Jesus In All Of The Bible

We believe the only path to transformative Bible engagement is to see Jesus and his gospel wherever you are in the story. Through this podcast we will do just that. In just a few minutes, each episode will look at what is happening in the text and how it points to Jesus.

Religion & Spirituality
Mark 2:18-3:12: Lord of the Sabbath
This Bible study devotional covers Mark chapters 2:18-3:12. In this passage, we read about Jesus offending the Pharisees and their interpretation of Scripture, especially concerning the Sabbath. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Mark 2:18-3:12, we see that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, not only because of who he is as the God who instituted it, but because he is the one who provides full and final Sabbath rest to all who believe in him.
3 min
Mark 1:20-2:17: Jesus Takes Our Place
This Bible study devotional covers Mark chapters 1:20-2:17. In this passage, we read about Jesus reaching out to outcasts like lepers and tax collectors. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Mark 1:20-2:17, we see that Jesus heals us and brings us close to God, not just by coming to us, but by taking our place.
3 min
Mark 1:1-1:20: The Kingdom is Here
This Bible study devotional covers Mark chapter 1:1-1:20. In this passage, we read about Jesus’ baptism, Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness, and Jesus’ proclamation that the Kingdom of Heaven has come. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Mark 1:1-1:20, we see that Jesus is inaugurating a new kingdom by taking a throne, not through power, but through suffering on a cross.
4 min
Matthew 27:62-28: Jesus' Resurrection
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 27:62-28. In this passage we read about Jesus’ resurrection and what we call the Great Commission. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 27:62-28, we see that Jesus conquered death for us so that he can be with us always, both now and when he returns.
3 min
Matthew 27:11-27:61: Jesus' Crucifixion
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 27:11-27:61. In this passage we read about the crucifixion of Jesus. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 27:11-27:61, we see that Jesus’ death frees us from death, gives us access to God, and extends the offer of salvation to all nations.
3 min
Matthew 26-27:10: Perfume And Passover
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 26-27:10. In this passage we read about two meals. At one meal, Jesus is prepared for burial by a radical sacrifice of perfume. At another, Jesus shows how he fulfills the Passover feast in what we now call the Lord’s Supper, Communion, or the Eucharist. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 26-27:10, we see that Jesus went to the cross and the grave so that he could be the final Passover lamb that saves us from the wrath of God.
3 min
Matthew 24-25: End Time Prophesies
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapters 24-25. In this passage we read about Jesus’ prediction about the temple’s destruction which, for his Jewish followers, would have been equated to the end of the world. Also, woven into this discussion are Jesus’ commands on how we should act knowing his return, at the end of the age, is imminent. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 24-25, we see that because Jesus could predict the destruction of the temple because when the temple of his body was destroyed on the cross he made an earthly temple unnecessary. We are now the temple of God, inhabited by the Holy Spirit.
3 min
Matthew 21-23: Beware Of Religion
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapters 21-23. In this passage we read about Jesus’ constant run-ins with the Pharisees and the woes pronounced against them. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 21-23, we see that trusting in Jesus and believing he is the Messiah is the only sure-fire way to escape the religion of the Pharisees.
3 min
Matthew 19-20: The Rich Young Ruler
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapters 19-20. In this passage we read several stories about Jesus’ grace and servant heart. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 19-20, we see that because Jesus does the good work to earn eternal life for us. This may seem impossible for anyone else, but with God, all things are possible.
3 min
Matthew 18: Status, Sheep, And Servants
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 18. In this passage we see who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven and why God is the greatest of all because of his love and forgiveness. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 18, we see that Jesus took the highest place in God’s Kingdom by being a servant to all to save his sheep from an inescapable fate.
3 min
Matthew 17:14-17:27: Taxes To Caesar
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 17:14-17:27. In this passage we read about two “son” related stories: Jesus healing the epileptic boy and Jesus being questioned about who should pay taxes to Caesar and the temple. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 17:14-17:27, we see that because Jesus has adopted us into God’s family, we are free in so many wonderful ways.
3 min
Matthew 16:13-17:13: Who Is Jesus?
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 16:13-17:13. In this passage we hear Jesus ask his disciples who they say he is. We also hear him say that since he is the Messiah, he must suffer and die. In this passage, we also see Jesus transfigured in glory. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 16:13-17:13, we see that Jesus is the promised Messiah who is God’s Son, shining in glory. Yet, we also see, that he also had to die on a cross in order to fulfill everything God had promised to do.
4 min
Matthew 15-16:12: Jesus Feeds 4,000 Gentiles
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 15-16:12. In this passage we read about Jesus miraculously feeding over 4,000 Gentiles. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 15-16:12, we see a sign that Jesus is bringing perfect and full salvation, not just for every tribe of Israel, but for every nation on earth.
3 min
Matthew 14: Jesus Feeds 5,000 Jews
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 14. In this passage we read about Jesus feeding 5,000 Jewish men with only five loaves of bread and two fish. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 14, we see that this miracle points to how Jesus’ provision is better than Moses’, and how his authority is greater than John the Baptist’s.
3 min
Matthew 13: Kingdom Parables
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 13. In this passage we hear several parables about the Kingdom of Heaven that point to one central theme - the Kingdom is hidden. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 13, we see that Jesus reveals himself to his own people, making known to them the greatest treasure - himself.
3 min
Matthew 12: Jesus And The Sabbath
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 12. In this passage we read about the religious leaders' accusations against Jesus - that he is breaking the Sabbath. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 12, we see that Jesus fulfills the true meaning of the Sabbath by providing us with eternal and daily rest in him.
3 min
Matthew 11: Is Jesus The Messiah?
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 11. In this passage we read about John’s disciples asking Jesus if he is the Messiah, or if they should wait for another one. Jesus answers by pointing to how he is healing the sick and proclaiming good news to the poor. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 11, we see that Jesus fulfills the role of the promised Messiah by healing our deepest sickness - sin - and giving us the good news that he will conquer death.
3 min
Matthew 10: Jesus Sends The Disciples
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 10. In this passage we read about Jesus sending his disciples to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 10, we see that Jesus offers salvation to anyone who receives his news, but just punishment for those who reject it.
3 min
Matthew 8-9: Healing and Authority
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapters 8-9. In this passage we read about Jesus’ healing ministry and his authority over even the weather. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 8-9, we see that Jesus shows his power and authority to heal in order to point out the bigger miracle of healing he would do in his death and resurrection.
3 min
Matthew 5-7: Sermon On The Mount
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapters 5-7. In this passage we read about Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount.As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 5-7, we see that Jesus not only properly defined and interpreted the Law of Moses, he fulfilled it for us.
3 min
Matthew 4: Jesus' Temptation
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 4. In this passage we read about Jesus’ temptation by Satan in the wilderness. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 4, we see that Jesus triumphs over temptation at the same place where Israel fell under it, thus earning us a way to defeat sin and Satan forever.
3 min
Matthew 3: Jesus' Baptism
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew chapter 3. In this passage we read about John the Baptist and the time he baptized Jesus. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 3, we see that Jesus is the promised deliverer spoken of by the prophets who identifies with us so he can bear our sin.
3 min
Matthew 1:18-2:23: Jesus' Genealogy
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 1:18-2:23. In this passage we read about Jesus’ birth and how it maps on to the story of Moses, Israel, and the Exodus. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 1:18-2:23, we see that Jesus succeeds where Moses and Israel failed in order to bring a full and final exodus for us out of sin and death.
3 min
Matthew 1:1-17: Genealogy
This Bible study devotional covers Matthew 1:1-1:17. In this passage Matthew lists out Jesus’ genealogy, highlighting his connection to both Abraham and David. As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Matthew 1:1-1:17, we see that Jesus fulfills the covenants made to both Abraham and David as their promised descendent.
3 min
Deuteronomy 31-34: Moses Dies
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 31-34. In this passage we see the last words of Moses followed by his death outside the promised land. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 31-34, we see that Jesus is the new prophet like Moses who brings us into the full and final promised land.
3 min