Jesus In All Of The Bible

We believe the only path to transformative Bible engagement is to see Jesus and his gospel wherever you are in the story. Through this podcast we will do just that. In just a few minutes, each episode will look at what is happening in the text and how it points to Jesus.

Religion & Spirituality
Proverbs 23-25: Wealth and Poverty
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs chapters 23-25. In this passage, we will discuss the common themes of wealth and poverty. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 23-25 we see that when we trust in the wisdom and kingdom of Jesus more than the wealth of men, all our needs will be provided for.
4 min
Proverbs 20-22: Wise Leadership
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs 20-22. In this passage, we will discuss the common theme of wise leadership. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 20-22 we see that Jesus is the consummately wise leader whose leadership lasts forever.
4 min
Proverbs 17-19: Laziness and Hard Work
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs 17-19. In this passage, we will discuss the common themes of laziness and hard work. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 17-19 we see that God made us to work, and for our work to matter. Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope that everything done in Christ will last forever.
3 min
Proverbs 13-16: Pride and Humility
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs 13-16. In this passage, we will discuss the common themes of pride and humility. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 13-16 we see humility’s earthly reward is life, but Jesus’ resurrection shows us humility’s final reward. In Jesus, when we humble ourselves God raises us from our low place among the dead and seats us at his right hand.
3 min
Proverbs 10-12: How to Read the Book of Proverbs
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs 10-12. In this passage we discuss some of the ways we misread Solomon’s wisdom. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 10-12 we see that while the Proverbs are provisionally true now, they will be absolutely true in the future when Jesus comes and establishes his wise kingdom.
4 min
Proverbs 5-9: Lady Wisdom and Madame Folly
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs 5-9. In this passage, we read the choice between wisdom and folly personified as a choice between two women. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 5-9 we see that when Jesus writes his wisdom on our hearts he helps us to choose wisdom over foolishness.
4 min
Proverbs 1:8-4:27: Solomon's Ten Lectures
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs 1:8-4:27. In this passage Solomon gives a series of ten lectures to his son. He warns him about the foolishness of easy money and easy sex and the value of seeking wisdom. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 1:8-4:27 we see that Jesus is wiser than Solomon and that he gives the gift of wisdom he hoped his son would receive through the Holy Spirit.
4 min
Proverbs 1:1-7: The Fear of the Lord
This Bible study devotional covers Proverbs 1:1-7 In this passage we read Solomon’s introduction to the book of Proverbs. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs: 1:1-7 we see that fearing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and that Jesus is the wisdom of the Lord made flesh.
4 min
Acts 27-28: Paul Sails to Rome
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 27-28. In this passage we read about Paul’s shipwreck on his way to Rome and his ministry to the Gentiles once he arrives. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 27-28, we see that Jesus and his Gospel are moving toward all nations just as Paul moved toward Rome.
4 min
Acts 24-26: Paul’s Trials
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 24-26. In this passage, we read about Paul’s trials before Governor Felix, Governor Festus, and King Agrippa. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 24-26, we see that Jesus is the better judge who will bring perfect justice to the world while also giving those who believe in him a freedom they do not deserve.
4 min
Acts 21-23: Paul in Jerusalem
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 21-23. In this passage, we read about Paul’s entrance into Jerusalem and the persecution he faced at the hands of the Jews. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 21-23, we see that Jesus worked through Paul to show that his own journey to Jerusalem to be persecuted was not only for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles.
4 min
Acts 18:18-20: Opposition in Ephesus
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 18:18-20. In this passage, we read about Paul’s ministry in Ephesus along with its many spheres of persecution. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 18:18-20, we see that Jesus uses opposition and persecution to advance his kingdom, just as he did in his death and resurrection.
4 min
Acts 16-18:17: The Gospel and Roman Gods
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 16-18:17. In this passage, we read about two forms of opposition against Paul. He is opposed by both Jews and Roman authorities. Nevertheless, whether with the Philippian jailer, the noble Bereans, or the Greeks in the Areopagus, Paul faithfully saw the kingdom of Jesus advance. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 16-18:17, we see that Jesus is more powerful than any kingdom, power, or prison. He proved this most clearly in his resurrection from the dead.
4 min
Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapter 15. In this passage, we read about the Jerusalem council and their decision that Gentiles did not need to be circumcised. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 15, we see that Jesus fulfills all the works of the law for us so that we could receive free salvation by grace.
4 min
Acts 13-14: Paul's Mission Begins
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 13-14. In this passage, we read about the beginning of Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 13-14, we see that Jesus is the promised Servant of God from Isaiah who would be a light to the Gentiles.
4 min
Acts 12: Peter, Prison, and Passover
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapter 12. In this passage, we read about how Peter was rescued from prison by an angel on the eve of Passover. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 12, we see that Jesus is the final Passover lamb who enters our prison of death to set us free through his resurrection.
4 min
Acts 9:32-11: Peter and Cornelius
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 9:32-11. In this passage, we read about Peter’s vision of clean and unclean animals, as well as his preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles in Cornelius’ house. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 9:32-11, we see that Jesus has made a way for the unclean to be declared clean by believing in his death and resurrection.
4 min
Acts 9:1-9:31: Saul on the Damascus Road
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapter 9:1-9:31. In this passage, we read about Saul’s encounter with the risen Jesus on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 9:1-9:31, we see the extreme mercy and forgiveness of Jesus to save his greatest enemies.
4 min
Acts 8: Simon the Sorcerer
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapter 8. In this passage, we read about the Gospel going to Samaria, despite the influence of Simon the Sorcerer. We also hear about the Gospel going through Judea and into the ends of the earth in the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 8, we see that Jesus is the king who conquers the power of the enemy by taking our wounds and bringing us into the family of God.
4 min
Acts 6-8:3: Stephen’s Speech
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 6-8:3. In this passage, we read about the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr for the gospel, following his speech about how Jesus fulfills the law and the temple. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 6-8:3, we see that Jesus does not contradict the Old Testament law and the temple, as the leaders accused Stephen of teaching, but fulfills them in his death and resurrection.
4 min
Acts 4:32-5: Ananias and Sapphira
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 4:32-5. In this passage, we read about the authority of the apostles in their dealings with Ananias and Sapphira as well the Sadducees. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 4:32-5, we see the good news of Jesus’ authority over the church and the whole world.
4 min
Acts 3-4:31: Peter Heals Lame Man
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 3-4:31. In this passage, we read about Peter healing the lame beggar outside the temple and his and John’s trial in front of the Sanhedrin. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 3-4:31, we see that Jesus is the one who heals those outside the temple and brings them close to himself.
4 min
Acts 1-2: Pentecost
This Bible study devotional covers Acts chapters 1-2. In this passage, we read about the Holy Spirit falling on the apostles in Jerusalem, along with Peter preaching the first gospel message. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Acts 1-2, we see that Jesus undoes the curse and the fall by offering forgiveness of sin and the gift of himself to all nations.
4 min
Luke 24: Resurrection and Appearances
This Bible study devotional covers Luke 24. In this passage Jesus rises from the dead and appears to many of his disciples. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Luke 24, Jesus’ disciples do not recognize him until he opens their eyes. Because Jesus has risen from the dead, he can grant sight to those who are spiritually blind.
4 min
Luke 22:66-23:56: The Crucifixion
This Bible study devotional covers Luke 22:66- 23. In this passage Peter denies Jesus three times as the religious authorities convict and execute Jesus for crimes he did not commit. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Luke 22:66- 23, we see that Jesus is numbered among the transgressors so that the transgressors can be numbered among the righteous.
3 min