for women to treat themselves and nurture the importance of self care. It took me a full 18 months to make it happen! I was paralyzed by ‘all the things’ I had to figure out with no one to turn to for guidance. That is why I created Launch Your Box! Maybe you need some direction on how to begin, or you are ready to grow your subscriber base. Either way, it all starts with an idea that can turn into a constant reoccurring revenue, a raving fan base, and a business to love. I will help you... Take your first steps and know where to start. Figuring out the logistics: packing, shipping, boxes, oh my! Learn how to launch, from idea to sales. Scale that box to the next level, go big or go home!

How To
119: Facebook Group Yay or Nay?
This episode answers two questions I get asked a LOT. Should your subscription box be on a separate page from the rest of your business? Should you create a private Facebook Group for your subscribers? The answer to both questions is, “It depends.”
21 min
118: Public Facing Content vs. Private Group Co...
Today’s episode was inspired by a question from a member of Launch Your Box - and a former guest on the podcast. Betsy Goodman shared her sold-out launch story in episode 93. Betsy is a maker and a teacher - she teaches lettering and wax seal techniques. Her work is beautiful and her question is a common one among subscription box owners who make or teach as part of their subscription.
17 min
117: Bounced Payments & Personal Follow-Up
Are you relying solely on automations to recover failed payments? If so, you are losing money and experiencing unnecessary churn in your subscription box business. Business is personal. Recovering failed payments needs more than just automation - it needs a personal touch. Your personal touch.
16 min
116: 5 Ways to Increase Perceived Value in Your...
Is your subscription box missing something that would increase its value in the eyes of your subscribers? Maybe things are feeling a little monotonous or routine. Or maybe some months you feel like you need “a little something extra” to make your subscription box feel like the complete experience you want it to be. But, how can you add value without blowing your budget? Remember, you need to stay profitable to stay in business.
31 min
115: Building an Audience in 90 Days and Sellin...
When you’re just getting started on your subscription box journey, it can be hard to imagine yourself successfully managing a thriving subscription. That’s when you need to seek inspiration from someone just a few steps ahead of you. Kathy Strahs from The Awayday Box is just that person.
39 min
114: Building a Lead Magnet Funnel
It all starts with driving traffic and capturing leads. You can’t have a successful subscription box launch without traffic and leads. That’s why we made traffic and leads the focus inside Launch Your Box for the first quarter.
25 min
113: How Cotton Chaos 5X Their Subscribers with...
Have you ever set a really big goal for your business? A goal that made you feel a little dizzy at the thought of trying to reach it, but you got brave and made it anyway? That’s what Whitney and Andrea, the dynamic duo behind Cotton Chaos did at the beginning of 2022.
35 min
112: How I Built My 2nd Business From Scratch t...
Are you struggling to build your audience or find the right people for your offer? Do you have a plan in place to get some traction and start making progress toward starting and growing a successful, sustainable subscription box business?
42 min
111: Raising Prices and Achieving Long-Term Sus...
“It takes money to grow.” - Sarah Williams Is it time to raise your prices? After all, costs are up on absolutely everything. Your costs are up - on products, packaging, shipping, and more. Your costs going up means your profit margins are going down.
29 min
110: It's Not Too Late to Pivot Your Offer with...
Have you ever felt the pull to change what you’re offering? Sometimes, pivoting and offering something different to your audience results in success in the form of a growing, thriving subscription box. That’s exactly what happened with Launch Your Box member Joanne Jurica of Rustic Glitter.
24 min
109: 10 Ways to Build Your List - Every Month
What one thing can you do in your business every single day that would help you be the most successful? Work to build and grow your email list!  If you’re not replenishing the pool of people you’re selling to, you won’t be able to grow your...
27 min
108: 5 Emails Subscription Box Owners Can Send ...
“Email marketing needs to be part of your audience building strategy.” - Sarah Williams You know social media is an important part of audience building. You’re showing up consistently, creating engaging posts and reels, connecting with your...
30 min
107: Creating SEO Friendly Content for Your Sub...
“SEO doesn’t have any fuel without content.” - Sarah Williams How do you get your stuff in front of people right when they’re looking for it? The answer, in part, is SEO. I brought a special guest to the podcast to talk about how and why to...
27 min
106: 7 Ways to Market Your Subscription Box Cos...
Do you think growing your subscription means spending tons of money on ads? It doesn’t need to be that way! There are so many low and even no-cost ways to market and grow your subscription box business.   The bottom line? You can’t rely...
16 min
105: Scaling Your Subscription Box Business wit...
I have a special episode for you today! Cheryl Ham is a long-time member of Launch Your Box, an OG member of Scale Your Box, and the founder of the wildly successful Yarnable subscription box. She’s here today to catch us up on all that’s happened...
48 min
104: Niching Down Your Ideal Customer Can Impro...
“20% of your customer base generates 80% of your revenue.” - Sarah Williams Identifying your ideal customer is not something you do once. It’s something you need to tweak and get clearer about in your business on a daily basis. In this episode,...
27 min
103: From the Food Network to Starting a Subscr...
I’ve got some star power for you on this episode of the Launch Your Box podcast! Lauren Jacobs, a.k.a The Cheerful Baker, is a member of Launch Your Box and the creator and curator of a successful cookie decorating subscription box. She’s also one...
42 min
102: Sarah’s Strategies to 100 Subscribers and ...
Have you launched your subscription box but found yourself struggling to grow? Launching your subscription box is a HUGE milestone. Celebrate that! The next HUGE milestone for so many of my members is reaching 100 subscribers. Some - those with large,...
19 min
101: 5 Reasons Why You Should Start a Subscript...
Did you know the subscription box industry reached 22.7 Billion dollars in revenue at the end of 2021? And it’s expected to more than triple that number by 2027! Why am I telling you this?  Because there IS room for you and your subscription...
23 min
100: Year End Review with My Mastermind Ladies
Welcome to the 100th episode of the Launch Your Box podcast!  I talk a lot about consistency on this podcast. And inside Launch Your Box. And on my social media accounts. It’s not because I don’t have anything else to talk about. If you’ve...
61 min
099: Creating a One-Thing of the Month Subscrip...
Have you considered starting with a one-thing of the month subscription? You should. Why do I say that? Well, my one-thing of the month subscription is easier to manage and more profitable than my fully curated subscription box. And my one-thing of...
19 min
098: Using Mystery Boxes to Reduce Inventory Be...
“Don’t bring that stale inventory into 2023!” - Sarah Williams  Inventory is one of the biggest challenges product-based businesses face. Too much, not enough… and what happens if it doesn’t sell? Now, during this buying season, is the...
21 min
097: Busting Through Challenges and Doubling He...
I’m so excited to have Katie Eney of The Literary Book Club back on the podcast. I invited her back so she could bring us up to date on the big things that have been happening in her subscription box businesses.  Katie’s quarterly luxury box,...
34 min
096: Changing Direction and Niching Down Genera...
I’m so excited to have Launch Your Box member Julie Harkin of the Pilot Wives Club on the podcast! Julie is an experienced, successful subscription box owner who decided to find out if something I say all the time is true, “The riches are in the...
24 min
095: Leveraging Email Marketing to Make the Mos...
“More emails equals more sales!” - Sarah Williams  We’re more than halfway through the 4th quarter. For product sellers, it’s the busiest time of the year. It’s also our best chance to make some serious revenue. You’re probably...
17 min