Preggie Pals: Your Pregnancy, Your Way

We educate and entertain expectant mothers and those hoping to become pregnant. Each episode features a panel of pregnant women, at various stages and trimesters, as well as experienced moms and experts. Together they explore topics aimed to embrace pregnancy and encourage women to pursue their individual childbirth choices.

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
Webster Technique for Turning Your Breach Baby
What are the different types of breech positions and how can each impact your labor and delivery?
32 min
Advanced Maternal Age: Pregnancy After 35
What exactly does that mean? What are some of the increased risks associated with pregnancy and older women?
40 min
Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
What are the most common pregnancy discomforts treated with chiropractic care?
28 min
Childbirth Choices: Planned Homebirths
Why are planned homebirths today considered so risky? What are some of the pros and cons of this type of childbirth?
34 min
Preeclampsia: Symptoms and Treatment
What is preeclampsia and how can it impact your pregnancy?
34 min
Gender Prediction: Fact Vs. Fiction
What are the most reliable ways to determine the gender of your unborn child?
40 min
The Benefits of Professional Birth Photography
What exactly do birth photographers do, and how can they help make your labor and delivery experience more enjoyable?
29 min
The Truth About Gestational Diabetes
While gestational diabetes is not a permanent condition, it does impact both mother and baby. How is gestational diabetes diagnosed?
30 min
Your Pregnancy Due Date: Is It Really Important?
What are the common methods used when figuring out this date? What happens if your exact due date can't be determined and how can it impact future treatment?
35 min
Childbirth Preparation Methods: Birthing From W...
How does Birthing From Within differ from other childbirth preparation methods? And what can you expect should you decide to take a class?
40 min
Prenatal Anxiety and Depression
How do you know if you're developing these conditions during your pregnancy? What are the main risk factors or warning signs?
39 min
Childbirth Preparation Methods: Hypnobirthing
What are the principles behind this childbirth preparation method, and what's needed to be successful?
35 min
Avoid These 5 Ingredients in Your Prenatal Vitamin
What should we be looking for in a prenatal vitamin? And perhaps more importantly, what should we try to avoid?
38 min
Healthy Body Image During Pregnancy
What exactly does it mean to have a healthy body image? Why is this important- especially during pregnancy?
44 min
Planning a Baby Shower or Sprinkle
What are the baby shower basics? Plus, what type of baby shower is best for you?
38 min
Your Hospital Bag Checklist
What are the essentials, and what can you essentially leave at home? We've asked some experienced moms to help us create a checklist of what belongs in your hospital bag.
37 min
The Natural Cesarean
So, what exactly happens during this procedure? How can it improve the bonding between you and your newborn? And why are some medical providers against it?
28 min
Becoming a Surrogate Mother
What does it take to become a surrogate mom, and is it right for you?
35 min
Childbirth Preparation Methods: Bini Birth
What are the main principles behind this practice? What are the most effective ways to learn its principles? And what should you expect if you take a class?
25 min
Pregnancy Forums, Cracking the Code of Acronyms
Why are these forums full of acronyms? What are the most common acronyms used during pregnancy and what do they actually mean?
33 min
Seeking Support: Miscarriage and Infant Loss
How can you reach out and get the support you need? How do pregnant women and their partners process these experiences differently?
37 min
Epidurals, Spinals and Pain Medications
What are your pain management options? What are epidurals and spinals and when are they used? What additional medications can help take the edge off while allowing you to stay mobile throughout labor and delivery?
42 min
10 Reasons to Call Your Doctor or Midwife
How can you tell if there's something really wrong? Today we'll expose the top 10 reasons when you'll want to pick up the phone and call your doctor or midwife.
39 min
Prenatal Testing and Genetic Counseling
What are the benefits and risks of prenatal testing? What tests are you offered and when? And how can genetic counseling help you through the process?
38 min
Inducing Labor Naturally
When should you consider self-induction and what methods work best? Today we're separating fact from fiction.
36 min