Jesus In All Of The Bible

We believe the only path to transformative Bible engagement is to see Jesus and his gospel wherever you are in the story. Through this podcast we will do just that. In just a few minutes, each episode will look at what is happening in the text and how it points to Jesus.

Religion & Spirituality
Joshua 10-12: The Sun and Moon Stand Still
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapter 9. In this passage, we read about the Gibeonites' cunning plot to become part of God’s kingdom. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 9, we see Jesus as the one who includes all people into his kingdom.
4 min
Joshua 9: The Gibeonite Deception
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapter 9. In this passage, we read about the Gibeonites' cunning plot to become part of God’s kingdom. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 9, we see Jesus as the one who includes all people into his kingdom.
4 min
Joshua 7-8: Achan and the Fall of Ai
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapters 7-8. In this passage, we read Achan’s rebellion and the defeat of Ai. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 7-8, we see that God’s judgment is just likely to fall on Israel as it is on Canaan. While Achan’s disobedience caused death, Jesus’ obedience secures eternal life.
5 min
Joshua 6: The Fall of Jericho
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapter 6. In this passage, we read about the fall of the city of Jericho. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 6, we see that while everyone against God is devoted to destruction, everyone who is devoted to God is destined for life. John 3:16 tells us the same thing “Whoever believes in Jesus will not die but have everlasting life.”
4 min
Joshua 5: The Angel of the Lord
This bible study devotional covers Joshua chapter 5. In this passage, we read about Israel’s preparations for battle and Joshua’s encounter with an Angel of the Lord. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 5 we see that God is neither on Israel’s nor Canaan side, he’s on his own side. But when we worship the Angel of the Lord, who is Jesus, God fights with us.
4 min
Joshua 3-4: Crossing the Jordan
This bible study devotional covers Joshua chapters 3-4. In this passage, we read about Joshua crossing the Jordan River. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 3-4, we see that Joshua is a leader like Moses but also a leader who points us to Jesus.
4 min
Joshua 2: Rahab the Prostitute
This bible study devotional covers Joshua chapter 2. In this passage, we read about a prostitute named Rahab who protects two of Israel’s spies. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 2, we see a prostitute on the wrong side of God’s battle lines becoming a member of God’s family and a mother of Jesus. If that is true of Rahab, it can be true of us as well. Jesus tells his disciples, “whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
4 min
Joshua1: Be Strong and Courageous
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapter 1. In this passage, we read about Joshua taking over the leadership of Israel after Moses’ death. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Joshua 1, we see that God gives Joshua victory in battle because of his faith. Joshua reveals that God always saves and conquers by faith, and that is best seen in Jesus’ conquering over death and sin.
4 min
Psalm 41: Have Mercy On Me O Lord!
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 41. In this psalm, David walks away from God’s word and commands and withers as a result. He’s asking God for mercy. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 41, we see that if we are betrayed, weak, sick, or sinful, we are precisely the type of people God delights to save. When we trust God and his words our withering stops, and Jesus plants us in his presence the way a good gardener would plant a tree by rivers of water.
4 min
Psalm 40: He Set My Feet On A Rock
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 40. In this psalm, David describes his past disobedience as being stuck in a slimy pit, and God’s salvation like being lifted up and given firm footing. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 40 we see that Jesus comes to open our ears, open our eyes, transform our hearts, and bless those who trust him.
4 min
Psalm 39: Show Me How Short My Life Is
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 39. In this psalm, David’s suffering causes him to meditate on the brevity of his life and the futility of his achievements. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 39, we see that on the cross, Jesus was overwhelmed by futility and death and defeated both of them.
3 min
Psalm 38: Come Quickly To My Rescue
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 38. In this psalm, God has disciplined David with sickness. David knows he doesn’t deserve to be healed, but he asks God to be merciful and save him anyway. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 38, we see that if we confess our sins, God will be merciful to forgive us. If we admit we’ve done wrong, God is willing to heal us. And if we confess Jesus as the one who saves by what he did on the cross, we will never be shamed.
4 min
Psalm 37: Do Not Be Anxious
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 37. This psalm is an extended meditation of Psalm 1. In Psalm 1, those who love God’s word are like sturdy trees. But Psalm 37 places alongside this fact that sometimes the wicked are often like sturdy trees too. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 37, we see that while the wicked might prosper for a time, it’s only the righteous who will live forever. Jesus’ faithfulness to death is proof of God’s faithfulness to us and his determination to never see the righteous forsaken.
4 min
Psalm 36: Your Love Reach to the Heavens
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 36. In this psalm, David celebrates both God’s love towards his people and means that God will bring justice against evil. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 36, we see that Jesus’ love reached down from heaven, love animated his life on earth, and love motivated his death for us. And if the Roman empire and death could not hold our loving savior, what wicked person today stands a chance? Like David, we can be confident that God’s love will triumph over evil.
4 min
Psalm 35: Fight Those Who Fight Me
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 35. In this psalm, David wants God to fight for him. He needs God to be like a warrior who brandishes his weapons, rushes into battle, and shouts over the noise, “I am your salvation”! As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 35, we see that, ultimately, David was praying for Jesus to resurrect because, on the cross, Jesus defeated every enemy power, authority, and legal accusation.
3 min
Psalm 34: Taste And See That The Lord Is Good
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 34. In this psalm, David praises the Lord and wants anyone who is suffering to join him. Together, they will celebrate God’s greatness because he knows that God will meet them in their suffering. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 34, we see Jesus is living proof that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and came to save the crushed in spirit.
4 min
Psalm 33: Sing a New Song
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 33. In this psalm, David gives us three reasons why we should praise God: his character, his word, and his plans. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 33, we see that God’s character, word, and plans are most clearly revealed in Jesus!
4 min
Psalm 32: Confess Your Sins to the Lord
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 32. This psalm encourages us to confess our sins so we can experience God’s forgiveness. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 32, we see why there is no reason to fear being vulnerable and admitting our sins to God. Since Jesus lifts away all our guilt and sin, there’s no reason not to confess everything to him!
4 min
Psalm 31: Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 31. David asks God to take away his shame and to deliver him from his enemies. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 31, we see that when we commit our spirits to Jesus, he rescues us from shame, defeats our enemies, and comes near to us in our suffering.
4 min
Psalm 30: Mourning Into Dancing
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 30. This psalm was written for the dedication of the temple when Israel’s waiting and mourning turned to consummation and dancing. But the psalm doesn’t sound like it’s describing a temple, but an individual. And that’s the point. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 30, we see that Jesus is the individual who fulfills the temple. He is the one who turns our mourning into dancing.
4 min
Psalm 29: The Voice of the Lord
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 29. This psalm beautifully and powerfully portrays the voice of the LORD as a mighty force before which everything bows and declares “Glory!” As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 29, we see that Jesus is the powerful voice of the LORD come in the flesh.
4 min
Psalm 28: Aligning Heart and Lips
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 28. This psalm defines the “wicked” as those whose words don’t match their hearts. And David asks God to give the wicked what they deserve. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 28 we see that Jesus was the only one whose heart and lips were perfectly aligned, yet he got what he didn’t deserve to bring our hearts into alignment.
4 min
Psalm 27: Seeking God's Presence
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 27. David is facing adversaries on every side. But his request isn’t just to escape from the presence of his enemies but to escape into the presence of God. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 27, we see that waiting for God’s presence is the only way to escape our enemies. For Jesus was subdued by his enemies all the way to death but won victory over them by waiting for God’s presence even through the grave.
4 min
Psalm 26: Declared Innocent
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 26. Here, David asks God to examine him in order that he might be proven to be innocent in front of his enemies who believe he is guilty. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 26 we see that Jesus declares us innocent and free of guilt when we trust in him.
4 min
Psalm 25: Forgiveness From A-Z
This Bible study devotional covers Psalm 25. This passage is an acrostic poem. It says that even if you can name one sin for every letter of the alphabet God forgives them all from A-Z. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Psalm 25, we see that while our life from A-Z is nothing but a mess of sin and failure, in Jesus, we are new creations—not because we morally performed but because God has determined to make estranged sinners part of his family again.
4 min