Newbies: New Moms, New Babies

Join us as we guide new mothers through their baby’s first year of life. Newly postpartum moms celebrate the excitement of becoming new parents, as well as the emotional and physical struggles of recovering from childbirth and caring for a newborn baby.

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
Sensory Play Ideas for Babies
What everyday experiences are good for this? And what household items can you use for sensory play?
25 min
Easy Nutrition Tips for New Moms
What are some simple steps you can take to eat healthier during this busy season of life?
39 min
Helping Your Baby Enjoy Tummy Time
Why is tummy time important for your baby's development? And how can you make tummy time more enjoyable for your little one?
27 min
The Baby Gear You Actually Need
What items can you live without? And what popular products aren't safe?
41 min
Baby Led Weaning Basics
What is baby led weaning? How can you introduce foods safely? And what are some of the benefits — and drawbacks — of this method?
36 min
How Having A Baby Changes Your Marriage
How can you get past some of the most common challenges? And what are some signs that you should seek professional counseling to address deeper issues?
30 min
Surviving Sleep Regressions
What causes sleep regressions? When should parents expect them?
32 min
Tips for Getting Outside With Your Baby
How can you make getting outside a part of your routine? What's the best way to prepare for leaving the house?
27 min
Coping With Milestone Anxiety
What if your baby’s not rolling by the time your friend’s baby did? Or what if she’s a late talker or walker? At what point should you actually seek help?
41 min
The Essentials of Car Seat Safety
What car seat safety features should you be looking for? How can you make sure it's installed properly?
39 min
Working Out After Baby
How should moms ease back in? What are red flags to watch out for? And how can you exercise with your baby at home?
31 min
The Long-Term Benefits of Reading to Your Baby
23 min
Know Your Infant Reflexes
What can you expect as a new parent? What happens during the moro reflex, sucking reflex, and the root reflex? Will your child always have them or will they eventually go away?
31 min
Colic: Why is My Baby Crying Constantly?
Could your baby have colic? What exactly is colic and why does it happen? And what natural remedies can you use to help soothe your baby so you both can get some much-needed rest?
32 min
Postpartum Mental Health: Postpartum Anxiety
What are the symptoms, and how does it differ from other postpartum mood disorders? And how can this condition impact a mother's ability to care for her child if gone untreated?
37 min
How to Talk to Your Baby
How much do babies understand? What are some strategies to help them build valuable communication skills?
22 min
What's In Baby Formula?
Why do some kinds make him extra gassy or fussy? And are there particular ingredients you should avoid?
30 min
Life After the NICU
What's it like to be a NICU parent? What do you need to know about the transition home from the hospital?
51 min
Pumping Hacks and Tips for Moms
What are typical pumping schedules? And what are some pumping hacks that can make the journey easier?
47 min
The Benefits of Kangaroo Care
How can this intimate way of holding your baby increase bonding after birth? What are some of the other benefits?
32 min
Navigating Your Baby's Food Allergies
What are the most common types of reactions to watch out for? When should parents seek help?
54 min
How 'Wake Windows' Help Babies Sleep
What does your baby's time awake have to do with how well they sleep?
41 min
Raising Bilingual Babies
What are the best strategies for doing so? How important is it to start teaching your kids in infancy?
48 min
Pro Tips for Holiday Travel With Babies
How can you mentally prepare for your baby's first trip? What baby gear do you actually need, and what can be left behind?
41 min
Understanding Infant Growth Charts
Who created these charts, and how are averages determined? Do breastfed babies grow any differently than formula-fed babies?
33 min