Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Anal...

No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Head to for more analysis.

News Commentary
The O'Reilly Update, October 18, 2019
13 min
The Real Story About Poverty in the USA; White ...
The truth about poverty in America—what the Democratic candidates aren’t telling you. Plus, White House meeting on Syria turns to chaos after top Democrats left the meeting claiming President Trump had a ‘meltdown’.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 17, 2019
13 min
Biden Dodges Questions; Beto Tries To Insult Bi...
Joe Biden Refuses To Directly Answer Questions About His Son's Dealings In Ukraine. Plus, Beto O'Rourke Attempts To Take Bill Down Via Twitter.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 16, 2019
13 min
The Impeachment Race; Beto O'Rourke Relying On ...
The race for impeachment continues to heat up—why? Because impeachment must get done before John Durham’s report. Plus, Beto O’Rourke threatens tax-exempt states of churches that do not support gay marriage.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 15, 2019
13 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 11, 2019
13 min
Impeachment Polls are Simply a Ruse; Facebook S...
More polls showing support for impeachment on the rise – but are all of these polls even worth noting? Plus, Facebook will not bow to Joe Biden’s request and will allow the Trump advertisement on Ukraine corruption to run.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 10, 2019
13 min
White House Won’t Comply with Impeachment Inqui...
The White House has told House Democrats it will not comply with demands for documents and testimony in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry—signaling they are prepared to fight this. Plus, Elizabeth Warren becomes Democratic presidential front-runner – what exactly would a Warren run America look like?
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 9, 2019
11 min
The End of Adam Schiff’s Credibility; Ellen DeG...
The end of Adam Schiff’s credibility and why now the whole impeachment push is in trouble. Plus, Ellen DeGeneres stands up to the Twitter mob.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 8, 2019
13 min
The Impeachment Circus; Bernie Sander's Is Fini...
The two sides of this impeachment push. Plus,
8 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 7, 2019
11 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 4, 2019
13 min
The Whistleblower’s Wild Ride; Trump/Biden Squa...
Looks like Adam Schiff knew about the whistleblower’s complaint before it was filed. Plus, Biden responds to Trump’s remarks calling him and his son corrupt.
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 3, 2019
13 min
President Trump Gets Angry and Rightfully So
Analyzing how President Trump has handled the latest controversy surrounding his Presidency. Plus, Is 'The United States of Trump' being suppressed by political ideologs?
8 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 2, 2019
11 min
Impeachment Mania Continues; The Media Loves El...
Impeachment latest: can the Senate decline to try an impeachment case? Plus, the media give Senator Warren softball questions.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, October 1, 2019
13 min
Here We Go Again: Ukraine just a Repeat of the ...
Here we go again, Ukraine scandal is just like Russian collusion. When will the Dems give up? Plus, Bill’s final thought: the United States is now almost a one party system—due to the media allying with the Democrat.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 30, 2019
11 min