Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Don't Throw Away These Bags, See What They Can Do!
Whenever you buy a new pair of shoes or a bag, you get some little bags of silica gel as an added bonus. You might think they’re useless but in fact they are a simple solution to many storage problems and they cost you nothing yet can be very effective if you know and follow these tips. So never throw them away but make use of their awesome properties. The superpower of silica gel bags comes from the silicon dioxide they contain. It attracts water molecules out of shoes, bags, or whatever is around them. These moisture-proof properties are the reason silica bags come with your purchases in the first place. No moisture means no mold, odors, staining, or other damage. Spare your nerves and use silica gel packets to rescue your phone from water damage. Bacteria, which just so happen to adore moisture, thrive on sweat and produce the nasty smell in your gym bag and gum locker. So to get rid of it, you have to get rid of the moisture using silica gel. Just one packet of silica gel will be enough to keep your cosmetics dry and avoid unfortunate makeup mishaps and tons of wasted money. Add silica gel bags to folders and boxes you’re putting away for long-term storage. By the way, if you still have old-school audio cassettes or videotapes, the same method can keep them safe as well. Keeping your blankets, sheets, and pillow cases clean, fresh, and moisture-free is especially important for your health, and silica can help you with that. Moisture can cause tarnish and make your beautiful earrings, bracelets, and chains look dull and less stunning. The same can happen to your silverware. You can try polishing it, but that’s a pretty painstaking process. To avoid all that drama, drop a silica gel packet into your personal diamond fund, or as some call it a “jewelry box”. Feel free to experiment and add them to other things you want to keep dry. If you feel like they’ve lost their magic, you can simply “recharge” them. To do that, place them on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven for an hour at 220°F. And be sure to keep any unused packets in an airtight container at all times. Music: TIMESTAMPS Rescue your phone from water damage 0:31 Keep your gym gear odor-free 1:48 Make your makeup last longer 2:21 Protect your luggage from moisture 2:48 Keep all your important papers safe 3:19 Prevent your wardrobe from going stale 4:01 Store your seeds 4:46 Keep jewelry shining bright 5:11 Protect your camera from condensation 5:50 Keep dry foods dry 6:22 SUMMARY -Enough gel packets in a Ziploc bag will suck the water right out of your phone once you put it in the bag with the packets. Just make sure the phone is fully surrounded by the little silica baggies. -A packet or two of silica gel dropped into your bag will absorb all the unnecessary moisture and keep your bag free of odors. -If you want your favorite powder, eye shadow, and other beauty necessities to last longer, keep a silica packet in your makeup bag. -Prevent your vacation outfits from getting ruined and stick some silica bags in-between your clothes. That way, you’ll look your best on vacation. -To protect your files and memories from the damaged caused by moisture, keep them together with silica gel packets. -Keeping a gel packet in the back of your drawer or in-between layers of clothes will help you keep your seasonal garments fresh for when you need them. -Silica gel packets can help keep seeds fresh when you store them for the next season. -Keep your jewelry and silverware bright and shiny by dropping a silica gel packet into your personal diamond fund. -To protect your camera lens from condensation remove the camera’s battery, memory card, and lens, and place the body of your camera in a bowl filled with silica gel packets to take all the moisture away. -If you tape one of these packets to the lid of a container filled with bread crumbs, crackers, dried herbs or whatever has to be kept dry and crispy, you’ll save a lot of food and money, in the end. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
12 Ways to Lose Weight If You Have No Time for ...
If you want to lose that extra stubborn weight and get the perfect body but have no time or energy to work out at the gym, there is an easy effective weight-dropping solution for you. Believe it or not, it's way easier than it seems, you just have to give up certain everyday habits and replace them with healthy alternatives. So let's see what can help you get the body of your dreams with minimal effort! The added sugar and preservatives in canned vegetables remove a lot of their vitamin content. Then you just end up with a not-so-healthy product that only makes you gain weight. Even when it comes to dried fruit and nuts, know your limits and do everything in moderation, and you’ll see big changes in your weight and appearance. Don’t forget that dietologists suggest having fruit only in the first half of the day. They say it’s even better to eat fruit for breakfast first thing in the morning because it strengthens your immune system and keeps infections at bay. If you want to be healthy and lose weight, you’ve got to give up the sour cream. The main problem is that it's way too high in fat! Change it up with some natural Greek yogurt. To cut down on hundreds of extra calories, you may want to hold off on the cream and sugar and try to drink it black. Again, it sounds gross at first, but you can get used to it with time. You consume about 1,000 calories every time you go to a restaurant, so try eating something light at home before going out. Just try it at least once, and you’ll notice that you’ve had only a couple slices of pizza instead of the whole pie! And if you do this regularly, you'll find yourself losing weight faster than you'd think. Light meals contain much fewer calories and don’t leave you with that heavy feeling of being so full that you can't even look at food. So don't forget about this important switch before you begin your diet plan. Music: TIMESTAMPS Swap canned vegetables for frozen ones. 0:38 Snack on dried fruit and nuts instead of candy. 1:13 Eat fruits with pits instead of seeds. 1:54 Skip on the elevator and take the stairs. 2:38 Grab a hula-hoop instead of a bag of chips. 3:16 Replace high-calorie desserts. 3:51 Say “no” to fatty sour cream. 4:28 Choose the right coffee. 5:10 Socialize at the gym. 5:40 Have a light meal at home before going out to eat. 6:15 Try aromatherapy. 6:52 Have a light soup instead of a heavy meal. 7:24 SUMMARY -Replace canned vegetables with frozen ones, and you'll see the difference. Frozen veggies are a lot healthier because they actually retain all their nutrition and don’t contain any additives. -Replace tempting chocolates and candy with fresh or dried fruit and nuts. -Peaches, avocados, and plums all help reduce cholesterol levels, so make them your first choice if you’re trying to get fit. -Start taking the stairs instead of the elevator to burn extra calories and provide your legs and bum with a nice workout. -Simply replace eating with exercising whenever you’re watching TV. Grabbing a hula hoop would certainly add some fun to watching the evening news. -Go for fruit salad or a frozen yogurt-based dessert. It'll be hard at first, but it'll get easier with time and become a habit. -Greek yogurt instead of fatty sour cream helps those extra pounds disappear in no time at all and contains iodine, which is essential for healthy metabolism. -You don't have to give up coffee completely, just be aware of how many calories your favorite drink has. -Organize your get-togethers with friends or coworkers at the gym instead of the bars. -If you have some non-fatty broth or a salad with a light dressing before going out, you can easily reduce that amount by 20-30%. -The smell of bananas, pears, and apples, for instance, can reduce your appetite and get rid of sweet cravings. -If you start having lean meats or vegetable-based soups as your main course instead of something heavy, you’ll easily drop a few pounds in no time. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
8 Habits That Will Bright Both Parent's and Kid...
Parents always try to do the best for their kids to make them happy and healthy. However, there are some things that parents do every day that can pretty serious psychological damage not only to their kids but to themselves as well. Avoid these everyday habits that seem normal but in fact are very dangerous to give your kid the best upbringing and be a perfect parent. A study at the University of Mary Washington has shown that this constant rush often has negative outcomes for mental health, including anxiety and depression. So delegate what errands you can to someone else or postpone them till the weekend when you can leave the kids with their grandparents or a baby-sitter. Music: Ukulele_Beach TIMESTAMPS Constant rush 0:40 Force-feeding 1:50 Not setting boundaries 2:45 Inducing panic and fear 3:53 Self-criticism 4:57 Comparing your kids to others 6:00 Fear of disapproval 6:55 Neglecting family 7:43 SUMMARY -Hurried panic isn’t just reserved for parents, it also gets passed on to the kids, and nobody needs that kind of negativity in their life no matter what their age. -Your child won’t ever throw tantrums over healthy food if the whole family gathers at the table and it’s not only the child who’s getting the vitamins. -If you don’t want your kid bothering you when you have an important call, explain to them, why you’ll no longer react to them during this time so that the sudden change doesn’t confuse them. -Let your kids mess up a bit and help them understand what they can do to fix what they’ve done and avoid those mistakes next time. -If you constantly call yourself fat or ugly or stupid or whatever bad names you tend to assign yourself, your child will think that this sort of self-loathing is totally normal and okay. -Comparing your kid to their siblings, peers, or even themselves in the past suppresses their talents, distances them from you, and lowers their self-esteem. -Teach your kids to always tell the truth and not to put everyone else before themselves. -Remember, everything you do sets an example for your kids. This also has to do with how much attention you and your kids pay to each other. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
12 Gestures That Make You 100% Less Attractive
Even the best look that took forever to create can be ruined by bad body language. This instinctual nonverbal “messenger” is still the main factor that influences how others perceive us and can make people like you or, on the contrary, make you totally unattractive. Here's a quick guide to some gestures you should avoid to always look your best. Gripping your arm behind your back sends a strong negative signal to those around you. The higher you grab your arm, the angrier you seem to people. Hiding your hands in your pockets means a lot of things, which is why it’s important to interpret body language as a whole. But in most cases people put their hands in their pockets when they're nervous. Clasped hands resting on the table is a mini-version of crossing your arms over your chest. Sitting with your fingers laced together and your hands raised off the table sends the same message: “I’m shutting myself off, and I don’t want to talk to you.” Instead of slouching, straighten your back, look ahead of you, and pick your feet up when you walk. These tips will improve your appearance even more than a new suit or a stunning dress! While we usually put our hands on the lips simply because we don’t know where to put our hands, it’s still a pretty intimidating pose to see on a conversation partner. We unconsciously touch our mouth when we're lying and many people know this. Also, when you cover your mouth, it can be hard to understand what you're saying. Clinching your hands looks like you’re literally about to punch someone in the face or you’re ready to defend yourself. Eye contact could be the most important part of communication. If you tend to maintain too much eye contact or you simply want to avoid doing so, try to fidget with something every once in a while, maybe lint on your pants or something in your salad. Just don’t overdo the fake distractions because you’ll seem impolite. There have been a lot of cool psychological studies on this topic, but to keep it short: we copy people who we like, and we like people who copy us. Music: Enter the Party by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: TIMESTAMPS Gripping your arm behind your back 0:43 Crossing your ankles 1:04 Clasping your hands 1:33 Elbows on the table and fingers laced together 1:54 Slouching 2:18 Smirking 2:44 A hand reaching towards the person you're talking to 3:10 Hands on your hips 3:44 A hitch-hiker’s thumb 4:11 Clenched fists 4:36 A hand covering your mouth 5:06 Shaking your finger at someone 5:32 Pointers that’ll help you leave a good impression of yourself 5:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Psychological Tips That'll Help You Get Your...
You don’t always have to see a therapist when you feel like your life is spinning out of control. Save your money and time and try to solve your problems on your own with the help of 10 simple yet super effective psychological tips for a better life we’ve put together. A lot of our worries, fears, and perceived shortcomings actually trace back to our childhood. Although we mostly don’t remember our earliest years, certain things from that phase of our lives remain in the back of our minds, especially what we felt at that time. Try to go back and ask yourself simple questions like, “How did my parents treat me and each other? What were their motives?” When it comes to other people, sadly, we can’t explain their behavior no matter how much we’d like to. They simply grew up in a different atmosphere and had their own experiences that differ from ours. Comparing yourself to others will get you nowhere. In your mind, you'll never win, and the same goes for everybody else because we’re all constantly comparing ourselves to others. If you wanna find love, put yourself out there and meet new people. Sick of your job? Submit applications and go to job interviews in your free time. Nobody's gonna come and poof your life into a fairytale with the wave of a magical wand. The ability to set boundaries and say “no” makes you the type of person that respects themselves and values their time. Plus, if you keep putting up with someone’s bad attitude, nothing will change. The most important thing every single one of us should know how to do is to be our own friend. You should be ready to admit defeat and accept that you can’t influence everything. If you make an effort to look on the bright side instead of drowning in the bad stuff, you’ll be able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and simply move on. Music: TIMESTAMPS The majority of your problems stem from childhood. 0:27 Other problems are in your head. 1:34 Speak more openly about your feelings and don't judge others. 2:45 Care more about yourself and less about other people's opinions. 3:52 Get out of your comfort zone. 4:47 Set boundaries and don't let anybody trespass them. 5:26 Try to make every day better than the one before it. 6:19 Appreciate the experience you gain after every situation. 7:07 Let. It. Go. 7:45 Be a friend to yourself, not a torturer. 8:22 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
You’re Phenomenal If You Crack All 18 Riddles
Two cars started driving through the city at the same time. The green car is moving at a speed of 30 mph. The yellow car is faster – its speed is 50 mph. And still, at one point, the green car comes across the yellow car. If you can easily tell how it's possible, you must have a talent for solving tricky riddles. Practice every day, and your analytical skills will improve even more. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Simple Ways to Make Your Skin Care Routine E...
We all want beautiful healthy-looking skin, and we pay tons of money for creams, scrubs and masks that often don’t help. If you want to see positive changes in no time and at no cost, try following these 10 simple habits. Studies have proven that your smartphone screen can easily be covered in 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. And that's exactly how they end up on your face, causing all kinds of nasty skin problems. Your makeup brushes also collect tons of bacteria, and that's another possible culprit of your acne. Simply use antibacterial wipes on both your phone screen and your brushes. Every time you eat something with a lot of grease or sugar, you should be ready to welcome a brand new pimple the next day. Music: Manea - Vibe Mountain TIMESTAMPS Clean your phone screen with special antibacterial wipes 0:35 Wash your makeup brushes regularly 1:17 Eat the right foods 1:52 Be careful with scrubs 2:35 Moisturize before and after you swim in the pool 3:11 Shower right after your workout 3:54 Listen to the signals your body is sending 4:32 Avoid overly hot showers 5:11 Drink enough water 5:48 Go to bed earlier 6:32 SUMMARY -Make it a habit to disinfect your phone screen with special antibacterial wipes that are safe for electronics. Wipe all that bacteria away, and your cheeks will be clean and clear. -If you want to have flawless skin, don't be lazy and make an effort to take care of your brushes by washing them regularly. -Find out what healthy products and dishes you like and slowly add them to your daily meals to avoid skin problems. -If you have dry skin, go for gentle facial cleansers instead of scrubs. As for oily or acne-prone skin, you can use scrubs no more than once a week. -Be sure to moisturize your skin before you get in the pool. Once you get out, deep clean your skin and reapply a moisturizer. -Excess sweat can encourage bacteria to grow in your pores, which results in blackheads and acne. When you shower right away, you can stop this from happening, making sure your skin stays fresh and clean. -Listen to your body and try to notice any changes in your appearance and well-being. The best way to react is to see your doctor, he’ll give you all the information necessary on what to do. Try to shower in lukewarm water. And if you must have it hot, limit yourself to just 10 to 20-minute baths. -If you barely drink water throughout the day, a great hack that’ll force you to do it is to keep your water bottle on top of your phone at your desk. -If you prolong your sleep, you give cortisol no chance to ruin your skin's health. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
10 Touching Stories That Prove True Love Exists
Skeptics say that “Love is a myth.” But all of their arguments are worth nothing compared to the love stories of real people that we’ve collected for you. Love helps us cope with hardships, believe in miracles, and strengthens us. These 10 touching stories confirm that true love is a very real thing. Music: Freedom Trail Studio - Happy Sixth Vibe Mountain - Clover 3 Wayne Jones - Touching Moment TIMESTAMPS Story 1 0:43 Story 2 1:10 Story 3 1:41 Story 4 2:08 Story 5 2:35 Story 6 3:07 Story 7 3:33 Story 8 3:55 Story 9 4:12 Story 10 4:40 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
13 Habits That Probably Stop You from Losing We...
In case all your attempts to get the perfect body fail, it’s not a reason to give up completely on your weight-loss goals. Check if you’re guilty of the following habits that will sabotage any diet and exercise plan. Diets are just temporary measures you take to lose some extra weight, so you shouldn’t rely fully on them. Give yourself some time to get used to one new healthy habit at a time, and then keep going. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a good night’s rest helps you cut down on fats, carbs, and sugars. Lack of sleep, on the contrary, makes you eat way more than usual. Experts recommend taking small bites, chewing your food thoroughly, and practicing mindful eating. It means fully concentrating on your food, savoring its smell, taste, and even texture. Desserts won’t hurt your weight loss plan at all, so anyone with a sweet tooth can now rejoice! Of course, moderation is key here, but if you stick to a “nothing-allowed” diet, you’re actually more prone to overeating. A food diary will be your greatest ally on the road to weight loss. If all that writing sounds too tedious for you, you can simply take pictures to see exactly what you’ve been putting in your body. Music: Staccato TIMESTAMPS You’re convinced that going on a diet will help you lose weight. 0:41 You're into dressings and sauces. 1:35 You punish yourself for eating “prohibited” foods. 2:25 You're afraid of being hungry. 3:22 You stick to juices and smoothies. 4:15 You underestimate the power of sleep. 5:06 You eat fast. 5:47 You go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. 6:30 You give up desserts completely. 7:22 You think fats are the enemy. 8:02 You rely too much on exercise. 8:45 You don’t keep a food diary. 9:28 You strive for perfection. 10:12 SUMMARY -The only way to lose and keep off unwanted pounds is to change your lifestyle. Make it a habit to always have breakfast, move more, and choose the right restaurants. -Dipping veggies into a sauce, even a healthy one, can significantly ruin your diet. Add those calories to your food diary and don’t forget to count them in your daily allotted intake. -If you punish yourself every time you eat something “wrong”, you risk falling into a habit of eating in response to your failure and gaining all the weight back. -Being hungry stimulates cell renewal, improves digestion, and even regulates your blood sugar. Plus, when you’re hungry, your body produces ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates your memory and helps fight depression. -An orange will, in fact, satisfy your hunger longer than a glass of juice will. As for healthy smoothies, one glass actually contains anywhere from 150 to 300 calories. -If you want to shed excess weight, you’d better take an 8-hour journey to dreamland each night. -If you eat faster than you should, you take in more calories than you need before you realize it’s time to stop. -Have a meal or a healthy snack before going to the grocery store and don’t forget your shopping list. Otherwise, you’ll end up buying more high-calorie foods than low-calorie ones. -You can allot only 20% of your daily calorie intake to satisfying your sweet tooth and still lose weight. -Stick to unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish and avocados, instead of avoiding fats altogether. -Physical activity burns only 10 to 30% of your energy. The rest depends on your diet, so that should be the main focus of your weight loss plan. -Writing down everything that goes in your body keeps you aware of your portion sizes, food preferences, and meal and snack timing. -Being too strict with yourself only encourages emotional eating, which leads to a vicious cycle. It’s totally fine if you’re not 100% perfect in following your diet plan. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
9 Types of Non-Physical Acts That Are Still Che...
Not all cheating is physical, and defining an emotional affair that can spoil a happy relationship can be way harder. According to statistics, around 45% of men and 35% of women have admitted to have done some sort of nonphysical cheating. Pay attention to the 9 types of emotional infidelity and what you should do to keep your relationship healthy. If you want to break free from the negative and destructive aspects of your relationship, never be mad at your partner for something they don’t know they’re doing wrong. Talk to them. If you can’t stand the urge to flirt with other people, both online and offline, and you can’t help crossing the line with strangers, it’s a clear red flag that something’s missing between you and your partner. If you’re going out of your way to hide something or someone from your partner, then it clearly means that you’re feeling a little guilty about something. Maybe you feel that your secret “friend” is a threat to your relationship and don’t want to admit this fact. The only way out for you is to admit it to yourself and figure out why you’re being secretive in the first place. Remember that while attraction is not a choice, cheating definitely is. It’s also true for same-sex friends you or your partner has. An affair doesn’t just randomly happen, only you can make a choice to give in to your temptations or not go down that slippery slope. Remember, the love you feel for the dollars in your bank account is nothing compared to the love of a loyal spouse. Let your family and friends know that when it comes to your significant other and your relationship, there is a line that they can’t cross. Music: Love Now - Eveningland Nimbus - Eveningland Dat Groove - Audionautix TIMESTAMPS You’re too close to your opposite-sex friend. 0:46 You flirt online and offline. 1:36 You’re having an affair with your phone. 2:28 You constantly complain about your partner to others. 3:40 You cross the line with strangers. 4:30 You have a secret friend. 5:26 You fantasize about others. 6:29 You lie about your finances. 7:37 You don’t stand up for your partner. 8:37 SUMMARY -Nobody’s saying that men and women can’t be “just friends”, but if your gut is telling you there’s an attraction between your partner and their “friend”, address the issue directly. -Anonymous online flirting, as well as the offline sort, is still an affair. -Instead of talking to their partner, friend, or family member, people are diving into virtual reality to distract themselves. -When you complain about your partner to others, you actually just end up creating even more space between the two of you. -If you need someone, especially a complete stranger, to fill whatever void you have in your relationship, you’re crossing the line into emotional infidelity. -If you’re relying on someone for emotional support, and that person isn’t in a romantic relationship with you, you’re setting yourself up for some trouble with your partner. -In case you’re consistently daydreaming about a sexual partner other than your partner, this could be considered emotional infidelity, and it could lead to a sexual affair because it means you’re disconnected from your spouse. -The problem with financial dishonesty, like any other type of lying, is that trust is lost, and the relationship immediately loses any chance of success. -If your boyfriend or girlfriend won’t stand up for you, it’s possible that they don’t consider the relationship as serious as you do. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
6 Main Reasons Why You Are Still Single
In case you’re perfectly ready to finally meet “the one” and be happily in a relationship, but it hasn’t happened yet, you must be wondering why it is so. There’s a good chance you’re still alone due to one of the 6 reasons we’re about to share with you. You just can’t say “no” to your boss when he wants you to do some extra work that’s actually not even your responsibility. Or maybe you have a child, and you’re constantly occupied with them and only them. Misplaced priorities don’t allow us to be happy and move forward. First of all, love yourself. The great Sigmund Freud himself wrote how important it is to leave past relationships in the past. Just answer one simple question: why are you still hung up on the ex? Your relationship is over, the time machine hasn’t been invented yet, and you can’t change anything. Your ex isn’t perfect, it just seems that way in your own head. Fatigue, bad weather, an enthralling book, or a marathon of your favorite show are a few of the reasons why we might decide to spend the day inside. Newsflash: Mr. Perfect probably isn’t gonna break into your house and steal your heart. Parents almost never like their kids’ choice of a partner, and it’s a totally normal thing. It might have to do with evolution since it’s been like that for centuries. While you might fall for his attractiveness, sense of humor, and incredible guitar-playing, your parents probably care more about his background and financial stability. The world is huge and diverse. And true love is waiting for you beyond this rut of familiar places and habits you’ve got stuck in. Music: Sweet as Honey - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena TIMESTAMPS There’s no room in your life for love. 0:34 You won’t let go of your previous relationship. 1:59 You spend too much time at home. 3:29 You neglect your appearance. 4:45 You value your parents’ opinion more than your own. 5:54 You won’t try new things. 7:12 SUMMARY -Love simply can’t squeeze into your life because it’s so jam-packed with other stuff. Love yourself: going home from work on time is a good place to start. -Let yourself move forward: delete those selfies of you and your ex, throw away any printed pictures of him, get rid of objects that remind you of him. -If you limit yourself to the 4 walls that surround you, you’re likely to have a date only with your fridge. There’s a wonderful world beyond your house, so make an effort to get acquainted with it. -It’s important to be smart and have a good personality, but you also have to look good and seem approachable to others. -Let yourself follow your own feelings and opinion: your parents have already found their love and built a family, now it’s your turn to do the same. -You need to pop that protective little bubble around you and go out on a limb, be spontaneous. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
17 Brain-Twisting Riddles to Keep You Guessing ...
🎉 Ready to put your brain to the test while having some fun? Our video, "17 Brain-Twisting Riddles to Keep You Guessing and Giggling," is packed with clever puzzles that will keep you thinking and laughing all the way through. 🤔💡 Whether you're a riddle master or just love a good challenge, there's something here for everyone! Grab some friends or family and see who can solve them first. 😄 Don't miss out on this fun and brain-boosting adventure—click play now and let the guessing game begin! 🧠✨ Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
11 min
9 Typical Signs of an Emotionally Unstable Person
Find out how to boost your self-confidence and learn to love yourself to feel and look like the most confident and successful person. Psychologists revealed 9 typical signs of emotionally unstable people that affect your life. Lack of self-confidence is one of the most important factors that can influence your image, your level of satisfaction with your life, and your emotional stability. While a lot of people sometimes struggle with feeling a little insecure, not everybody comes out a winner from this fight. Of course, a lot of people want to be liked by others. It really just depends on how much someone wants it. Believe it or not, even the most attractive people often don’t feel the best about their appearance. And this is totally normal. You can't always be 100% sure that you look perfect all the time. Try to find the best aspects of your appearance and highlight them. Remember: confidence equals emotional balance. A lack of self-confidence can be noticed even in the smallest details. And our life is nothing but a compilation of small instances. So try and change something about yourself to find peace and self-assurance. Music: Beach Disco - Dougie Wood TIMESTAMPS An overwhelming desire to be popular 0:36 Doubts about their appearance 1:20 Caring about someone else's opinion 2:14 Their reaction to refusal 2:58 High expectations 3:46 Jealousy 4:36 Devaluation 6:05 Indecisiveness 6:35 Being possessive of others 8:24 SUMMARY -If you're ready to do anything just to get more “likes” or views, you should try to figure out what’s driving you. -Remember that people who ooze self-confidence don't fool themselves by thinking they're perfect. -Don’t worry: people aren't generally all that interested in your appearance and your behavior because they’re too caught-up in worrying about how others see them. -Try to imagine how other people feel when someone turns their ideas down, and you'll understand that you’re not alone. -You can’t expect yourself or other people to do the impossible. -Being jealous will bring you nothing but negativity and a bad mood. Try to distract yourself and switch your attention to something else. -Don’t ignore those who really want to help and support you. -Try out a strategy to make decisions easier: consider all pros and cons, think about the consequences and make your choice. -Remember that every person has their own life and desires that are probably different from yours. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Easy Ways to Handle an Emergency Situation
Knowing what to do in an emergency situation can help you survive yourself or save the lives of others. At one point or another, most of us have been taught the basic survival rules to follow when faced with a threat. You might think that swimming in a river or lake is safer than taking a dip in the sea, but that's not exactly true. Fresh water is often colder and takes more energy and skill to get out of because it doesn't support your body like salt water does. If you find yourself caught in a river current, breathe deeply and swim in a diagonal line, that will eventually bring you to the shore. As for getting caught in a sea current, the first rule is the same: stay calm, don't panic, and don’t flail around. Simply cut across the current diagonally because it doesn't typically expand along the whole shoreline. If you’re with your close ones when a fire starts, agree on a meeting place outside in case you get separated. When smoke starts filling the room, don't walk and don’t even think about going through a window or waiting it out. The best strategy is to stay low and crawl to the nearest exit as soon as possible. There are different ways you can save yourself if you're choking, and there's nobody around to help you. Remember! Don't speak, don't drink anything, and don't inhale deeply. If someone is suffering from hypothermia, cover the victim with warm blankets. Make sure that not only the body but also the head and feet are covered. If you get lost in the woods, you can use your wristwatch to find your direction. Hold an analog watch horizontally in your hand and imagine a wedge-shaped piece marking the area between the hour hand and the number one. The center of this angle is the north-south line. Music: TIMESTAMPS How to survive if you’re caught in a strong current 0:41 What to do in case of a fire 2:17 How to save yourself if you're choking 3:11 What to do if you’re bleeding 4:02 If you're dehydrated 6:08 In case of hypothermia 6:47 If you get lost in the woods 7:14 How to find water in the wild 7:57 Treating minor burns 8:42 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
7 Tricks That Can Make Your Car Last Longer
If you want your car to serve you longer and save money on expensive service and maintenance, pay attention to these simple yet really important rules. Experts recommend a few things to keep in mind and a few common mistakes to avoid to make your car last longer. If you stick around till the end of the video, we’ll tell you how you can fix a cracked windshield with garlic. Having the correct tire pressure is a sort of “Goldilocks” situation. If it gets too low OR too high, you can have serious problems. Don't forget about seasonal tire changes and remember to swap your front and rear tires at least once a year. Sharp acceleration and abrupt braking might feel like fun, but they’re actually extremely harmful to vehicles. If you decide to park on an incline and put your car in Park, it puts too much pressure on the transmission. In rare cases, it can even become dislodged or break down. So the best option is to use the emergency brake. With the help of the symbols on the car's dashboard, your car can tell you when something's wrong, like when the engine's overheated, something's wrong with the electrical system, or the brake fluid level is too low. Go to an auto repair shop as soon as possible to save yourself from expensive repairs or even an accident. Weighing your vehicle down excessively does nothing good for the car's suspension, steering, transmission, tires, and engine. Plus, overloading increases fuel consumption and makes the car more difficult to handle. Remember that cars, just like people, need regular check-ups and “health” tests. Music: Retro - Wayne Jones TIMESTAMPS Keep your tire pressure in-check. 0:40 Take it easy on the gas and brake pedals. 2:03 Park correctly. 2:42 Don't ignore the dashboard. 3:54 Don't forget about vehicle inspections and repairs. 5:13 Avoid overloading. 6:03 Don't overload the clutch. 6:50 Bonus: fix a cracked windshield with garlic! 7:18 SUMMARY -Check your tire pressure at least twice a month (but once a week is even better). While adding air to your tires, make sure they aren't warm to the touch and don't overfill them. -If you’re a fan of sharp acceleration and abrupt braking, remember both of them are actually extremely harmful to vehicles. Plus, you’re just burning more gas than you need to. -Avoid throwing the car into Park before coming to a full and complete stop. The same goes for putting the car into Drive or Reverse before stopping fully: don’t do it. -If you notice the engine light flashing while you're driving, slow down right away because this might be a sign of a serious problem. The brake light lets you know that somewhere in the braking system something has gone wrong. -Check your car’s manual to find out how often you should change your oil or air filter and remember that a lot of it depends on your driving habits. Get yearly inspections and keep in mind that routine maintenance will depend on the season and the mileage. -Get acquainted with the maximum load capacity for your car and stick to it. Try to get rid of all of the useless stuff in your car. -Don't hold the clutch in at long traffic lights. During short stops, shift to Neutral and press the clutch right before you start moving. -Take a clove of garlic, cut it lengthwise down the middle, rub the cut side over the crack, and wipe away the excess juice with a paper towel or napkin to keep the crack from getting worse until you can get it repaired. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
12 Small Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Whole Look
Even the most stylish look can easily be ruined by things that might seem small to you but are, in fact, real game-changers. If you want to always look your best, you just have to follow some simple style rules, which won’t cost you a fortune, but will make you look like a million dollars. If the fabric looks like it’s been washed dozens of times, and its color is now far from the original, it’ll make you look less than put-together. Yellow or grey tones in a once-white article of clothing will make you look messy and a little dirty. Probably the most unrefined of all are sweat stains on white clothes. Sleeves sloppily pushed up like an accordion will turn you into the poor soul who’s never worn a button-up shirt in their life. Remember your pockets are not intended to carry your whole life, and that includes your wallet, phone, chewing gum, and keys. Not only suits look cheaper with stretched-out pockets, the same is true for jeans and jackets. Some fabrics look great but can easily get stretched out at the knee every time you sit down. And next thing you know, your pants look like you’ve been wearing them for ages. When people see dandruff flakes on your shoulders, the only thing they want to do is to keep their distance. Going OTT with the jewelry, especially in combination with bright make-up, can turn even a carefully planned outfit into something awkward. If you don’t apply beauty products correctly or touch it up throughout the day, your makeup can make you look older and tired. Lipstick or food on your teeth, a small hole in your dress, smudges on your glasses: all this seemingly minor stuff is actually quickly and easily noticed by people we’ve just met, and it definitely doesn’t give a good impression. Music: TIMESTAMPS Faded clothes 0:29 White clothes that are no longer perfectly white 1:26 Sloppily rolled up sleeves 2:23 Bulging pockets 3:08 Harem pants 3:58 Stretched out knees 4:35 Dandruff on clothes 5:15 Too many accessories 5:48 An unkempt beard 6:20 Saggy pants 7:08 Bad makeup 7:37 The little things 8:14 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
What HR Managers Learn About You By Looking at ...
If you want to get your dream job, it’s crucially important to make the best possible first impression on the recruiter, and everything, including your style, means a lot. There are five vital things you should know that hiring professionals use to form their opinions about you and decide if you will fit into the corporate culture and get the job or not. Sherry Maysonave, head of Empowerment Enterprises, an image consulting firm based in Austin, Texas, says that the first impression happens in less than 30 seconds and it’s based entirely on your attire. Using the color of your clothes, you can influence other people however you want. Pastel colors in clothes and makeup can help you win other people’s trust. The most important thing is not to overdo it. Blue is probably the best color choice for a job interview, unless you’re aiming for a creative job. The color red represents the life force and the inclination to be successful and efficient. Business suits are not always the best choice for a job interview because the impression you may give the employer is that you are “overqualified.” A tasteful statement dress that doesn’t reveal your neckline and ends around 1 inch above the very top of your knee will do just fine. Your attire should be as close to the company dress code as possible. People are more eager to accept other people who are like them, so the more you look like the other employees, the easier it is for an HR manager to imagine you working with them. Music: TIMESTAMPS What the colors of your clothes say about you 0:33 What the style of your clothes says about you 3:21 What your brands say about you 5:07 Illustrative details 5:47 How well can you fit into the corporate culture 6:52 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
9 Mind-Blowing Riddles That'll Make You Think T...
Riddles are a great way to give your brain some much-needed exercise off the beaten path. Test your logic and boost your analytical thinking and wits with these mind-bending super hard riddles we’ve put together. Only the smartest people can solve these puzzles. After each riddle, you'll have 15 seconds to figure out the answer. If you need more time, just pause the video! Music: TIMESTAMPS 1. Mislabeled 0:41 2. The water barrel 2:01 3. Sugar cubes 3:00 4. “Pitcher” this 4:05 5. A box of marbles 4:51 6. Game time 5:38 7. The boy and his butter 6:16 8. The shopping street 7:00 9. A murder mystery 9:40 SUMMARY -How many times do you need to open boxes and take out one ball to check its color to label all the boxes correctly? You need to figure out if the barrel is more or less- than half-full. -You need to distribute 10 sugar cubes among the cups so that each cup contains an odd number of cubes. -Your task is to move just one pitcher to arrange them so that you get a nice full-empty-full pattern. -Figure out how many marbles there are in the box. -Name the game where those who are winning move backwards, while those who are losing move forward. -Why did the boy stand up, walked up to the window, and threw some butter out of it? -In what order do the buildings stand and which one should be restored first? -How did the investigating detective know who had lied to him? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
12 Strange Wedding Traditions That'll Stun You
You won’t believe what people in different countries do before, during, and right after their wedding day following age-old traditions. Here are some crazy rituals for celebrating love from around the world. While most brides-to-be spend arduous hours at the gym, young girls in Mauritania are fattened up in a practice known as “leblouh". For a child to become an adult and ready for marriage in Bali, they have to go through a special tooth filing ceremony. In a tradition that goes back hundreds of years, a Tujia bride starts crying a month before her big day and is later joined by her mother, grandmother, sisters and aunts. To break the spell that would make their prospective husband die early, some women India get married to trees first. In Scotland, friends and family gladly throw molasses, ash, feathers, flour and way more disgusting things all over the bride to scare off evil spirits and bring good luck. The newlyweds in Congo never smile during the wedding ceremony to show how serious their commitment to their future family is. Masai fathers have their own very special way of blessing their newlywed daughters by spitting on their heads and breasts. Music: Seahorse - Rondo Brothers Almost August - Dan Lebowitz Arc of the Sun — The 126ers Blue Skies — Silent Partner Yucatan Peninsula — Biz Baz Studio TIMESTAMPS Force-feeding future brides 0:24 Tooth-filing ceremony 1:22 Advice from a chicken liver 2:07 Whale tooth offering 2:40 Bridal tears 3:19 Married to a tree 4:04 Tar-and-feathering the bride 4:37 Smash it (and clean it up) 5:16 Fighting for shoes 5:48 Poker face 6:22 Human rug 6:47 A good luck spit 7:09 SUMMARY -In Mauritania, young girls and women are fattened up before marriage as their idea of female beauty is curves, layers of fat, and stretch marks. -Imagine this: the people of Bali go through a special tooth filing ceremony to “cut down” the six sins that live in every person. -The Daur people of China’s Inner Mongolia cut open a baby chicken to pick the date for the big day. -In Fiji, young men not only have to ask for her father’s permission, but also bring him a whale tooth to marry the girl of their dreams. -The Tujia brides in Southwest China start crying a month before the big day. Later, the female part of the family joins them. -Believe it or not, some women in India marry trees all because of their astrological sign. -Scottish brides go through a “blackening” ritual to scare off evil spirits and attract good luck. -The wedding guests in Germany get to smash porcelain and ceramic dishware, and the newlyweds have to clean it all up afterwards as their first shared chore together. -In India, the groom’s side has to protect the shoes from being stolen by the bride’s family. -If you’re ever invited to a wedding in the Congo, don’t expect the bride and groom to smile, they avoid it to show how serious the commitment to future family is. -Once the wedding ceremony is over in French Polynesia, all the guests on the bride’s side lie face down in the dirt to make one long human rug. -Masai fathers try to trick fate by spitting on their daughters heads and breasts. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Airlines Explain Why Flying Is So Expensive
Why are plane tickets so expensive? How to buy a cheap flight? How are the airplane tickets prices formed? Experts finally explain that the flight prices are not just whatever the airlines want them to be. Well, airlines are now letting us in on how they come up with these prices. But knowing the “why” and “how” isn’t gonna help save money. So stick around and we’ll share some strategies to help you fly cheaper. TIMESTAMPS How is the plane ticket price formed? Aircraft fuel — 26% 0:34 Passenger and luggage services — 26% 1:08 Aircraft service — 16% 1:37 Salaries — 10% 1:47 Depreciation and leasing — 8% 1:57 Advertisement and administrative costs — 5% 2:19 Air navigation fees and meteorological support — 9% 99% 2:33 Knowing the factors that go into ticket pricing might help you understand why airfares are so high, but I’m sure you still wanna know how you can save some money, right? Of course, you can’t do anything about the things we just covered, but you can change the following: How can you save some money? Use comparison sites 3:13 Join travel groups on social media 4:02 Choose flights with connections 4:35 Use the “Saturday Night Rule” 5:06 Fly on the “right” days 5:33 Change the dates 5:54 Try different destinations 6:24 Sign up for loyalty programs 6:46 Read the fine print 7:03 Eliminate extra costs 7:19 Do you have any special tricks up your sleeve when purchasing plane tickets? Share with us in the comments section! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
Do Not Ignore These 10 Early Symptoms of Diabetes
How to Tell if You Have Diabetes? There are 10 of the most common early signs of diabetes that will help you spot the disease in time. Diabetes is often called “the silent killer”. This is because the early symptoms of this disease are really easy to miss. Watch this video till the end and share it with your friends so that you all will be aware of these most common signs. Remember that timely diagnosis can extend lives! The first symptoms can be so subtle that some people might brush them off as insignificant. Diabetes is a chronic disease that can lead to many serious complications if left untreated. The earlier it’s diagnosed, the easier it will be to manage and the longer your life could be. If you notice any of these symptoms, especially several of them combined, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. TIMESTAMPS You always feel thirsty and often go to the bathroom 0:41 You're always hungry 1:33 You feel tired and weak all the time 2:19 Your vision is blurred 3:15 You lose weight while eating normally 3:59 Your skin became itchy 4:56 Yeast infections 5:26 Your wounds heal slowly 6:02 Dark patches of skin 6:39 Numb or tingling hands or feet 7:13 SUMMARY There are different tests used to find out if you do have diabetes, so doing just one of them isn’t enough for correct diagnosis. But you should never brush off, postpone, ignore, or avoid going to the doctor if you notice a change in your health, whether it be the symptoms on this list or anything in general. You have to be ready to invest some money and time in your well-being because it’s the most precious thing you have, after all! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
50 Cute Animal Facts That Will Melt Your Heart
50 interesting and rare facts about animals that you’ve probably never heard about. Some of them will make you go Awww. Whether you're a nature lover or just curious by nature, this video is for you! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
13 Things You Shouldn't Dump Down the Drain
There are some substances that are particularly dangerous for your drain. Follow some simple rules and avoid dumping certain things down your drain to save your money and nerves. Why is a clogged drain so terrible in the first place? The most obvious reason is that you can do serious and expensive damage to your kitchen or bathroom. Plus, the water in your drains is dirty already, and it obviously gets worse with garbage inside. Finally, not only does it give off a terrible smell, but it can also cause complications with certain health conditions like asthma or allergies. Next time you’ve had a delicious meal, scrape any leftovers from your plate into the trash where they belong instead of washing them down the drain. Remember that eggshells, coffee grounds, oils and fats, as well as flour, should never go in your drain. Some people think that medicine dissolves easily in water, so they throw expired pills down the drain. In reality, they don’t dissolve in water, they contaminate it. Hair is one of the most common reasons why pipes get clogged in the bathroom. When the hair goes into the tub’s drain, it gets stuck inside and forms a ball that acts likes a net for other waste. Condoms and feminine products are a nightmare for your toilet’s pipes and drain, as well. TIMESTAMPS Rice and pasta 0:25 Eggshells 0:59 Milk 1:30 Flour 2:10 Coffee grounds 2:36 Oil and fats 3:00 Medicine 4:09 Hair 4:36 Stickers from fruit and jars 5:13 Building waste 5:40 Condoms 6:03 Cigarette butts 6:30 Feminine products 6:55 #blockeddrain #cleaningtips Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
5 Brilliant Riddles That Will Play With Your Mind
How to Boost Your Brain Power. In case you want to get the best grades at school or succeed at work and get a promotion for your analytical skills and creativity, there’s good news. You can boost your brain and logic skills the same way you boost your muscles. If you solve hard riddles regularly, you'll notice how it gets easier and easier for you to think outside the box. Music: TIMESTAMPS 1. Grandma and her absent-minded granddaughter 0:05 2. Grandma and the chicken 1:37 3. Can you tell a criminal by his hands? 3:00 4. How can you be the one to put the last coin on the table? 4:57 5. Strange findings in the desert 6:51 SUMMARY -Help grandma figure out which pill is which and get both the high pressure and allergy pills given that they look the same. -Can you help grandma do the math to find out how many eggs she will get in the next 15 days? -Can you guess which of the suspects is the criminal by looking at their hands? -Sally and her rival should take turns to put one coin after another on the table. Help Sally pick a winning strategy and get that promotion she deserves. -Sally found a few bags of sand in her way through the desert, then she saw a few edibles in there, and after a while, she stumbled upon shoes of different sizes. Finally, she saw a body of a barefoot man who was holding a broken match in his hands. Can you guess what it’s all about? What happened there? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
14 Mental Traps That Keep Controlling Your Life
How to stop people from taking advantage of you? How to finally become a confident person? Sometimes we fall into our own mind’s trap, and we make decisions that can go completely wrong. It’s easy to fall victim to different clichés and stereotypes pounded into our head by society. Our minds constantly play games with us, setting traps and imaginary obstacles. TIMESTAMPS Double standards 0:36 Arguing just for the sake of winning 1:23 Comparing apples to oranges 2:16 Trusting only “your” people 3:00 Overgeneralization 3:51 Blindly jumping on the bandwagon 4:42 We remember only our best traits and actions 5:28 Our brain thinks we’re someone else in the future 6:17 The Peltzman Effect 7:19 Positive expectations 7:59 Catchy jingles and rhymes 8:50 There's always more bad news 9:31 The IKEA Effect 10:12 The “superiority over others” trap 10:52 SUMMARY We hold different standards for different people. We often excuse some people’s behavior but not others’ by arguing they that they have certain life troubles and issues. Scientists Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber proposed a theory that people have learned how to argue just for the opportunity to influence each other. We often compare things that are totally incomparable, which causes us to make incorrect decisions and conclusions at the end. Since ancient times, we wittingly or unwittingly divide people into groups: “us” versus “them”. And we trust the people in “our” group more: family, friends, colleagues and loved ones. If something unpleasant has ever happened to you in the past, it seems to leave a bad taste in your mouth forever. Human beings are social creatures by nature, and just like other animals that live in groups, we interact and depend on each other. That's why people are inclined to do or believe something if they know that the majority does or believes this too. For better or worse, people are people, and we’re all a bit egoistic. We like to acknowledge only our best features. Different studies show that when we start imagining ourselves in the future, it activates the parts of our brain that work when we think about different people. The gist of this phenomenon is that an abundance of different protective devices and safety equipment lead a person to think they’re invincible, so the risk of an accident increases. Having positive expectations is a trap common among addicted gamblers: they’re sure that after a series of losses, their good luck will appear, and the next game will definitely bring a jackpot! When people hear catchy jingles or see rhyming slogans, they subconsciously treat them as more trustworthy. It's no secret, people are pessimists at heart! But scientists propose another theory. They say that we subconsciously treat bad news as more important. When something good happens, it gives us less food for thought, yet bad news leaves a lot of room for contemplation. IKEA effect: seemingly ordinary gloves knitted by your dear little Granny bring a smile to your face, but you wouldn’t even notice a similar pair at the store. In most cases, people have a high opinion of their own skills. They overestimate their abilities, which is why they can’t rate themselves objectively. Do you recognize when your mind is tricking you? How do you cope with this? Tell us in the comments section below! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min