The Integrated Schools Podcast

Hosts, Andrew, a White dad from Denver, and, Val, a Black mom from North Carolina, dig into topics about race, parenting, and school segregation. With a variety of guests ranging from parents to experts, these conversation strive to live in the nuance of a complicated topic.

Kids & Family
Between We and They - Part 3 (Re-Release)
FROM 2019: Being in between can be lonely, but it can also be liberating. Beth reflects on the past year.
25 min
Between We and They - Part 2 (Re-Release)
FROM 2019: Two months into the school year finds Beth grappling with the differences between schools, trying to make sense of how she and her family fit into these two communities.
33 min
Between We and They - Part 1 (Re-Release)
FROM 2019: Race, parenting, and privilege. This 5-part series will explore how our choices about school shape where we belong, who we call “We.” Part 1 - Something feels wrong at the "good" school.
32 min
Race, Class, and Power in Our Schools: Mark and...
Season 2 of The School Colors podcast features a deep dive into housing and school segregation in Queens. We're joined by hosts, Mark Winston Griffith and Max Freedman, to discuss race, class, and power in our schools and cities. While focused on one district in Queens, the stories are universal.
61 min
Reflections on Season 7
Val and Andrew reflect on a whole season worth of episodes together as co-hosts, share some of their favorite moments, and answer some listener questions in our final episode of season 7.
36 min
Anti-CRT, Book Bans, and A Call to HEAL
We are joined by James Haslam (he/him/his), who serves as Senior Fellow at Race Forward leading the H.E.A.L Together Initiative, providing organizing models and trainings for caregivers, teachers, and students to advocate for high quality public education as an essential building block of multiracial democracy. James shares about his organizing work, and what caregivers can do to push back against bad-faith narratives and act to support a fully funded, honest, accurate public education for all kids.
58 min
Examining Anti-Blackness: A Multiracial Parent ...
Val and Andrew sit down with two parents, one Latina and one Asian American, to reflect on what it means to address anti-Blackness, their own racial identity, their own educational experiences, and the impact it all has on their parenting choices.
63 min
Unpacking the Racial Hierarchy in School Choices
A professor of sociology at UT Austin, Dr Chantal Hailey studies how micro decision-making contributes to larger macro segregation patterns and how racism creates, sustains, and exacerbates racial, educational, and socioeconomic inequality. Her study complicates and expands the Black/White binary, and it is essential for the conversations we need to be having in order to dismantle anti-Black racism.
67 min
The Debrief: Carol Anderson on White Rage
Last episode, Carol Anderson on White Rage, was a lot, so we're taking today's episode to discuss.
31 min
Carol Anderson on White Rage
"Since the days of enslavement, African Americans have fought to gain access to quality education. Education can be transformative. Education strengthens a democracy." - Dr. Carol Anderson, author of White Rage joins us to discuss the White rage backlash to the Brown v. Board decision, and how we are still living with its impacts.
66 min
A Framework for Antiracist Education
The Center for Antiracist Education (CARE) has released a framework to support educators with the will and knowledge to end racism’s destructive legacy. Val’s day job is as their academic director. We’re joined by her colleague, Brittany Brazzel to discuss the framework and how we can all take steps towards antiracism.
54 min
An Overdue Reckoning on Indigenous Education
Dr. Susan Faircloth, an enrolled member of the Coharie Tribe, and a professor of education at Colorado State University joins us for a long overdue conversation on Indigenous education. Going deep into history, Dr. Faircloth ties past struggles to the current realities for the more than 650,000 Native students in our public schools today.
63 min
Revisiting Heather McGhee on How Racism Hurts U...
The idea of a zero-sum version of prosperity that assumes advances for some must come at the cost of others, is based on the lie of racial hierarchy upon which our country was founded. Heather McGhee's book, The Sum of Us, illuminates this issue, and calls us to imagine something better. The paperback version was released today, so we are revisiting the episode with new commentary from Andrew and Val.
65 min
Parenting for Racial Justice
Chrissy Colón Bradt is an Afro-Latina mother of 2, married to a White man. She has thought a lot about how to support her kids in their own racial identity development. She is the co-author of the Parenting for Racial Justice chapter in the new book, Parenting for Social Justice. She joins us to discuss.
56 min
Year End: Listener Questions
As we come to the end of 2021, Val and Andrew answer listener questions.
54 min
Teacher Check-In Revisited
Despite a feeling of normalcy around schools this year, teachers are screaming that the crisis is not over. For many, this school year is the hardest yet in the COVID era. We revisit a conversation with teachers from April of 2020 and provide some updated perspectives.
49 min
Not Your Model Minority
We're joined by educator, speaker, and professional development specialist Dr. Sarah-Soonling Blackburn to discuss the myth of the "Model Minority." Dr. Blackburn talks about the personal and societal trauma of our racial hierarchy and what may be gained from unpacking and disassembling these old narratives in a way that gets us closer to collective solidarity.
56 min
Redrawing the Lines: Undoing the History of Seg...
Tomás Monarrez's work at The Urban Institute focuses on school segregation. As an economist, he brings quantitative skills and a deep respect for data. However, his work is also infused with a deep belief in the power of data science to be used for good. From his Segregation Contribution Index to his recent project on school boundaries, we discuss the ways we have thought about segregation are problematic, and where the low-hanging fruit is to try to improve desegregation through the country.
58 min
Generational Work: Stefan Lallinger on Integration
Stefan Lallinger's grandfather argued the Brown v Board case at the Supreme Court. He has stepped into that legacy in his own work as a teacher, a school leader, and now leading The Bridge Collaborative at The Century Foundation. We discuss how his family history has shaped his approach to integration, and what gives him hope for future generations.
58 min
Moving and Choosing A School
We’re joined by two White mothers who recently moved. Anna and Sarah have been part of the Integrated Schools community for some time and had the opportunity to really think about their values as they chose new cities, new neighborhoods, new houses, and new schools.
59 min
New Season, New Perspectives . . . New Co-Host!!
We kick off Season 7 with some big changes for the podcast! Val, a Black mom from North Carolina, joins Andrew to co-host this season. We discuss why she cares about school integration, and what we hope to accomplish through our multiracial discussions.
32 min
Learning In Public with Courtney Martin
Mother, journalist, and author Courtney Martin’s new book, Learning in Public, is at once a deeply personal memoir of the “journey of a thousand moral miles” that led her to enroll her daughter in their neighborhood “failing” school, as well as a full-hearted endorsement of public schools as the foundation of our fragile democracy, in all of their nuance and complexity. She joins us to discuss the book, and integration more broadly, with one of the key characters in the book, Mrs. Minor, a Black teacher who left the public schools to start her own private preschool, and brings a healthy degree of skepticism of the value of desegregation.
70 min
Reckoning with Plessy: 125 Years of Separate Bu...
In our season 6 finale, we're looking back at the infamous "separate but equal" case - Plessy v Ferguson, and how we continue to live with many of the ramifications of that decision today. Attorney Paula Forbes joins us to discuss the importance of reckoning with our past and repairing in order to create the future we desire.
54 min
BvB@67- Greg and Carol Revisited
Greg and Carol, two Black parents from different parts of the county, share their experiences in mostly White schools. Through them, we can see how far we have to go to created truly integrated schools.
53 min
BvB@67 - David Hinojosa Revisted
Part 4 of our Brown v Board at 67 series pushes back on the narrative that desegregation is solely about Black and White kids. David Hinojosa helps us better understand Latinx perspectives on integration from before Brown through today.
43 min