Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Anal...

No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Head to for more analysis.

News Commentary
The O'Reilly Update, September 27, 2019
13 min
Will Democrats Seriously Attempt To Impeach Pre...
Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire has testified – here’s what you should take away from that testimony and this entire situation. Plus, What are the political ramifications of Joe Biden's involvement with Ukraine?
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 26, 2019
13 min
Ukraine Call Transcript Released—The Political ...
As promised by President Trump, the Ukraine phone call has been released and of course, the media has used it to simply create more strife in the nation. Plus, San Francisco residents are using boulders to keep out homeless tents.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 25, 2019
13 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 24, 2019
13 min
Joe Biden's Ukraine Controversy; Bernie Sanders...
Is Joe Biden going to regret the actions he has taken against the Ukrainian Government? Plus, Bernie Sanders reveals his new plan to rid Americans of medical debt.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 23, 2019
13 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 20, 2019
13 min
Trump’s Plan to Combat San Fran’s Homeless Cris...
President Trump slams San Francisco for homelessness crisis, says EPA will cite the city for pollution. Plus, A new Fox News poll breaks down where the Democratic candidates sit in the eyes of the public and which issues will be the main focus of 2020.
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 19, 2019
13 min
Protesting President Trump’s California Trip; W...
President Trump travels to California for fundraisers around the state—but not without a number of protests along the way from far left loons. Plus, Even after Elizabeth Warren drew a crowd of 20,000 in NYC— a new Siena College poll shows Joe Biden leads in New York State
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 18, 2019
12 min
Iran Rules Out Talks with U.S.; The Far-Left Co...
Iran’s Supreme Leader has ruled out talks with U.S. on all levels. Plus, The Democrats plans for America will Leave this country
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 17, 2019
13 min
Saudi-Arabia Drone Incident; The NYT No Longer ...
Another act of terror committed over the weekend, this one on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities. How will the Trump administration react? Plus, The New York Times has backtracked a story revealing new accusations against Brett Kavanaugh and 2020 Democratic candidates were quick to call for impeachment. 
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 16, 2019
13 min
O’Reilly Grades the Dem Debate: Trump Wins the ...
Grading the Democratic candidates after their big debate—Trump is the winner. The big losers? The ABC moderators.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 13, 2019
13 min
SCOTUS Gives Trump a Border Win; Bill Will Be L...
The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Trump administration – voting to allow the barring of asylum seekers while legal fight continues. Plus, Bill Previews his strategy for his live-tweeting during the Democratic Debate.
10 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 12, 2019
13 min
The Danger of Elizabeth Warren; Bill's Reflects...
Is Elizabeth Warren a dangerous person? Plus, Bill remembers the tragic Events of 9/11.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 11, 2019
13 min
The State Of The American Economy Under Preside...
American’s income remained flat in 2018 after three straight years of growth—another reason President Trump must pivot quickly to regain momentum. Plus, New Orleans Saints Quarterback, Drew Brees, is facing the wrath of the Twitter Mobs after promoting national bring your bible to school day.
9 min
The O'Reilly Update, September 10, 2019
13 min