Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Scientists Found a New Planet, but It Suddenly ...
The Hubble Telescope orbits our planet, looking out at the big unknown universe. Since it’s out of our atmosphere, the Hubble can see way further than telescopes on land. No clouds up there. This guy helped us confirm the theory about supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. It also discovered a whole bunch of new galaxies, including the world's oldest one, which is about 8 billion years older than our Milky Way! But let’s travel 25 light-years away to another special star. Fomalhaut. It's almost twice as big and heavy as the Sun. If you look at it from far away, you can see a bright yellow disk around it. It’s a debris disk, full of bits of space rock, and it’s huge. Scientists were curious about it, was all this space dust gonna get smooshed together and become a planet one day? But then they saw something else! Right there, through all that debris, was a massive mysterious object... #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
All Your Megalodon Shark Facts In One Video
Its full name is Carcharocles Megalodon, but some shark enthusiasts just call it “the Meg.” Whatever name it goes by, this giant was the biggest baddie of the ocean when it terrorized the waters 2 million years ago. Megalodon was the biggest shark of the ocean 23 million years ago. It could grow up to 60 ft, and its jaw bite was stronger than a T. Rex’s. Just imagine, the largest Megalodon tooth ever found is almost 3 times larger than the teeth you’ll find in the great white sharks of today! And the question is, does Megalodon still exist? Сould these scary sharks still be alive in the deepest parts of the ocean? Theories out there argue that these bad boys of the ocean are still around. As for science, it tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. But what if they live in the deepest place on Earth: the Mariana Trench? In our today's live stream, we're talking about all we know of Megalodon. By the way, you might think there was nothing that could stop them. However, even this massive shark had enemies, and their fights could be lethal... #megalodon #sharks #prehistoricanimals Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
35 min
12 Strange Tips to Become More Beautiful
How to look flawless with the help of simple, everyday items? We spend tons of money on the perfect foundation, highlighter, and other beauty products. But the truth is that your house is already filled with everything you need to look bomb 24/7! Do you love the look of long, thick eyelashes? You don't have to go to a beauty salon — just use some baby powder! Starting by coating your eyelashes with a single layer of mascara, and then apply baby powder onto them with a Q-tip. After that, apply another layer of mascara, and voilà! Do you want to find out any other tricks? Then watch our new video! TIMESTAMPS: Use baby powder to create the effect of false eyelashes 0:39 Use activated charcoal to whiten your teeth 1:17 Use red lipstick to conceal dark circles under the eyes quickly 1:51 Use string for the perfect winged eyeliner 2:26 Use a fork to contour your nose 3:07 Use ordinary pencils as eyeliners 3:35 Use lip balm instead of a highlighter 4:07 Use icy water to dry nail polish 4:37 Use concealer to create a new lip outline 5:10 Use dishwashing sponges for perfect curls 5:50 Use potato slices to whiten your armpits 6:24 Use mayonnaise instead of a hair conditioner 6:56 #beautytips #beautytricks #cosmeticstricks Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: Instead of spending money on popular teeth-whitening procedures, buy some activated charcoal and do it at home! Your favorite red lipstick is the best at dealing with dark circles under the eyes. Apply it to the “arches” beneath your eyes, and add 2 layers of concealer on top. Contouring is big these days, and everybody has their own little trick to make it look natural and effortless. And here's one of the most popular ones among all makeup lovers: Use a fork to make your contour smooth and symmetrical. What if you don't have any colorful eyeliner pencils? Ordinary pencils will do the job! Just place them in a glass of hot water, leave them there for a few minutes, and your homemade bright “eyeliners” are ready! Use lip balm instead of a highlighter. Apply it to the areas you usually highlight, and enjoy your fresh look! Use icy water to dry nail polish. Pour about 4 glasses of water into a bowl, and add a couple of ice cubes. Put your fingers in the bowl for just a minute, and then go on with your day! Use concealer to create a new lip outline. Start by tracing your lip outline with your concealer, “erasing" its natural contours. Wait for it to dry, then take your lip pencil, draw a new lip contour. f you want to see their mind-blowing effect for yourself, divide your hair into strands, and wrap each strand around the middle of a sponge. Fold the sponge in half, secure it with a rubber band, and go to sleep. Believe it or not, but darkening of the underarms is a serious issue for many people. And if you're one of them, forget about all those expensive products and treatments. Your problem can be solved easily with the help of potatoes! If you wanna make your hair care routine more natural, take a closer look at mayonnaise. Over the course of time, this everyday product can make your hair way softer and healthier. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
8 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son
Although some think mothers play the most important role in a child’s life and upbringing, there are things that a father will certainly do better. Especially when it comes to a son. Just think: First, the boy comes under the supervision of kindergarten teachers, and then he goes to a school where women constitute 90% of teachers. He is always in the company of women, and he often lacks male education. You should know that there are eight things that only a father can give his child. The last lesson, number 8, is the most valuable on this list as it helps kids learn how to stay happy no matter what happens. Other videos you might like: 8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching Children • 8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching C... 18 Harmful Foods We Keep Giving to Children • Видео 7 Types of Child Behavior That Are Dangerous to Ignore • 7 Types of Child Behavior You Shouldn... TIMESTAMPS: Explain how important it is to know how to win and how to lose 0:47 Teach him the right attitude toward women 1:23 Have a man-to-man conversation about love 1:56 Teach him how to fight back 2:29 Enrich the child’s experience with new sensations 2:57 Teach him male tricks 3:32 Help him to master domestic duties 4:01 Help him to find his own view of the world 4:28 SUMMARY: Apart from friends, who is the best companion for a child in various competitions and games? Dad, of course. This is good training for masculine qualities. Through these games, the child will feel the taste of victory and realize how much effort it takes to reach it. Go to the store together and talk politely to the cashier so that your child doesn’t hesitate to communicate with unfamiliar women. That’s it. For a teenager, it’ll be a valuable gift if his father tells him about his first love and first dates and that he shouldn’t hurry because it’s better to wait for the right girl who will create a spark in his soul. A father is the only one who can properly teach his son to be strong and firm, to stand up for himself and what is right. Unlike mothers with stroking and caresses, fathers prefer active games with a "masculine character," such as tossing or spinning. Even if your child is 100% "urban," there’s no doubt that the ability to start a fire will come in handy for him in the future — at least for lighting a grill. You don’t even need to do anything special. Just be there from time to time, and talk to him. Your child needs to understand that there’s not only the mom with her requirements and expectations but also another person with a different approach. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
Astronomers Might've Found a White Hole
What do black holes do? What do black holes really look like? The existence of black holes was predicted over a century ago with nothing but math equations. Now we’ve taken the first photo of one. But black holes still hold plenty of secrets. Like their even more mysterious mirror twins: white holes! Imagine if we could record a black hole on video. Watch it pull in and consume any matter that gets too close, even light itself! Now take this recording and play it backward – this is what a white hole should be: the black hole’s “pushing away and matter-spewing” counterpart. #spacefacts #blackhole #brightside Other videos you might like: 13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold • 13 Scariest Theories That'll Make You... A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused • A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in... What Would a Journey to the Black Hole Be Like? • What Would a Journey to the Black Hol... Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
It Takes Hundreds of Lives a Year, But Only 5% ...
How to Stay Safe in the Ocean. Any experienced lifeguard will warn you about a deadly phenomenon that claims the lives of more than 100 American beachgoers every year. In fact, about 80% of all rescues that lifeguards make have a connection to this danger. No, it’s not sharks or poisonous jellyfish or anything like that. The most treacherous thing that can happen to you in the ocean is a totally natural phenomenon called a rip current. The main reason why people lose their lives when stuck in a rip current comes down to panic. When they find themselves suddenly being pulled away from the shore at a high speed, terror ensues, they start to panic, wear themselves out in the fight, and drown because of it. What you should do instead is stay calm, take control of the situation, keep afloat, weigh your options, and don’t exhaust yourself. TIMESTAMPS What is a rip current and how is it so deadly? 1:02 How to identify a rip current? 4:10 What to do if you’ve been caught in a rip current? 4:52 Rip current research 6:50 Music: SUMMARY -A rip is basically a strong current on the surface of the ocean that flows away from the shore. The main danger of a rip is that it flows seaward away from the shore, so it can easily pull unaware swimmers with it. -It often looks like a calm patch of water between breaking waves, which at first glance seems like the best place to enter the water. But don't let the tranquility deceive you because you might inadvertently pick the most dangerous place to swim. -The first thing you absolutely must do is stay calm. Panicking does not help; in fact, it ends up costing people their lives when they’re overcome by it. Second, you need to conserve energy. DO NOT attempt to swim against the rip current toward the shore. -Dr. Jamie MacMahan, a professor of oceanography started his own research using GPS devices to track rip currents in France, England, and the U.S. Among the great number of currents he’s studied, only 10 to 20% did not return back to the shore. The rest of them moved in circles. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
If You See Money on Your Windshield, Don't Touc...
Criminals keep coming up with new schemes to part car owners from their vehicles. In this video, you'll learn about yet another trick car thieves use to snatch your car from right under your nose. You'll also find out which cars are targeted the most frequently. TIMESTAMPS: How many cars are stolen in US daily 1:06 The states with the highest rate of car theft 1:38 The most targeted cars 2:10 When the largest number of car thefts occur 2:28 A ruse with money on your windshield 3:06 Kyri Viehman story 4:16 How you can detect a threat 5:14 Other criminal schemes 5:50 How you can avoid your car theft 7:49 #cartheft #cartricks Music: SUMMARY: According to the FBI's statistics, 2 cars are stolen every minute in the US. This adds up to almost 3,000 cars a day! According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the most targeted cars are the Honda Accord, Honda Civic, Ford pickups, Chevrolet pickups, Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, Dodge pickups, Toyota Corolla, Chevrolet Impala, and Jeep Grand Cherokee. The largest number of car thefts occur on Halloween, followed by Labor Day. On New Year's Day, the chances of losing your car are also pretty high. As soon as you get out of your car to get a closer look at this mysterious banknote, criminals will jump into action. They will get into your car and drive off at record-breaking speed. Walk around your car to check if anything is amiss before you unlock it and start the engine. One sure sign that you're in danger is an almost empty parking lot and another car parked next to yours with somebody sitting inside. A car thief may bump against your car to check if you have an alarm. Many car alarms are so sensitive that a loud motorbike or a rumbling truck can set them off. Some criminals cause car accidents on purpose. For example, they hit another car at the traffic lights. Sometimes you make the life of car thieves much easier without realizing it. Lots of people keep their spare keys inside their car or in a special magnetic box attached to the underside of their vehicle. Don’t leave your spare keys inside your car! Keep them at home, or ask your family members or friends to look after them. And make sure there isn't a set of spare keys in your car that you know nothing about. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
12 Eye-Opening Facts About Bohemian Rhapsody Yo...
Bohemian Rhapsody was released on November 3, 2018, and the fascinating story behind one of the most influential groups ever continues to be unbelievably popular. However, some things shown in the movie kinda differ from the truth. TIMESTAMPS: The creators built an exact copy of Wembley Stadium for the movie 1:05 The Pepsi glasses you can see on the piano weren't a product placement 1:39 Queen didn't have any doubts about performing at Live Aid 2:17 Some of the vocal recordings for the film were done by Marc Martel 2:58 Mike Myers had previously appeared in a film listening to “Bohemian Rhapsody” 3:41 Queen didn't break the contract with EMI 4:20 Bohemian Rhapsody should've been directed by someone else 4:45 Freddie became a part of the band through Tim Staffell 5:12 “We Will Rock You” was written much earlier 6:04 Freddie Mercury wasn't the only one who tried to go solo 6:39 Freddie Mercury didn't know he was sick until 1987 7:29 The official soundtrack includes previously unreleased songs 8:24 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: The director of Live Aid was present during filming and was pleasantly surprised with how precise the reconstruction was. Some people pointed out that the creators added some very visible Pepsi product placement in the movie during the Live Aid scene. If you watch the original performance, you'll see these glasses on Mercury's piano too. But the true story is way less poetic than that. The pause in Queen's work didn't last for more than a year. Plus, in February 1984 they released a new album called The Works. Several years ago, Marc sent his cover versions of Queen songs to guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor. They were amazed by the similarities between Marc's voice and Freddie’s. The actor, famous for his many roles, including Austin Powers, already listened to and even sang “Bohemian Rhapsody” in character in the movie Wayne's World! Queen did have some disagreements with EMI during the Night at the Opera era. Still, everything seemed to turn out all right since the band released many more albums with this label. The first person to take the director's chair was Bryan Singer, and he was actively working on the movie almost from the start. But 20th Century Fox decided to fire him. In the movie, we see Freddie meeting Roger and Brian after a concert when their frontman, Tim Staffell, decides to leave the project. But it wasn't exactly like that in real life. In real life, “We Will Rock You” appeared in Queen’s hit album News of the World back in 1977 — several years before the actual concert. Pretty much every participant of Queen was trying to make their own solo albums work! The official soundtrack of the movie contains not only several famous songs we all know by heart but another 11 recordings that had not been released! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
A Unique Creature on Earth That Can Live Forever
Earth is the only planet in our solar system, our galaxy, and potentially our entire universe that sustains life. Us humans believe we’re practically indestructible, but it turns out there’s a unique creature tougher than us that can’t be killed. Meet the tardigrade, one of the most resilient animals in the world – and possibly the universe. TIMESTAMPS It’s also called the water bear. 1:18 It’s really small. 2:20 It’s really, really old. 3:08 It can live anywhere. 4:02 It’s (mostly) harmless. 5:00 It’s practically unkillable. 6:04 It survives extinction events. 10:45 It might survive on another planet. 12:33 Music: SUMMARY -A tardigrade is commonly called a water bear because it is most often found in water, where it prefers to dwell, and because of its slow gait, which resembles that of a bear. -The biggest full-grown tardigrade is about 0.5 mm or about 1/50 of an inch, which is smaller than flea and tick larva. -The earliest fossils we have of the tardigrade species date back to the Cambrian period, some 530 million years ago. -Tardigrades have been found on the high-altitude peaks of the Himalayas, in deep trenches in the ocean, in mud volcanoes, and in tropical rainforests. -These unique creatures move into a new environment and help to establish an ecosystem, not unlike a gold prospector setting up shop out in the frontier. -Many tardigrades can enter a dehydrated state to survive almost any dangerous outside environment. They curl up into a barrel shape, their bodies become glass-like, and they put themselves in stasis, during which time they’re pretty much indestructible. -The tardigrade has survived all possible extinction events, from the Ordovician-Silurian extinction 440 million years ago all the way up to the extinction events that took out the dinosaurs. -The conditions on Mars are within the tardigrades’ capabilities to survive, assuming that a sufficient amount of water exists to support them. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
13 min
10 Signs Your Body Needs More Magnesium
Do you constantly feel tired, experience muscle spasms, and notice your eyes twitching? If so, there's a chance that your body is suffering from a magnesium deficiency. A magnesium deficiency can cause serious illness because too many processes in the body depend on it. That’s why you should stay alert and be able to spot a deficiency in time. So, what are some other symptoms of this condition and what can you do to feel better? Bright Side compiled a checklist of magnesium deficiency symptoms. To avoid magnesium deficiency in the future, decrease your consumption of alcohol, gluten, processed foods, and refined sugar. But before you proceed with any of this self-medication, make sure to consult your doctor first, get their permission, and follow their professional advice. TIMESTAMPS: Sugar cravings 0:45 Muscle soreness and cramping 1:19 Insomnia 1:56 Bone problems 2:37 Acid reflux 3:10 Stress and apathy 3:39 Constipation 4:26 Fatigue 4:55 Severe headaches 5:36 High blood pressure 6:14 Magnesium-rich foods 7:28 #magnesiumdeficiency #magnesiumrichfoods #magnesiumrichdiet Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: A burning desire to eat something sweet shows a lack of important nutrients, including chromium and magnesium. If you notice that you’ve started to experience muscle soreness and cramps regularly (and you haven’t been hitting the gym harder or anything), it could be your low magnesium levels to blame. If you lack magnesium, it’s not surprising at all if you develop insomnia and sleep troubles. Plus, a magnesium deficiency is closely connected to muscle cramps, right? This combo can cause restless leg syndrome. Low magnesium levels increase the risk of developing bone problems, especially fractures. And that’s because a low amount of magnesium reduces the level of calcium in your blood as well, making your bones a lot weaker. Magnesium prevents the release of food and stomach acid into the esophagus. So if your system lacks it, this process reverses, allowing acid to enter the esophagus. Insufficient magnesium basically equals anxiety and constant stress. And this is exactly why your depression may have nothing to do with your emotional side, it could be purely physical! The reasons why you may have constipation can vary from stress to a serious under-consumption of fiber. And, of course, magnesium can be a cause of it too! Persistent fatigue is a red flag you should always pay attention to. And here’s where magnesium could be the culprit. If you lack vitamins A, B, C, and D, it can lead to frequent headaches that usually affect only one side of your head, depending on the vitamin you're lacking. One study that was conducted by French researchers showed that magnesium deficiency increases blood pressure. Including more of magnesium-rich foods in your diet will help your system recover in just a few weeks. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
A Physicist Has Explained Why We've Never Seen ...
Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of All Insects at Home
Are there any effective and harmless methods of getting rid of any insects? Unfortunately, the chemical pesticides sold in stores are way too toxic and harmful to be used anywhere near your home, family, or pets. If these chemicals can kill insects, surely they cannot be good for you! That's why it's better to use something natural and safe. TIMESTAMPS: Cockroaches 1:01 Ticks 1:57 Garden pests 3:37 Spiders 5:04 Ants 5:51 Dust mites 6:36 Weevils 7:56 #bugs #cockroaches #spiders Music: SUMMARY: If you want to get rid of these pests, there are many products you can get from the store, but most of them are usually highly toxic. This can be especially dangerous if you have small kids or pets. Ticks can spread terrible diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Colorado tick fever, ehrlichiosis, and tularemia. Some of these conditions can be fatal. One of the ways to get rid of garden pests is to create a special repellent with the use of tobacco. This product is especially effective if you need to scare away worms, aphids, and caterpillars. This natural repellent won't kill spiders, but it will keep them away because they don't like strong smells. Ants absolutely hate the smell of cinnamon. That's why you should put cinnamon powder in places where you think the ants are entering. For more effective results, you can add some essential oil to the cinnamon powder. These things are so tiny that you can’t even see them with the naked eye. But unfortunately, if you don't see them, it doesn't mean they're not around. They live in household dust, prefer warmer places, and their favorite food is skin flakes. Weevils prefer grains and seeds but can also appear in flour or even pancake mix. The larvae of these bugs live and develop inside your food supplies. And you don't even suspect anything until one month after their birth when they suddenly appear in your food. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
10 Fun Facts About USA That Might Surprise Anyone
TIMESTAMPS: Out-of-this-world flag 1:05 Americans on the moon 2:03 The greatest of the Great Lakes 2:52 The most visited museums in America 3:49 America’s favorite drink 5:03 The Library of Congress archives 6:05 “Hollywoodland” 7:09 Halloween craze 8:04 The Empire State Building lightning strikes 9:08 The Statue of Liberty 10:05 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
50 Things That Are Only Possible In Australia
What do you know about Australia? Which country has the longest fence in the world? How about the 2nd largest Greek population? Three times more sheep than people? One word will give it away: kangaroos. Yes, it's the Land Down Under. Australia is the world's 6th largest country and the only one that’s also a whole continent. But with all that territory, over 80% of Australians live within 60 miles of the coast. Before humans arrived, the continent was home to mega-fauna. If you’d lived there about 46,000 years ago, you’d be dead today. But you would’ve seen 10-foot-tall kangaroos, 23-foot-long goanna lizards, and ducks the size of an adult horse. Other videos you might like: What Every Country In the World Is Best At? • Видео Never Do These Things in Foreign Countries • Видео 15 Strange Things That Seem Normal Only In South Korea • 15 Strange Things That Seem Normal On... TIMESTAMPS: Grab your skis! 0:43 The world’s longest national highway 0:56 The Great Fence of Australia 1:13 How big the country is 1:35 A loooot of beaches 2:09 The biggest property in Australia 2:21 The largest living structure on the planet 2:57 Why kangaroos and emus are painted on their coat of arms 3:09 One of the most livable cities in the world 4:21 What Batmania is 4:41 Pink lakes 5:21 More sheep than people 5:47 50 million kangaroos 6:00 The most ancient fossils in the world 6:57 No hoofed animals 7:15 Burger King turns into Hungry Jack's 7:21 Mount Disappointment 7:35 1,500 spider species! 8:03 National floral emblem 8:38 Languages of Australia 8:51 #Australia #traveling #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
How Such Small Tires Can Land a Huge Plane
Airplanes are mysterious things: unimaginably heavy metal giants soaring through the sky, jam-packed not only with people but also all kinds of electronic gizmos. But look at the airplane's tires compared to the plane’s body – they're tiny! How can they withstand all that weight and speed? Let's check out what's happening when a plane is preparing to land on the runway. All 300 tons of your airplane touch the ground while still going 170 mph. Imagine your typical 2-story house, fully furnished, dropping to the ground as fast as a flying arrow - that must be quite the impact! And still, those tiny little tires don’t pop under the tremendous pressure? Other videos you might like: Why No One Should Swap Seats on a Plane • Why No One Should Swap Seats on a Plane Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe • Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Yo... What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine • What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a... TIMESTAMPS: Why pilots point the aircraft nose toward the sky before landing 1:17 What's inside airplane tires? 2:21 And what makes them so strong? 3:54 What happens when one of the tires fails 4:20 Why plane tires are so tiny and skinny 5:34 Hydroplaning 7:20 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY: Pilots must point the aircraft nose toward the sky just before landing so that they don’t stall the machine. To make an airplane tire, producers use a mix of different kinds of synthetic rubber. It makes aircraft tires so strong that each of them can easily deal with a 38-ton load. The gas that fills aircraft tires is nitrogen. It doesn't react with rubber, which makes it a much safer choice for airplanes. The pressure in plane tires is 6 times bigger than the pressure in your car tires. It's 200 psi, and that's what you’d feel if you took a dive 450 ft underwater. There can be plenty of wheels on large airplanes, like an Airbus A380 or Boeing 747. And if one of the tires fails, the plane will still land safely. When a plane touches the ground, its tires aren't rolling at first - they're just skidding. In other words, the plane is dragging them along the runway until it slows down enough for the wheels to be able to rotate. Larger tires would be pointless since they wouldn't make landing more effective or safer. After plane tires are produced, they always get tested. Manufacturers create computer simulations that check how tires will behave if they're pushed past their speed limit or get overloaded. And still, airplane tires aren't entirely safe from bursting. Accidents did happen in the past, and planes did skid off runways because of one of the tires exploding mid-landing. Hydroplaning is a situation that occurs when the runway is covered with a layer of water preventing a landing plane from braking and stopping in time. The aircraft just keeps skidding forward, unable to find traction. That’s why some airports have grooves on the runway. Water flows into these grooves, making the surface not so slippery and dropping the chances of hydroplaning. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
15 Body Parts That Reveal Your True Intelligence
We all have heard the stereotype that people who wear glasses are smart. According to a study from the University of Edinburgh, there might be some truth to this. According to science, there are many ways a person’s body features can influence on how smart they are. Some are more surprising than others. Your appearance can reveal all the darkest secrets about your health and character and even your brain power. Of course, this is all just fun science and if you don't have any of these characteristics, this doesn't mean that you're not smart. After all, you're the one responsible for your intelligence, right? Other videos you might like: 10 Signs You’re Way More Intelligent Than You Realize • 10 Signs You’re Way More Intelligent... What's Your Hidden Power? A True Simple Personality Test • What's Your Hidden Power? A True Simp... 11 Secrets to Memorize Things Quicker Than Others • 11 Secrets to Memorize Things Quicker... TIMESTAMPS: Your head 0:23 Your face shape 0:49 Your forehead 1:27 Your eyes 1:56 Your nose 2:24 Your lips 3:03 Your chin 3:35 Your ears 3:55 Your hands 4:23 Your fingers 4:58 Your waist 5:21 Your breasts 6:04 Your body hair 6:34 Your height 6:58 Your weight 7:26 #yourpersonality #iq #beingsmart Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: People with bigger heads usually have lower neuron density within their brain which, naturally, makes it work quicker and more efficiently. Rectangular, square, and triangular face shapes are more logical and success-oriented. People with a diamond-shaped face are perfectionists to the core, oval faced folks are welcoming and warm, and round-faced people are all about taking care of others. A big head is often accompanied by a broad forehead - another sign of exceptional intelligence. According to the popular Chinese face reading, a 5-finger forehead signifies high intelligence and skill. Complete ear symmetry is not that common, and it’s probably for the better, since studies say that a lack of it may be a signal of quick wit. Left-handed guys and girls usually have a larger corpus callosum, which allows them to process information really quickly. Their highly developed right-brain hemisphere helps as well. It’s no secret that an hourglass figure is considered to be the most desirable among women everywhere. But did you know that women who naturally have it are smarter too? A study from Chicago university that included no less than 1,200 women discovered that ladies with bigger chests are smarter by about 10 IQ points. Dr. Aikarakudy Alias, who has been working to find out the connection between body hair and intelligence for years, came to one simple conclusion - thicker body hair means higher IQ. If you feel insecure about your impressive height, here’s something that’ll cheer you up. A team of researchers from the Edinburgh University found a strong link between the genes determining your height and those responsible for your quick wit! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
What If You Spent 1 Year Alone Locked in a Mall
It's a dream come true! FINALLY! You have the WHOLE mall to yourself. No crowds, no lines, it's all just for you! ...Because you got locked in the mall by mistake! You spend the whole night shopping in all the stores and trying on new outfits. But you know the mall will open tomorrow morning, and you'll be free. The only thing doesn't open. Or the next day. Or the next! You get locked in a mall by yourself for A WHOLE YEAR! What was epic fun has now become a test of your survival skills! 😲 #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
8 min
If Your Cat Acts Strangely, Don’t Worry. Here’s...
“Cats live for themselves,” - Rudyard Kipling claimed. They aren’t inclined to become attached to others. Unlike dogs, which wag their tails and run up to you for a hug, cats are much more reserved. Their owners can only guess what their furry companions are feeling. It's time to decode all the hidden signals cats give out. If you think your pet acts strangely, don’t worry! Perhaps they just show you their love! So cross your fingers and watch the video until the end. There you will find a useful bonus – how to understand your cat’s emotions by its tail! Here we go: your cat truly loves you if... TIMESTAMPS If a cat purrs so much, you can’t sleep 0:49 If a cat follows you everywhere 1:26 If a cat nibbles your skin 1:51 If a cat sticks close to you and winds herself around your legs 2:19 If a cat bends the tip of her tail when she looks at you 2:44 If a cat has a staring contest with you 3:11 If a cat isn’t afraid to show his belly 3:46 If a cat brings you gifts 4:16 If a cat comes up close and face-to-face with you 4:45 If a cat gives you a massage 5:17 How to understand your cat’s emotion by its tail? 5:59 #catbehavior #understandcat #catlove Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
20+ Incredible Space Facts That Aren't In Textb...
Our good old Solar System is actually a pretty bizarre place, what with all its out-of-this-world phenomena that we humans haven't managed to explain yet! There are rumors that a gigantic, undiscovered planet is hiding behind Neptune, volcanoes on Pluto spew ice, and a colossal canyon on Mars can accommodate the whole US territory, and most of Cleveland! Have you ever heard that winds on Venus blow 50 times faster than the planet rotates? Or that there's an ocean that consists of metallic hydrogen, and its depth is a staggering 25,000 miles, which is almost the same as the circumference of the Earth? Well, let's figure out if it's true by talking about the most mystifying Solar System facts.
10 min
9 Child Safety Principles Every Parent Needs to...
How to keep your children safe? Bumps and bruises are an inescapable part of childhood, but a light injury is only one step away from a fracture. To protect your kids, follow the principles of child safety. Keep in mind that the most important rules you need to follow are about behavior in the car as it’s the most dangerous mean of transport. Other videos you might like: 16 Questions That Could Save Your Child’s Life • 16 Questions That Could Save Your Chi... 14 Signs That'll Help You Recognize a Child Kidnapper • 14 Signs That'll Help You Recognize a... 8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching Children • 8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching C... TIMESTAMPS: Sleep safety 0:28 Fall and injury prevention 1:11 Asphyxiation prevention 2:00 Fire safety 2:42 Poison prevention 3:20 By the water 4:08 "W" sitting position 4:45 Cycling 5:22 In a car 5:56 Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
What Things Will Disappear In Just 20 Years?
Do you remember when you stopped using your VCR? What about your flip phone or CDs? Flip phones were once the newest technology, and now they’re the oldest. The sky’s the limit when it comes to technology! There are always innovations seeking to replace our old gadgets with smaller, faster, and more convenient devices. Only a few treasured things have survived from the days when we used the VCR, but it won’t be long before we forget about them too. TIMESTAMPS Side mirrors 1:49 Remote controls 2:41 Cash and credit cards 3:21 Keys 4:07 Wires 4:54 Syringes 5:33 Delivery Services 6:27 Signatures 7:20 Plastic Bags 7:58 Computer Mouse 8:40 Bonus: Your boss could be cloned. 9:23 Music: Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Everyone Who Had This Mysterious Black Diamond ...
Marylin Monroe apparently knew what she was singing about. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Well, not all diamonds are friends. That’s where the Orlov diamond comes in – notorious for ruining his owners’ lives and… Yes, it is black! And, its past and origin are as dark as its color. Legend has it that the Orlov diamond is “The Eye of Brahma” – a 195-carat gemstone that was inlaid in a Hindu statue near Pondicherry, India. In 1747, it was stolen under mysterious circumstances. Several hours before its disappearance, a monk was seen in the shrine who was later believed to be a thief. Other videos you might like: 4 Mystery Doors That Should Never Be Opened • 4 Mystery Doors That Should Never Be ... 10 Terrifying Places Science Still Can't Explain • 10 Terrifying Places Science Still Ca... The Truth About the Titanic Has Been Revealed • The Truth About the Titanic Has Been ... TIMESTAMPS: The gemstone that killed three princesses 1:08 The Black Orlov in New York 2:49 Is the curse broken? 3:47 How ancient are diamonds? 5:14 What's so special about black diamonds? 6:04 Were black diamonds brought from space?! 6:44 What makes them black 7:57 How to choose a good one 8:23 #diamonds #jewellery #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
12 Geography Facts No One Told You About
The US enjoys some very impressive statistics. 50 states. 325.7 million people. 14,146 McDonald's restaurants. Oh, yes, and some truly wacky geography facts! Get ready because some of these geographic anomalies can be mind-boggling. Do you know, for example, which state has the longest coastline? Top contenders could be Texas, Florida, and California. But it’s Alaska! The Alaskan coastline covers 6,640 miles and is actually longer than the coastline for the rest of the states combined! So if you love the cold sea and frozen beaches, Alaska is the place to be! Watch the video to learn which site to visit if you want to be in 4 places at once, how Americans can be trapped in Canada, and how everyone on Earth could fit into the state of Texas. TIMESTAMPS: Buildings in New York have their own ZIP codes 1:03 Alaska is everywhere 1:39 You can walk from the US to Russia 2:24 Canada in California 3:22 The longest river in the US 3:55 The shortest river in the world 4:47 The longest coastline 5:23 The tallest mountain in the world 5:56 Point Roberts — America or Canada? 6:49 Four Corners — 4 states 7:41 Border states 8:26 Texas is bigger than you can imagine 9:16 #geographyfacts #factsaboutamerica#usafacts Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Clear Signs Someone's Controlling Your Phone...
How to know if someone's monitoring your phone? Safety should always be our top priority. We've gathered together some clear signs that someone is spying on your phone together with some instructions for those who're worried about being tracked. For example, one of the main signs someone is tracking your phone is the gadget running out of battery in no time. Batteries do age along with your phone, but if you've got it just recently, that's not normal. Does your phone freeze or take forever to load web pages? Some malware might be running in the background, preventing the gadget from operating normally. In this case, you may also have trouble quitting apps. Sometimes, it's even necessary to restart your phone. We want to raise our viewers’ awareness about data stealing, so here are the signs that spying malware could be on your smartphone. #brightside Preview photo credit: Alushta, Russia - July 28, 2018: Man hand holding iPhone X with call number on the screen. iPhone 10 was created and developed by the Apple inc.: By DenPhotos/, Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
10 Gross Habits You'd Better Quit ASAP
We all have some everyday habits that are actually really dangerous to our health. For your own safety, and the safety of your family, you’d better stop doing these 10 things that seem good by mistake and follow some simple rules instead. When you were a kid, your parents probably taught you to immediately brush your teeth after meals, not to sit in front of the computer screen for too long, and to never stand near the microwave when it’s cooking something. Well, it turns out, you probably should’ve given up some of these habits a long time ago. Tooth enamel is the most solid part of the human body, but it becomes softer under acidic conditions, like after eating fruit or some dairy products. If you brush your teeth right after a meal, you can damage them by removing the enamel. Obviously, your eyes do get tired after staring at a computer screen for a long time. But being tired isn’t the reason why your vision might worsen. Microwave ovens aren’t as dangerous as many people think. In fact, this appliance is made in such a way that the electromagnetic radiation it produces can’t get out of its confines. The human body is amazingly self-sufficient, doing for itself tons of stuff so that you don’t have to, and that includes cleaning ears. Cleaning out your nose can lead to some serious problems because you can open it up to outside bacteria. Not all kinds of food really need to be washed before cooking. For instance, red meat and poultry should never be put under water. For a long time, people thought that sitting with their legs crossed was a sure-fire way to develop varicose veins. But recent studies show that it doesn't lead to this condition at all. Music: Vide Tracks - About That Oldie JR Tundra- Bubblegum_Ballgame Biz Baz Studio - Fun_Activity_Montage Silent Partner - Jack in the Box Silent Partner - Sophomore Makeout Rondo Brothers - Yellow Rose of Berkeley TIMESTAMPS You have to clean your ears regularly 0:33 You shouldn’t stand near the microwave when it's working 1:47 You don’t have to close the toilet lid when you flush 2:46 You should always wash your food before cooking it 3:21 Clean your nose out if you need to 4:14 Built-up limescale in a kettle is a health hazard 4:54 Always brush your teeth after eating 5:31 Crossing your legs is harmful 6:23 Working on the computer is bad for your eyes 6:59 Hold the steering wheel at “10-and-2” 7:38 SUMMARY -When you clean your ears yourself, you end up doing more harm than good. When you intrude into the ear canal, you cause an increased production of earwax. When pushed down, it may block the canal, which, in turn, can lead to a temporary loss of hearing. -Unlike X-rays or tanning beds, microwaves don't produce chemicals or radiation known to damage DNA and cause genetic mutations. -If the toilet lid is left open, little particles of the “stuff” you left in the bowl get sprayed up to 6 feet when you flush, sending bacteria all over the place -You should bake or boil meat without washing it beforehand. This way, the high temperatures will kill those harmful bacteria. -To get rid of everything inside, you can blow your nose carefully or rinse it out with saline solution. Cleaning out your nose can lead to some serious problems because you can open it up to outside bacteria. -Limescale is nothing but built-up calcium and magnesium carbonate. A lot of heartburn medicines are actually based on these chemicals, and people take them just fine. -If you brush your teeth right after a meal, you can damage them by removing the enamel. Do it 30-60 minutes after a meal instead. -Recent studies show that crossing your legs doesn’t actually lead to developing varicose veins. -Being tired isn’t the reason why your vision might worsen. Use a monitor with the right level of brightness, take breaks, and blink more often so that your eyes don’t dry out. -Experts actually recommend keeping your hands at “9-and-3”. This position will allow you to make turns even at high speeds. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min