Jesus In All Of The Bible

We believe the only path to transformative Bible engagement is to see Jesus and his gospel wherever you are in the story. Through this podcast we will do just that. In just a few minutes, each episode will look at what is happening in the text and how it points to Jesus.

Religion & Spirituality
Deuteronomy 29-30: New Hearts
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 29-30. In this passage we learn that Israel will disobey God and be driven out from the land because God has not yet given them the heart they need to keep his law. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 29-30, we see that Jesus keeps the law for us and gives us the heart we need to obey it as well.
3 min
Deuteronomy 26-28: Blessings and Curses
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 26-28. In this passage we see the blessings and curses that God promises to give to Israel based on their obedience or disobedience of his law. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 26-28, we see that Jesus became the curse we deserved for us so that he could extend to us all the blessings we would have never received.
4 min
Deuteronomy 23-25: Purity and Presence
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 23-25. In this passage we hear about how necessary it is for Israel to keep their camp pure. Why was purity in the camp so necessary? Because God's presence was with them. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 23-25, we see that Jesus brings both God's purity and presence. He becomes present with us before we purify ourselves, and then purifies us so we can bring his presence to the world.
3 min
Deuteronomy 21-22: The Value of Life
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 21-22. In this passage we see a large list of laws and commands that may be best summed up by the idea of the value God gives to life. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 21-22, we see that Jesus gave life its fullest value by letting his own life be taken so that he might transform us into people who act with dignity and value.
3 min
Deuteronomy 19-20: Eye For An Eye
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 19-20. In this passage we encounter laws about justice. Particularly laws pertaining to murder, lying, stealing, and coveting. It is also here that we see the famous phrase - an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 19-20, we see that Jesus fulfills both sides of justice for us. He takes the eye for eye punishment our law breaking requires and turns us into law. keepers who can enact justice in our world.
4 min
Deuteronomy 16:18-18: Judge, King, Priest, & Pr...
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 16:18-18. In this passage we hear about four leadership positions in Israel: Judge, King, Priest, and Prophet. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 16:18-18, we see that Jesus perfectly fulfills all of these roles for us today.
4 min
Deuteronomy 15-16:17: Sabboth
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 15-16:17. In this passage we hear more details about how to obey the command for Sabbath rest, including yearly festivals. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 15-16:17, we see that Jesus provides us with full and final Sabbath rest that we can abide in every hour of every day.
4 min
Deuteronomy 14: Unclean Animals & Tithes
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapter 14. In this passage we hear God's commands about food. This covers both the distinction between clean and unclean animals as well as laws about tithes. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 14, we see that Jesus destroys the dividing wall between the clean and unclean, giving us a way to turn every meal into a thankful celebration before him.
4 min
Deuteronomy 12-13: Idol Worship
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 12-13. In this passage we see God's three-step program for how Israel can keep the first two of the Ten Commandments. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 12-13, we see that Jesus fulfills all three ways God wants his people to resist false gods by conquering the power behind them in his death and resurrection.
4 min
Deuteronomy 9-11: Circumcise Your Hearts
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 9-11. In this passage God tells Israel that he did not save them because of their own righteousness. After all, their fathers were the ones who built and worshipped the golden calf. God tells Israel they need to circumcise their hearts. But how can they do this? As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 9-11, we see that Jesus does not save us today because of our righteousness. In fact, he saves sinners like us by his righteousness. Further, Jesus completes the inner circumcision of the heart through the Holy Spirit.
3 min
Deuteronomy 6-8: Love God
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 6-8. In this passage we hear the famous "Shema": "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Loving God is at the center of the Law. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 6-8, we see that Jesus fulfilled this love perfectly by dying for us on the cross. He then commissions us to love God and love others as he loved us.
4 min
Deuteronomy 4-5: 10 Commandments Repeated
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 4-5. In this passage Moses recounts what happened to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai, including the giving of the 10 Commandments. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 4-5, we see that Jesus also repeated these commands, but ratcheted them up both in their demands on our hearts, but also in his willingness to fulfill them on our behalf.
3 min
Deuteronomy 1-3: Remember and Obey
This Bible study devotional covers Deuteronomy chapters 1-3. In this passage we hear the opening of Moses' speech which he gave to Israel before entering the Promised Land. The main point of this section is Moses' insistence that the people remember God's past faithfulness. If they do, they will be properly motivated to obey him out of love. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Deuteronomy 1-3, we see that Jesus is gives us an even better story of God's faithfulness to look back on - his death and resurrection. This leads us to love him deeply and obey him joyfully. Ultimately, the result of this remembrance, love, and obedience will be entering the full and final promised land of the New Heavens and New Earth.
3 min
Numbers 35-36: Cities of Refuge
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 35-36. Here we read about cities in the Promised Land. They are all to be surrounded by a patch of land for the Levites. Further, cities of refuge are to be set up for those who commit accidental murders to flee. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 35-36, we see that Jesus is the city of refuge to which we can flee.
4 min
Numbers 33-34: Israel's Travelogue
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 33-34. Here we read a recap of Israel's journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 33-34, we see that Jesus has a new travelogue for the church. It is not about getting God's people into the Promised Land, but taking God's people out from the Promised Land to cover the face of the earth.
4 min
Numbers 31-32: Holy War
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 31-32. Here God commands the younger generation of Israel to go to war against the Moabites. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 31-32, we see that Jesus won the final war over sin and death so that, instead of treating us like the Moabites, he could dwell with us like Israel.
3 min
Numbers 28-30: Holy Time
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 28-30. Here we read about the sacrifices and festivals Israel is to keep once they enter the promised land. This is done to orient themselves around God using holy time. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 28-30, we see that Jesus' Gospel is the new catalytic event around which all our space and time is to be oriented.
3 min
Numbers 25-27: The Second Census
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 25-27. Here we see a changing of the guard from the older generation to the younger in the final plague stopped by Phinehas and in the taking of a second census. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 25-27, we see that Jesus is the only faithful one who stops the plagues like Phinehas who also extends to us the secured promises given to the younger generation.
3 min
Numbers 22-24: Balaam
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 22-24. Here we read about the pagan prophet Balaam and the blessings he spoke of Israel despite the King of Moab's attempts to have them cursed. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 22-24, we see that Jesus is the one who speaks a blessing to us when all we have earned is a curse.
3 min
Numbers 20-21: The Bronze Serpent
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 20-21. Here we read about Moses and Aaron disobeying God, the start of the younger generation's success, and the story of the famous bronze serpent. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 20-21, we see that Jesus is the rock that was struck to provide us with living water and the one who was lifted up like the bronze serpent to save our lives.
4 min
Number 17-19: Aaron's Staff Buds
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 17-19. Here we read about Israel questioning God's choice of Aaron as the high priest and the miraculous budding of his lifeless staff that proved his standing. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 17-19, we see that Jesus is the final high priest whose standing was proven in the budding of his resurrection from the lifeless grave.
3 min
Numbers 15-16: Korah's Rebellion
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 15-16. Here we see the Levites rebel against Moses' leadership and suffer the consequences for their lack of faith. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 15-16, we see that Jesus is the leader, the representative, we are called upon to trust. And if we do, he will stand between the living and the dead, to provide us a way out of the punishment we deserve.
4 min
Numbers 13-14: Spies in Canaan
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 13-14. Here we see Israel refuse to enter the land of Canaan after 12 spies are sent in to survey the land. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 13-14, we see that Jesus extends the same offer to us as was extended to the Israelites on the border of Canaan - to enter into his rest. All we have to do is trust that he has done everything necessary in his death and resurrection to bring us into the final promised land of the New Heaven and the New Earth.
3 min
Numbers 10:11-12: The Cycle of Sin
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 10:11-12. Here we see the beginnings of the cycle of sin which will stretch thought the book of Numbers: commands, disobedience, punishment, and intercession. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 10:11-12, we see that Jesus fulfills our commands, obeys where we didn't, bears our punishment, and intercedes for us.
4 min
Numbers 9-10: Living Sacrifices
This Bible study devotional covers Numbers chapters 9-10:10. Here we see the Exodus story repeated through the Passover, the cloud, and trumpets. As always, we are committed to showing you how Jesus fulfills these specific passages. In Numbers 9-10:10, we see that Jesus fulfills the Exodus story in an even greater way by being our passover lamb, dwelling with us, and calling us home.
3 min