Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life struggles like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and creating a morning ritual.

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
BONUS- Bedtime Meditation
<p>Surprise! It’s a bonus episode episode! This bonus episode is a full track from the new Meditations For Sleep album. This bedtime meditation will help you relax after a long day and lull yourself into a long and peaceful sleep. This is one of 10 newly recorded and created sleep meditations from the full album.
12 min
Breath Meditation
<p>In this week’s episode Kelly walks you through a 10 minute breath meditation. Breath awareness meditation is one of the most popular forms of meditation. kelly has walked you through how to do it and help you relax and unwind by following your breath
9 min
Happy Heart Meditation
<p>This week’s episode is a happy heart meditation. Let go of negativity and fill yourself up with happiness. This meditation is inspired by the small things in life that bring you so much joy. Harness that joy and seal it into your heart with this week’s meditation.
13 min
True Self Yoga Nidra
<p>Kelly is doing something new in this week’s episode. She is sharing her favorite practice Yoga Nidra. This is a long guided mediation that helps you to peel back the layers of your being and come to the true self where you then will set an intention that will continue to grow after the practice&nbsp;</p>
24 min
Insomnia Meditation
<p>Find yourself waking up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep? Not anymore! This guided meditation is designed for those exact times. When you wake up in the middle of the night and your mind is too busy, or you’re feeling restless, or you are worried or stressed use this meditation&nbsp;</p><p>Unlock this episode and all old episodes by ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- <a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p>Learn more about these offerings and all YFY offerings at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
16 min
Guided Walking Meditation
Join Kelly on a guided walking meditation. You can either lace up your shoes, take your headphones and head outside for the meditation that tells you how to do a walking meditation and walks you through the first ten minutes, or you can take your usual meditation position and imagine what your walk would be
10 min
Unwind From The Day Meditation
Unwind from a stressful day with this 12 minute meditation. Relax your body, mind, and heart and release your stressful and chaotic day behind you.
13 min
Present Moment Meditation
<p>Welcome back! Today we are starting season 2 of the Mindful in Minutes Podcast! Join Kelly for a present moment meditation that helps you to truly be present in this moment and not be thrown into the future or pulled into the past, but to be here and be grateful for the gift of each moment.
11 min
Body Acceptance Meditation
<p>This week’s meditation is one designed to help you accept and love your body exactly the way that it is. This is a personal gratitude practice that Kelly uses when she is not feeling confident in her body or needs a boost of body acceptance. In this meditation you go through all of your body part and send them love and acceptance.</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
13 min
Self-Healing Meditation
<p>This week’s meditation is a special release of one of the days in the Balanced and Beautiful Life Course that starts on June 1st. Kelly leads you through a meditation that helps you to heal yourself. This is a longer meditation and is designed to help you physically recover and rebuild all parts of your body and mind.</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
25 min
Surrender Meditation
<p>This week’s episode is a surrender meditation to help you let go of control and trust the greater plan at play. It is a guided imagery where you can relax, unwind, and just enjoy the experience.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
13 min
Meditation For Sleep
<p>This week’s meditation is one that was voted by the Yoga For You instagram followers. Help yourself ease into sleep with this relaxing meditation that will lull you to sleep. The first 8 minutes is a spoken meditation, followed by 5 more minutes of relaxing music. Unpack your day, and get ready to sleep like a baby.</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
12 min
Fear Meditation
<p>We have all experienced fear. It’s something that we experience almost every day on a small scale, or perhaps a large scale. This week’s meditation is one to help you over come your fears and move past them. Kelly walks you through a guided meditation that helps you confront your fears and overcome them.</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
12 min
Joyful Heart Meditation
<p>This week’s episode is a joyful heart meditation. This meditation is for times when you feel like your heart is being weighed down, or it’s not as joyful as you would like. No mater where you are in life your heart could always use some more joy. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and get ready to find your joy.</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
11 min
SOS Anxiety Meditation
<p>This meditation is for those times when anxiety begins to creep into your life. When you need something to help you calm down, and try to keep your anxiety at bay or maybe just turn down the volume on your anxiety this meditation is for you. This is a meditation requested by one of our listeners.</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
14 min
Renewal Meditation
<p>This week’s meditation is inspired by the changing of the seasons from winter to spring. This meditation will help you leave behind your dormant and old self and bloom into your new self. This is a meditation for life renewal.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
12 min
Self-Love Meditation
<p>In this week’s meditation Kelly helps you cultivate self-love and compassion. Self-love is hard, and we are often very critical of ourselves. This meditation is adapted from an exercise that Kelly does with her one-on-one clients when they are working with self-love and acceptance.</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
17 min
Stress Relief Meditation
<p>In this week’s meditation Kelly helps you release stress and find relaxation. This is a guided visualization to a tropical oasis that will let your stress away and leave you still and peaceful.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
10 min
Courage Meditation
<p>This week’s meditation is all about courage! Summon your courage and cultivate bravery in your life with this short guided meditation.&nbsp;</p><p>The joyFULL life yoga and meditation retreat info-&nbsp;https://www.wetravel.com/trips/joyfull-life-yoga-retreat-with-kelly-smith-adzenture-retreats-iceland-94536633&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
14 min
Stillness Meditation
<p>This week’s meditation is one that helps you find stillness in your body, mind, and heart. It is designed to allow you to cultivate stillness even if there is chaos going on around you. This meditation is great for anyone who wants more stillness, calm, and peace in their busy lives.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/free-7-day-meditation-challenge" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Join the 7-day free meditation challenge</a></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Learn more about Kelly and Yoga For You at www.yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
14 min
Forgiveness Meditation
<p>This week’s meditation is one for forgiveness. When we choose not to forgive we are only harming ourselves, but forgiveness can be easier said than today. This week Kelly has designed a meditation that helps you to forgive those in your past that have harmed you and also forgive yourself for mistakes you have made.</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Support Mindful in Minutes</strong></u></p><p><u>Join MIM on Patreon here</u></p><p>-Get monthly bonus meditations and live practices, plus all episodes add free and intro free plus other perks on Patreon</p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Minutes-Meditation-Practices-Connection/dp/076038214X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I4QFCZ5XATDN&amp;keywords=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minutes&amp;qid=1678305314&amp;sprefix=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minute%2Caps%2C102&amp;sr=8-1">Order Kelly's Book here</a></p><p><u><strong>Meditation TT</strong></u></p><p>40-Hour Meditation Teacher Training is now open for enrollment</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/meditation-teacher-training">Learn more and enroll here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
15 min
Truth Meditation
<p>This week’s episode is a guided meditation designed to help you speak your truth. We work with a guided imagery meditation that helps you to release any gunk or debris from the communication center that may be holding you back from speaking your truth and communicating with ease.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Support Mindful in Minutes</strong></u></p><p><u>Join MIM on Patreon here</u></p><p>-Get monthly bonus meditations and live practices, plus all episodes add free and intro free plus other perks on Patreon</p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Minutes-Meditation-Practices-Connection/dp/076038214X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I4QFCZ5XATDN&amp;keywords=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minutes&amp;qid=1678305314&amp;sprefix=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minute%2Caps%2C102&amp;sr=8-1">Order Kelly's Book here</a></p><p><u><strong>Meditation TT</strong></u></p><p>40-Hour Meditation Teacher Training is now open for enrollment</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/meditation-teacher-training">Learn more and enroll here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
13 min
Acceptance Meditation
<p>This week’s episode is inspired by those times that life has thrown something you way that is less desirable and you have to work through. This guided meditation helps you accept those things that you cannot control and help you cultivate patience while you wait for them to pass.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Support Mindful in Minutes</strong></u></p><p><u>Join MIM on Patreon here</u></p><p>-Get monthly bonus meditations and live practices, plus all episodes add free and intro free plus other perks on Patreon</p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Minutes-Meditation-Practices-Connection/dp/076038214X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I4QFCZ5XATDN&amp;keywords=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minutes&amp;qid=1678305314&amp;sprefix=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minute%2Caps%2C102&amp;sr=8-1">Order Kelly's Book here</a></p><p><u><strong>Meditation TT</strong></u></p><p>40-Hour Meditation Teacher Training is now open for enrollment</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/meditation-teacher-training">Learn more and enroll here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
16 min
Evening Relaxation Meditation
<p>An exclusive evening relaxation meditation to help you unwind physically, mentally, and emotionally. This audio is an exclusive release from the 7-day meditation challenge. Get ready to feel relaxed and restored with this meditation.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Support Mindful in Minutes</strong></u></p><p><u>Join MIM on Patreon here</u></p><p>-Get monthly bonus meditations and live practices, plus all episodes add free and intro free plus other perks on Patreon</p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Minutes-Meditation-Practices-Connection/dp/076038214X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I4QFCZ5XATDN&amp;keywords=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minutes&amp;qid=1678305314&amp;sprefix=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minute%2Caps%2C102&amp;sr=8-1">Order Kelly's Book here</a></p><p><u><strong>Meditation TT</strong></u></p><p>40-Hour Meditation Teacher Training is now open for enrollment</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/meditation-teacher-training">Learn more and enroll here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
10 min
Joy Meditation
<p>This week’s episode of the Mindful in Minutes podcast is all about joy. Inspired by an exercise Kelly does with her yoga teacher training students, Kelly uses meditation as a way to cultivate the feeling of pure, undiluted joy. This guided meditation helps you let go of the negative and invite in the positive and unleash your inner joy.</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Support Mindful in Minutes</strong></u></p><p><u>Join MIM on Patreon here</u></p><p>-Get monthly bonus meditations and live practices, plus all episodes add free and intro free plus other perks on Patreon</p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Minutes-Meditation-Practices-Connection/dp/076038214X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I4QFCZ5XATDN&amp;keywords=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minutes&amp;qid=1678305314&amp;sprefix=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minute%2Caps%2C102&amp;sr=8-1">Order Kelly's Book here</a></p><p><u><strong>Meditation TT</strong></u></p><p>40-Hour Meditation Teacher Training is now open for enrollment</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/meditation-teacher-training">Learn more and enroll here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
14 min