Satellite Sisters

Women's Humor, Health and Happiness. Award-winning pep talk for modern women. Hosted by Lian Dolan, Liz Dolan and Julie Dolan, real sisters with very different lives, Satellite Sisters informs listeners daily lives with entertaining conversation, smart advice and positive support. With laughter and friendship, Satellite Sisters tackles life transitions and decisions, current events + trends, family/friends + pets, health + wellness, culture + entertainment, TV and film, work + careers.

Society & Culture
Health & Fitness
Sheila and Monica Visit For Satellite Sisters T...
Sisters Sheila Dolan and Monica Dolan stop in to catch up with Julie, Liz and Lian before the holidays begin. The Lab Rats have a review of a small appliance.
47 min
A Celebration Of Female Firsts! Kamala, Emily +...
We welcome this Season Of Female Firsts! Congratulations to all 3 Satellite Sisters of the Week:Kamala Harris: First female Vice President-elect of the United States. Emily Harrington - the first female to solo free climb El Capitain in less than 24 hoursKim Ng: First female General Manager in Major League Baseball. Named by Miami MarlinsWe interview comedian Michael Ian Black about his new book A (Mostly Serious) Letter To My SonSHOP in our Satellite Sisters Shop here. We have locked in a SUNDAY AFTERNOON WITH THE SATELLITE SISTERS as a Virtual Zoom Event with Sixth & I for Sunday April 11. ALL FIVE DOLAN SISTERS. Hilarity will certainly ensue. Ticket prices and times will be announced soon on our newsletter Pep Talk and in the Sixth and I newsletter, so stay tuned. But for goodness sake, SAVE THE DATE.Visit our website Satellite Sisters: A Pep Talk For Modern WomenSubscribe to our new newsletter Pep Talk here.For more info on Lian Dolan's newest novel The Sweeney Sisters, visit her website here.For all of our booklists at, go to The Sweeney Sisters here on or here on amazon.Join our community: Facebook Page, Facebook Group and on Instagram and Twitter @satsisters.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
56 min
SPECIAL Satellite Sisters Listener Appreciation...
It's a SPECIAL Day. It's Listener Appreciation Day on Satellite Sisters. For the first time in 20 years, we are devoting an entire episode to thanking you, sisters and misters.
65 min
Locktober Finale: Friendship IS Healthy For You...
Friendship is good for you! Today's guest is Lydia Denworth, author of Friendship: The Evolution, Biology and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond. Plus Cooking With Liz and Listener Appreciation
62 min
Locktober V3: Nutrition & Self-Care During Covi...
Nutrition and self-care advice from Dr. Leslie Korn, backstage with Liz Dolan and Ina Garten, Halloween tips for adults and kids.
61 min
Locktober V2: Finding Connection + Joy Over the...
How can we find more joy and connection over the holidays even if we are not together? Rabbi Judy Greenfeld, the Relationship Rabbi, joins us with advice.
61 min
Locktober Begins! Advice on Goal Setting + Empa...
Locktober begins! All month the Satellite Sisters will bring you experts with advice on handling extended lockdown. Today its Dr. Stephanie Newman on managing anxiety, setting goals and empathy.
61 min
Claire Tansey + Dinner Uncomplicated, The Socia...
Claire Tansey joins to talk about her new cookbook Dinner Uncomplicated, the sisters discuss the new Netflix doc The Social Dilemma and announce winners of their #satsisterslookwhatidid drawing.
60 min
Thank you, Justice Ginsburg.
The Satellite Sisters thank Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and honor her life.
62 min
Interview with Chris Frantz of The Talking Head...
Chris Frantz of The Talking Heads and Tom Tom Club joins us to talk about his new memoir Remain In Love. Two iconic bands. One unforgettable life. A lovely guy married to rock goddess Tina Weymouth. What's not to love?
77 min
Lian's New Rhumba, School Daze, Russian Poisoni...
Lian catches us up on her dancing progress ( new Rhumba!), Julie accidentally invents a new beauty product and Liz goes from Yosemite to Nosemite. Plus: Russian poisonings are back in the news, we are all struggling with some covid-induced social awkwardness, we salute favorite teacher Shirley Thormann and share the little-known story of Olympic athlete Otis Davis who became a life-long teacher.NEW CONTEST: LOOK WHAT I DID!Our new contest on Instagram and in our Facebook Group begins today and runs through September 28th.Post photos of things you accomplished - big things or small! It's all worthy.Use the hashtag #satsisterslookwhatidid with your post.Got it? We want to celebrate what you are getting done so use #satsisterslookwhatidid when you post it in your own instagram feed or in the Satellite Sisters Facebook Group. We'll do a random drawing on the show Sept 29 and two sisters or misters will get a bag of Satellite Sisters swag. One from Instagram and one from the Facebook Group.ENTERTAINING SISTERSLiz recommend's Carl Hiassen's new book Squeeze Me.Julie recommends climate change thriller Occupied on Netflix.Lian recommends Netflix documentary The Speed Cubers.Lian Dolan's new dates for The Sweeney Sisters Book Clubs:September, October-- including a Brunch time slot! Sept 9 4 pm Pacific TimeSept 16 7 pm Pacific TimeOctober 14 4 pm Pacific TimeOctober 18 9 am Sunday PT/noon ET Visit our new website to our new newsletter Pep Talk here.For more info on Lian Dolan's newest novel The Sweeney Sisters, visit her website here.Buy The Sweeney Sisters here on or here on amazon.Join our community: Facebook Page, Facebook Group and on Instagram and Twitter @satsisters.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
59 min
New Season Begins! Chadwick Boseman + Colon Can...
We're back! Lian, Julie and Liz announce plans for the Fall 2020 season including a special series of helpful interviews during what we are calling Locktober. We are here for you, sisters and misters! Also today, some thoughts about the legacies of Chadwick Bozeman and Coach John Thompson.
59 min
Let's Go, Europe: Lian Dolan hits Rome, Pompeii...
On this special Satellite Sisters, Lian Dolan takes us to Rome, Pompeii and Paris, great highlights of earlier travel with her son Colin. Plus, Liz Dolan goes to the Emmys and her shoes explode. Whaaaaaaa????
63 min
Olympic Special: Our tales from the Rio Olympic...
Liz and Lian share their tales from the Rio Olympics then Lian interviews Elise Hooper, author of Fast Girls, The Women of the 1936 Women's Olympic Team
63 min
Lian Health Update, Taylor Swift Advice, Memory...
Sign up for our new weekly newsletter PEP TALK here.Get in the spirit. Liz's Best Olympic movies:Blades of GloryI, TonyaMiracleDownwhill RacerChariots of FireJulie recommends the British Binge-Cation on Hulu.Lian thanks all the sisters and misters who have been vacationing with The Sweeney Sisters. Don't have your copy yet? To order Lian's novel The Sweeney Sisters go to amazon or (which supports indie bookstores.)To order any of the books on our Satellite Sisters Beach Bag Books list, go to this list on has several online book appearances coming up including a book club discussion about The Sweeney Sisters every Wednesday night on Crowdcast. It's fun and free. Sign up for an upcoming week with your whole book club! Meetings will go on hiatus in August and begin again in September. More details here on her website and shared on the Satellite Sisters Facebook Page and in the Satellite Sisters Facebook Group.Check out the brand new Satellite Sisters website! Follow @satsisters on Instagram and Twitter.What's coming up on the Satellite Sisters podcasts in August? We are taking you on vacation with us. We've got special theme shows with classic bits and new stories. Be sure you are subscribed so you get:Liz and Lian at the Rio Olympics plus interview with author of Fast Girls August 4, 2020Fun and Food: Hilarity ensues with Fro Yo and in Whole Foods August 11, 2020Let's Go, South America! Our trips to Galapagos, Macchu Picchu and Patagonia August 18, 2020Let's Go, Europe and Australia! Our trips to Paris, Rome and Australia August 25, 2020Coming up this week on Cooking with Liz, she'll be making Chrissie Tiegen's Beef Skewers with Tahini Sauce. Tune in LIVE in our Satellite Sisters Facebook Group Saturday at noon PT and Sunday at noon PT.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
60 min
Thank You John Lewis, Advice for New College Gr...
We've got it all this week. Remembrance of John Lewis, advice for parents with new college grads searching for jobs (or not), workplace insight during a layoff, the latest announcement on the next season of Cooking With Liz, Nana Camp news on her top 3 ointments and a whole lot of magazine hodge-podge. We love you magazine editors, but you are clearly running out of content! Plus in Entertaining Sisters, a new book from an old friend.Visit our new website here: Our favorite new word from science to describe this current phase humans and animals are in: anthropause.All the books we recommend can be found here: Hodge Podge!Real SimpleMillie. A new magazine for female investors.Southern Living. Julie's on board with okra. Lian not so much.Good Housekeeping. Do your feet hurt? Julie shares Good Housekeeping's explanation why.Read more about Financial Infidelity here.To order Lian's novel The Sweeney Sisters go to amazon or (which supports indie bookstores.)To order any of the books on our Satellite Sisters Beach Bag Books list, go to this list on has several online book appearances coming up including a book club discussion about The Sweeney Sisters every Wednesday night on Crowdcast. It's fun and free. Sign up for an upcoming week with your whole book club! More details here on her website and shared on the Satellite Sisters Facebook Page and in the Satellite Sisters Facebook Group.Check out the brand new Satellite Sisters website! Follow @satsisters on Instagram and Twitter.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
57 min
Tough Family Decisions on School Plans, Nana Ca...
The sisters have lots of listener input about the tough decisions being made about school plans plus some lighter news: dinosaurs, bats and bears in backyard pools.
59 min
Susan Wiggs Interview plus New Website Goes Liv...
Satellite Sisters interview bestselling author Susan Wiggs plus announce new website, provide some work advice and discuss outdoor move plans.
48 min
Satellite Mister Carl Reiner, Family Test Resul...
Carl Reiner was a favorite Satellite Mister who visited our show several times. Family test results, both positive and negative, get our attention. Plus news of the natural world and entertainment.
58 min
"Close The Gap" Year, Love in the Time of Covid...
Lian's inspired by Stephanie Koontz's speech about taking a "close the gap" year at her son's college graduation, Julie has tales of Love in the Time of Covid and Liz shares the insane details of the ex-EBay execs arrested for Cyberstalking.
57 min
Special Drop! Book Club Girl Podcast with Lian ...
Satellite Sister Lian Dolan on this special episode drop of The Book Club Girl podcast talking about The Sweeney Sisters. The Book Club Girl Podcast is a biweekly podcast on which the show’s co-hosts, Tavia Kowalchuk and Eliza Rosenberry, talk about books perfectly suited for book clubs. They focus on one book each episode and this week, it’s The Sweeney Sisters. Plus, Summer reading recommendations & an audio clip from The Sweeney Sisters .Find out more about The Sweeney Sisters here.Find out more about The Book Club Girls Podcast here.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
31 min
Pandemic Parenting Special! With the Founders o...
Lack of motivation. Academic backsliding. Social distancing collapsing. And everyone's driving you batty. Does this sound familiar? Do you have teens and college kids in the house? Do you have pandemic parenting questions? Susan Borison and Stephanie Silverman of Your Teen Media have answers. We tackle questions from the Satellite Sisters Facebook Group about what's happening in your house. And the stress and anxiety that everyone in the family feels.To find more Satellite Sisters: For all information about all things Satellite Sisters, go to our website: https://satellitesisters.comYou can listen to Satellite Sisters podcasts at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, any other podcast app or our website.Lian Dolan's new book The Sweeney Sisters is available at www.bookshop.orgTo listen to Lian's new Satellite Sisters playlists, download the Spotify app to your phone. Spotify. Search on Satellite Sisters and you'll see the white logos for her playlists. You'll also see blue logos for more than 840 Satellite Sisters episodes.To find Your Teen Media, Check out:PRINT MAGAZINE MEDIA INFO (76 videos) Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
51 min
Racial Justice, Workplace Advice, New Dolan Fam...
Actions for racial justice, advice on workplace issues, a controversy erupts at Julie's book club, more info on Sweeney Sisters book club appearances by Lian and entertainment recommendations.
61 min
A Satellite Sisters Check-In - Our Sadness, Our...
The Satellite Sisters Check In on this week's terrible sadness and our hopes for America. Plus some happy news about a kindergarten graduation, a space lift-off, books clubs for The Sweeney Sisters and a dog pool.
68 min
New Quarantining Habits, Workplace Advice and L...
Liz has advice about work and workplaces, Lian has good news for book clubs who are reading The Sweeney Sisters plus podcast and book recommendations. And who has some weird new quarantine habits? We do!
62 min