Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Anal...

No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Head to for more analysis.

News Commentary
Kamala Harris Lies About Condoning Offensive La...
Kamala Harris backtracks on her response to a man at her rally in New Hampshire. Plus, Marijuana uses rapidly increasing at America’s colleges
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 9, 2019
13 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 6, 2019
13 min
Reaction To CNN's Climate Change Town Hall; Opr...
CNN held a 7 hour town hall with numerous Democratic presidential candidates. It was as outrageous as you’d expect—Bill’s take on climate change and what SHOULD happen. Plus, Oprah Winfrey is launching a new wellness arena tour for early 2020.
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 5, 2019
13 min
Crazy New California Law; ‘Will and Grace’ Star...
California Governor Gavin Newsom signs bill allowing citizens to refuse to help a police officer—the state of California is gone for good. Plus, NBC star Eric McCormack has now backtracked his statement on calling out Trump donors in Hollywood.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 4, 2019
13 min
Will The IG Report Put James Comey In Hot Water...
A breakdown of the findings of the IG report and a look at what is to come next. Plus, The media attacks President Trump’s Labor Day Weekend plans and uses Hurricane Dorian for political gain.
8 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 3, 2019
13 min
Bill's Labor Day Message To All
Bill has a special Labor Day message to all. Listen as Bill reminisces over his past jobs and gives a sneak peak at what is to come here on
17 min
No Spin Coverage of The Culture War & Campus Ma...
Listen to Bill's no spin analysis of the The Culture War & Campus Madness In America.
18 min
Best Of Bill's Analysis Of The 2020 Democratic ...
Listen to Bill's no spin analysis of the 2020 Democratic Candidates.
22 min
Best Of No Spin Interviews
Listen to some of the best no spin interviews with Bill from this summer.
21 min
Best Of Bill On The Radio
Listen to the best of Bill on the radio. With his guest spots on Hannity, Beck and more.
21 min
The O'Reilly Update, August 23, 2019
13 min
Media Pundits Escalate Trump Racist Rhetoric; W...
The anti-Semitic rhetoric escalates to media pundits comparing President Trump to a Nazi—Bill predicted this would be coming. Plus, Where would Bill move to if Socialism overthrew Capitalism
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, August 22, 2019
13 min
President Trump’s Comments On Jewish Voters Spa...
President Trump under scrutiny for comments on Jewish voters – defending the state of Israel from the two radical Congresswomen. Plus, Columbia U urges ‘resistance’ to ‘mean and small-minded’ Trump policies—how is that creating an inclusive environment?
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, August 21, 2019
13 min
Analysis on 3 Active FBI Investigations; Kamala...
The FBI is under scrutiny with three active investigations into the Russia investigation. Plus, California Senator, Kamala Harris, was a co-sponsor of Medicare For All, now she says it just won't work.
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, August 20, 2019
13 min
The Media Is Still Pursuing A Recession; Latest...
The White House offers reassurance amid recession fears as members of the press and 2020 Democratic candidates hope for a recession. Plus, Nearly a million people protested in Hong Kong for the 11th consecutive weekend in a row—how will Beijing respond?
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, August 19, 2019
13 min
The O'Reilly Update, August 16, 2019
13 min
Philadelphia Cop Shooting; President Trump Retw...
Suspect in custody after six officers hurt in hours-long Philadelphia standoff—suspect has extensive criminal record—why is he not in prison? Plus, Bill’s new column, ‘The New Loch Ness Monster’ has gotten the President’s attention.
10 min