Marketing With Empathy®

Marketing With Empathy® is the podcast for brands that want to target moms. Moms influence or control 85% of ALL household purchases making them a lucrative market to figure out. Join Host and 20+ year content expert, Sarah Panus, for ideas that get your products and services into the hands of moms who need them. Top 5% of all podcasts, and member of Marketing Podcast Network.


Themes: brand storytelling, content marketing, content strategy, mom marketing, storytelling marketing, consumer behavior, marketing, editorial content, StoryBrand, social media marketing, influencer marketing

148. Inside Nickelodeon's Approach to Engaging ...
EP 148. Inside look at how Nickelodeon approached marketing to moms and kids; capturing hearts and minds. Moms drive purchases of family experiences. Rob Garay is back to share his experiences working with Nickelodeon Recreation, a sector responsible for overseeing Broadway shows, the Nickelodeon Cruise, Nickelodeon Hotel, and other initiatives beyond television production.
13 min
147. Psychology Behind Marketing to Women - Rob...
18 min
146. Secrets to Repeatedly Selling Out Children...
Local business spotlight: Paul Spring shares his secrets for repeatedly selling out more than 300 children’s events in North Carolina for his Birthday Party Rockstar and Rockstar Bubbles companies. From magic to foam; texting to google reviews; Facebook groups to local mommy blogs; referrals to repeat business – learn how Paul’s successfully selling to more moms.
20 min
145. Mobile Marketing to Moms - Jennie Lewis, A...
33 min
144. My 3 Storytelling Pillars and How to Pick...
20 min
143. Engage Moms With Enriching Video Content –...
41 min
142. Bumpin Blends Smoothies Simplify Life for...
23 min
141. Storytelling Tips for Home Industry Succes...
38 min
140. SEO Tips to Capture the Attention of Moms ...
SEO techniques to help your brand better reach and engage more mom customers. Guest, Lorianna Sprague is an SEO expert and founder and CEO of Upfront Mktg, and joins host, Sarah Panus, to share tips to think about in your brand’s SEO practices to better capture the attention of moms. Moms control a significant portion of household purchases, making them a critical audience for many brands. Tune in to explore how your brand can leverage SEO to reach these influential consumers, discussing strategies like keyword optimization, local SEO, importance of mobile with moms, and creating authentic, valuable content, so you can grow your brand with empathy.
21 min
139. Reach Moms Locally: MoCo Mom Community - K...
How can you help more moms on a local level? Kiley Stromberg, the founder of MoCo Mom shares how she’s making a difference for moms in Moore County, North Carolina, by providing crucial resources, fostering a supportive environment, and addressing challenges local mothers face. Ideas and opportunities for brands looking to connect with moms at a local level. 
21 min
138. ANNOUNCEMENT: Marketing to Moms Pivot
Host, Sarah Panus, has a big announcement about a pivot this podcast is making. Marketing With Empathy is niching down to focus specifically on Marketing With Empathy -- to Moms! It will now be the podcast for brands that want to target and engage moms. Listen to Sarah's quick announcement and what to expect going forward.
7 min
137. Inside Forum for Naturals Community - Ted ...
Forum for Naturals community founder, Ted Ning shares advice to help brands build and nurture engaged communities. Approaching it like a science experiment, Ted shares learnings, mistakes, listening, and high-level thinking he's learned to build and grow successful communities for marketers and sustainability leaders. Sarah and Ted explore the motivations behind creating and nurturing communities, the value of identifying a brand promise, the importance of active listening, and the pivotal role of super users. Want to build or grow your own brand community? Listen to Ted's first-hand journey and expertise.
26 min
136. REI’s Premium Content Arm: Co-op Studios
27 min
135. REI's new #OptOutside Summer Campaign - Pa...
21 min
134. Branded Quiz Tips from my Quiz Coach - Hel...
Create quizzes that generate thousands of ready-to-buy leads. Sarah chats with her Quiz Coach, Helen Munshi, to clarify key quiz funnel aspects you need to remember when making your own branded quizzes as part of your content marketing strategy. Get Helen’s free video training below. + Don’t forget to take Sarah’s new “Are you Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy”? QUIZ for actionable tips to help improve your company’s content at link below.
35 min
133. Interact's AI Quiz Maker - Josh Haynam (pa...
[Part 2 of 3 quiz mini-series] Josh Haynam, Co-Founder & CEO of the popular quiz platform, Interact, joins Sarah to share ideas of how to use quizzes to advance a variety of things across your business. + Interact’s new AI quiz maker. Don’t forget to take Sarah’s new “Are you Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy”? QUIZ (hosted on Interact) for actionable tips to help improve your company’s content at link below.
28 min
132. What You Can Learn from My First Quiz (par...
BTS of Sarah’s first quiz creation journey and how she’s integrating into her content strategy. What Sarah learned from her “Quiz Coach”: defining audience segments; crafting engaging questions; which quiz platform she recommends; and upcoming quiz expert guests. Take Sarah’s new “Are you Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy”? QUIZ for actionable tips to help improve your company’s content at link below.
16 min
131. Building Niche Masterminds for Growth & En...
30 min
130. This AI-Data Engine is Your Brand’s Empath...
25 min
129. Gen Z Doesn't Buy Things, They Buy Inspira...
28 min
128. Decode Consumer Buying Behavior - Mary Mat...
32 min
127.  Social: 5 Steps to Attract More Leads & G...
28 min
126. Hallow App's #Pray40 Content Brilliance
16 min
125. Write a One-Liner for More Impact
Quickly explain what you do in a way that attracts more customers. Do you or others in your company fumble through explaining what you offer? Most brands start talking all about themselves first, which is wrong. Host, Sarah Panus explains what a one-liner is; why it’s useful; who it’s good for; and how to craft and perfect yours to generate curiosity and get potential customers to say "tell me more".
15 min
124. Be a Better Networker - Author, Kurt Schmidt
Networking can feel awkward and hard. Guest and author, Kurt Schmidt, shares advice from his book, The Little Book of Networking, to help you grow your career one conversation at a time.
26 min