Preggie Pals: Your Pregnancy, Your Way

We educate and entertain expectant mothers and those hoping to become pregnant. Each episode features a panel of pregnant women, at various stages and trimesters, as well as experienced moms and experts. Together they explore topics aimed to embrace pregnancy and encourage women to pursue their individual childbirth choices.

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
Your Baby Registry: Breast Pumps
What are the benefits of a manual hand pump versus an electric pump? What other features should you be looking for?
34 min
Signs Your Baby Is Dropping in Pregnancy
As an expectant parent, there are so many terms to learn and new “feelings” to identify in pregnancy. What does the term “the baby has dropped” really mean?
40 min
Coping with Morning Sickness
Nausea is one of the first pregnancy symptoms you may notice, and it could stay with you for a while. So, what actually causes morning sickness? What types of foods and vitamins help make you feel better?
27 min
Choosing Your Care Provider: Pediatrician
Choosing your pediatrician is highly recommended prior to your baby's birth! How do you find a pediatrician that's right for your family?
30 min
Delivering a Breech Baby
Should you try and get your baby to turn? Can you deliver a breech baby vaginally?
37 min
Nesting Instinct During Pregnancy
What exactly is the nesting instinct during pregnancy? Who gets it? And how can we effectively use it without driving our partners (and other people around us) completely crazy?
32 min
Changing Care Providers Mid-Pregnancy
How do you tactfully "break up" with your current provider and how do you (quickly) find someone new who can help you? What about transferring medical records and billing?
31 min
Creating Your Postpartum Plan
What should you consider when creating your postpartum plan? When should you create it, and who should be part of the process?
40 min
Putting VBAC Risks Into Perspective
You may have heard about some of the risks, but what does it all actually mean? Are VBACs riskier than having a repeat c-section? What factors should you consider before making this big decision for both you and your baby?
35 min
Making Sex Comfortable During Pregnancy
What changes can you expect? What positions work best for a growing bump, and what should you avoid altogether? Yep, this one's explicit.
35 min
Childbirth Preparation Methods: Sacred Pregnancy
What typically happens during these classes? Plus, the benefits of incorporating artwork and journaling to enhance your overall experience.
34 min
Miscarriage and Stillbirth: Pregnancy After Loss
What type of emotions may you experience with a subsequent pregnancy? And how do you process it all? Today we're talking with three women who have experienced loss but have also experienced successful pregnancies.
41 min
Choosing Your Health Care Provider: Lactation C...
How can a board-certified lactation consultant help you on your journey? What services does a lactation consultant typically provide?
27 min
Sleep During Pregnancy: Mental and Emotional Ch...
What are some signs of sleep deprivation? How can you overcome sleep disorders while pregnant?
30 min
Body Changes During Pregnancy: The Cervix
This tiny organ is already preparing for your baby. It softens, lengthens, elongates, dilates, thins, and does all sorts of interesting things right up to the moment your baby is born. Learn more about what causes these changes and what it means for your labor and delivery experience!
32 min
Preparing for Breastfeeding
Should you take a breastfeeding class? How about visiting a breastfeeding support group? What can you expect to happen during those first few days after your baby is born?
35 min
I'm Pregnant, Now What?
Most care providers will schedule your first prenatal appointment at the eight-week mark. So, what are you supposed to do in the meantime?
33 min
Fetal Development: The Second Trimester
What exactly is happening to you and your body during your second trimester? How long is this trimester and what stages of growth and development is your new baby experiencing? When will morning sickness subside?
23 min
Managing Pregnancy Discomfort: Acupuncture
How exactly does acupuncture work and how can it help to heal the body? Does having a bunch of needles inserted just below your skin hurt? And what can you expect to happen during an appointment?
33 min
Childbirth Preparation Methods: Lamaze
What are the main principles of Lamaze? And what can you expect to happen during a Lamaze class?
22 min
Miscarriage and Stillbirth: Dealing with Loss
Today we'll hear three women discuss their personal experiences when it comes to miscarriage and stillbirth. How were they able to cope with this loss? What was the reaction from family and friends? And what type of resources did they find most helpful?
40 min
Common Bacterial Infections In Pregnancy
We're discussing some of the most common infections such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis and Group B Strep. How are these infections diagnosed and treated in pregnancy? Our mamas share their personal experience!
37 min
Pregnancy When You Already Have Children
When and how do you tell your other children that you're pregnant? How involved should they be in your pregnancy?
32 min
Choosing Your Health Care Provider: OB/GYNs
What type of prenatal care can you expect to receive with an OB/GYN? What exactly is their role during the labor and delivery process?
36 min
Sleep During Pregnancy: Finding Comfort with a ...
What are the best positions for sleeping while pregnant? What modifications can you make to your environment so you can get the sleep you need?
33 min