Jesus In All Of The Bible

We believe the only path to transformative Bible engagement is to see Jesus and his gospel wherever you are in the story. Through this podcast we will do just that. In just a few minutes, each episode will look at what is happening in the text and how it points to Jesus.

Religion & Spirituality
Numbers 7-8: Living Sacrifices
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 7-8. Here we see 12 days of Israel's obedience followed by a huge moment of sacrifice where all of Israel laid their hands the Levities who were seen as living sacrifices. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 7-8, we see that Jesus is the sacrifice who perfectly obeyed for us, who we can put our hands on and live.
3 min
Numbers 5-6: Purity, Adultery, and the Nazarite...
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 5-6. Here we see a group of laws about maintaining purity in the camp The four topics addressed are uncleanliness, offerings, the test for adultery, and vows - specifically the Nazarite Vow. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 5-6, we see that Jesus heals our uncleanliness, performs our offerings, covers our adultery, and fulfills our vows.
4 min
Numbers 3-4: Redeeming the Firstborn
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 3-4. Here we see another census. But, this time, only the firstborn males are counted. This is so they can be redeemed by the Levites who would take their place in service of God's tent. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 3-4, we see that Jesus is the one who redeems, not just the firstborn, but all people who put their faith in him.
3 min
Numbers 1:47-2: Arranging the Camp
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers 1:47-2. Here we read about how God wanted the tribes of Israel arranged in the camp so that everything centers around his presence. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 1:47-2, we see that Jesus is the one who does not organize us around his presence but brings us into his presence.
3 min
Numbers 1:1-46: The Census
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers 1:1-1:46. Here we find the census which famously gives the book its name. But there is so much more happening here than just counting. We are seeing the downpayment on the countless descendants God promised Abraham. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 1:1-1:46, we see that Jesus is the one from whom Abraham's countless descendants come.
4 min
Leviticus 26-27: Sevenfold Punishment
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 26-27. Here we get a glimpse into Israel's future. They will rebel against God and God will punish them sevenfold for their sins. But God also extends them the hope of forgiveness and restoration after this punishment. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 26-27, we see how Jesus bore our sevenfold punishment in order to bring us sevenfold blessing.
3 min
Leviticus 25: The Year of Jubilee
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapter 25. Here we learn about the Sabbatical year and the Year of Jubilee. These mega-Sabbath rest years were meant to be times of freedom, cancelation of debt, and fresh starts for the people of Israel and their land. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 25, we see that Jesus brings the final and full Year of Jubilee, called the Year of the Lord's Favor, in this death, burial, and resurrection.
3 min
Leviticus 23-24: Holy Time
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 23-24. Here we learn about the seven festivals Israel is told hold each year: Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of Weeks, The Day of Solemn Rest, The Day of Atonement, The Feast of Booths, and the Rest Day After Booths. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 23-24, we see how Jesus fulfills everyone of these feasts, festivals, rest days, and sacrifices.
4 min
Leviticus 21-22: Spotless Priests and Sacrifices
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 21-22. Here we see that neither priests nor offerings with blemishes or deformities were allowed to be a part of the sacrifices prescribed in Leviticus. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 21-22, we see that Jesus is the perfect priest and the spotless sacrifice that makes a way for us to draw near to God.
3 min
Leviticus 19-20: Be Holy As I Am Holy
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 19-20. Here we find the famous and repeated phrase, "Be holy as I, the LORD, am holy." We learn that God's holy law not only communicates how we can be holy, it also tells us what characteristics God has that makes him holy. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 19-20, we see that Jesus carried out God's holy law perfectly because he is holy God himself. And we see that through Jesus' death and resurrection, we can be made holy just as God is holy.
3 min
Leviticus 17-18: Blood and Sex
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 17-18. Here we learn about God command not to eat blood and how sex and marriage should operate in his holy society. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 17-18, we see why Jesus commanded his blood be drunk even though Leviticus forbids it. We also see how our sexual relationships mirror Jesus' relationship to his church.
3 min
Leviticus 16: The Day of Atonement
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapter 16. Here we learn about the extremely important Day of Atonement. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 16, we see that Jesus brought the full and final Day of Atonement for all people when he died for their sins on the cross.
3 min
Leviticus 12-15: Leprosy, Blood, and Uncleanliness
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 12-15. Here we learn about how the priests were to treat people with unclean conditions like leprosy or discharges of blood. The main thing to notice is that people with unclean conditions could not come near the presence of God. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 12-15, we see that Jesus comes to us while we are still unclean in order to make us clean and bring us into his presence.
4 min
Leviticus 11: Clean & Unclean Animals
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapter 11. Here we read about God's command that Israel refrain from eating unclean animals, and only eat the animals he has called clean. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 11, we see that Jesus overturned this command in order to show that no one should be called unclean. This was God's way of showing that all nations, not only "clean" Israel, are to be included in his people.
4 min
Leviticus 8-10: Nadab & Abihu
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 8-10. Here we see Aaron, the high priest, obeying God by offering all the sacrifices prescribed in Exodus and Leviticus. However, we also see his sons, Nadab and Abihu, breaking these prescriptions to their own destruction. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 8-10, we see that Jesus is the only perfect high priest who never fails to make the right sacrifice and intercession for us.
4 min
Leviticus 6:8-7: Fire & Food
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 6:8-7. Here we learn about the perpetual fire on the altar and the priest's most holy food. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 6:8-7, we see that Jesus rescues us from the only other perpetual fire described in the Bible and also makes us holy by giving us the true holy food of his body on the cross.
4 min
Leviticus 5:14-6:7: The Guilt Offering
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 5:14-6:7. Here we see the provision of the guilt offering which both rids the worshipper of guilt, but also provides reparations to the offended party. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 5:14-6:7, we see that Jesus the perfect guilt offering who makes us acceptable before God, while also making all broken things 100% new.
3 min
Leviticus 4-5:13: The Sin Offering
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 4-5:13. Here we learn about the sin offering, or as it might also be called the "de-sin" offering. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 4-5:13, we see that Jesus is the final sin offering that rids us of guilt, cleanses the temple of our bodies, and brings our atonement all the way into God's presence.
3 min
Leviticus 1-3: The Sacrificial System
This Bible study devotional covers Leviticus chapters 1-3. Here we find details about Israel's sacrificial system, particularly the burnt offering, grain offering, and peace offering. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Leviticus 1-3, we see that Jesus is the burnt offering that makes atonement, the grain offering that sustains us, and the peace offering by which we commune with God.
4 min
Exodus 35-40: Building The Tabernacle
This Bible study devotional covers Exodus chapters 35-40. Here we see Israel building the tabernacle as God commanded, but Moses is not able to enter in. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Exodus 35-40, we see that Jesus gives us his spirit to make us obedient recipients of his presence, like new tabernacles.
3 min
Exodus 32-34: The Calf and Cleft
This Bible study devotional covers Exodus chapters 32-34. Here we find famous stories like the Golden Calf and Moses seeing God through the cleft of the rock. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Exodus 32-34, we see that Jesus is the true image of God whose glory Moses glimpsed on the mountain.
4 min
Exodus 30-31: Final Tabernacle Instructions
This Bible study devotional covers Exodus chapters 30-31. Here we see the last few items for the tabernacle described, along with a census and tax that will make their construction possible. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Exodus 30-31, we see that the scope of what Jesus accomplished on the cross fulfills every facet of the tabernacle and all its pieces.
3 min
Exodus 28-29: Building The Tabernacle
This Bible study devotional covers Exodus chapters 35-40. Here we see Israel building the tabernacle as God commanded, but Moses is not able to enter in. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Exodus 35-40, we see that Jesus gives us his spirit to make us obedient recipients of his presence, like new tabernacles.
3 min
Exodus 25-27: Tabernacle Plans
This Bible study devotional covers Exodus chapters 25-27. Here, God lays out his plans for the tabernacle in which he will dwell with his people. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Exodus 25-27, we see that Jesus is the final tabernacle in which God dwells and through whom God opened up a way into his presence.
3 min
Exodus 21-24: Social Laws
This Bible study devotional covers Exodus chapters 21-24. Here we see God’s desire for justice and equity in the first parts of the Law expanding on the Ten Commandments. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Exodus 21-24, we see that Jesus perfectly embodies God’s desire for justice and is transforming those who believe in him into that same embodiment.
3 min